COVID vaccines and neuropathy

Posted by cue @cue, Feb 15, 2021

I am 85 with small fiber neuropathy that is getting worse. My neurologist thought it would be a good idea for me to wait with the covid vaccine and not be first in line to see how it affected other people with neuropathy. Probably because it is a new technology. Has anyone had a problem with neuropathy after receiving the vaccine? If so, which vaccine?

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Indeed miraculous especially since the mainstream medicine has said there is NO CURE for neuropathy or erythromelalgia and one must simply live with it and manage it with more side effect "disclaimer"drugs.
If only that miracle would be duplicated for ALL that suffer with neuropathy or tinnitus or any of the pre-existing neurological and quality of life damaging challenges.


I realize that this is a year too late to respond to your question but I wanted to report that I’ve actually had an improvement in my small fibre neuropathy after getting 3 Pfizer vaccinations.

My neurologist was suggesting I start gabapentin or other for pain, but a week after my first vaccination last year, my pain improved 70%. It continued to gradually improve until I had my 2nd vaccination. 1-2 weeks later, my pain disappeared. After my booster, I’m starting to get some return in sensation.

Neuropathy started 7 years ago after a “flu”.

Has anyone else noticed an improvement?


I realize that this is a year too late to respond to your question but I wanted to report that I’ve actually had an improvement in my small fibre neuropathy after getting 3 Pfizer vaccinations.

My neurologist was suggesting I start gabapentin or other for pain, but a week after my first vaccination last year, my pain improved 70%. It continued to gradually improve until I had my 2nd vaccination. 1-2 weeks later, my pain disappeared. After my booster, I’m starting to get some return in sensation.

Neuropathy started 7 years ago after a “flu”.

Has anyone else noticed an improvement?

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Welcome @claireharris, my small fiber peripheral neuropathy numbness has improved some since I had my 2 Pfizer vaccines and the booster but I attribute mine to eating healthier, exercising more and taking a specific protocol of vitamins and supplement for neuropathy. That is great news that you had a 70% improvement in your pain. It sounds like you never needed gabapentin for the pain with your neuropathy?


Yes! I just posted on this thread a few minutes ago. I’ve have a neuropathy for 7 years after a “flu-like” virus, decreased sensation and intermittent pain 1° In my feet. A little decreased sensation in my finger tips. My neurologist had started being firmer about wanting me to start gabapentin or other similar meds.

1-2 weeks after my first Pfizer, my pain was 70% less, and was completely gone after the second vaccine.

After my Pfizer booster at the end of December, I’ve now started getting sensation back, documented today by my neurologist appointment.

She had some non-specific thoughts about why this has happened and other than to say it was a coincidence, couldn’t explain the timing to my vaccinations.

I think it’s more common for people to post deterioration in symptoms than improvements… so I do wonder how many of us are out there?


Welcome @claireharris, my small fiber peripheral neuropathy numbness has improved some since I had my 2 Pfizer vaccines and the booster but I attribute mine to eating healthier, exercising more and taking a specific protocol of vitamins and supplement for neuropathy. That is great news that you had a 70% improvement in your pain. It sounds like you never needed gabapentin for the pain with your neuropathy?

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My neurologist was mainly worried that the pain pathways could be more firmly set and was suggesting a low dose to stay on top of it.

I’d say it was mild heading towards moderate pain but still intermittent.

I’m on supplements as well, exercise and eat healthily, but those are long standing…supplements for almost 3 years.


My neurologist was mainly worried that the pain pathways could be more firmly set and was suggesting a low dose to stay on top of it.

I’d say it was mild heading towards moderate pain but still intermittent.

I’m on supplements as well, exercise and eat healthily, but those are long standing…supplements for almost 3 years.

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I now have no pain, and have recovered more than half of the sensation in my feet.

I do believe my healthy eating, exercise and supplements set the stage for the mRNA vaccine to work whatever magic it did.


Those numbers you reported are important; just not to the "5%" or 100,000 people who are the unfortunate collateral damage that no one appears to really care about, especially if it doesn't affect them or their friends or family.
Are there commercials or mainstream media bombarding the airwaves or circulating written reports of the same collateral damage?🤔🤷🏽‍♀️

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I am not intending to reopen this discussion. My point in that post was that neuropathy is far more common after Covid infection than after vaccine.
Those numbers still hold firmly, and aftereffects can and do happen to mild, moderate and severe cases of Covid alike. If you read through the long-Covid posts here, you see a small sample of the many people whose lives have been drastically affected by long lasting health problems.


I had one dose of the Moderna v in March of 2021 that gave me tinnitus. In June of 2021 I took the steroid Prednisone for a week. I then developed a form of mast cell activation syndrome. A few weeks later I developed dysautonomia which the symptoms were mostly brain fog, fatigue, and paresthesia. After about a month the paresthesia resolved about 90%. It then returned 2 months later. I took the Washington University blood test. Everything read 0 except my IgM vs TS-HDS was 11,000. Normal is <10,000. What might indicate? My symptoms are paresthesia of the feet and occasional short term numbing of hands. I am at the 7 month point of symptoms for paresthesia. About 12 months from the vaccine. My neurologist said it is not certain I have SFN. Has anyone had an experience like this with the vaccine and have paresthesia resolve completely?

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I developed paresthesia After the second Moderna vaccine. Symptoms began with cold hands and feet, Progressed to numbing of the left side of my body including face. It is relatively mild, and has been mild for approximately eight months now. Symptoms are daily and slightly progressive. There is no pain, nor fatigue. Just a feeling of numbness, but I *do* have feeling. It has not impacted strength nor coordination. I have seen two neurologist and both are uncertain because the symptoms change daily. I have nothing to draw back on other than the vaccine, as I had no health issues prior. I continue to take this day by day.
The neurologists have not given me any significant testing because the symptoms are not impacting. Yet, I feel them every day. Linda


My whole family is vaccinated and we also get the annual flu shot, so I am decidedly NOT antii-vax. But how the hell is it that there are so many people on this site (and others) with horrible reactions to this vaccine and there is not a single mention of it in the media, by the CDC, NIH, etc.? Yesterday I had to go on reduced schedule and am only work from home, and I'm possibly on my way to permanent disability. There must be some way that we collectively can get some attention drawn to this issue. I do not want to take it lying down. I have e-mailed Fox News (which I don't watch btw), New York Times, etc. and no response. I e-mailed Dr. Anne Oaklander. I will continue e-mailing other experts (Dr. Paul Offit, Dr. Michael Osterholm) until just one person responds to me and explains how the hell so many people are being injured by this and there is not a single mention of it.

If you have ideas for getting proper attention drawn to this issue, please share it!

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I too am not an anti-vaxxer, but I had a bad reaction to the Pfizer vaccine. It started with tremors in my hands and feet, then fasciculations throughout my body, extreme nausea, brain fog, exhaustion, and numbness in my feet. I'm yet to see a neurologist and I'm suffering every day. I hope you make some headway with the media but unless it's one of the accepted post-vaccine conditions you are likely to not get any attention. No one in legitimate media wants to touch this issue with a 10 foot pole. So the rest of us suffer in silence. I believe it will come out but many years from now when there is no longer any pressure to get people vaccinated. We will never be compensated unless we're recognized and we all signed that indemnity form before getting the jab. And, honestly, no amount of compensation could make up for what I'm going through and the mental anguish. I feel completely broken.


If one already has painful neuropathy or whatever underlying conditions before taking the Covid vaccine, it is not a convincing argument (for lack of a better word) to take a vaccine that could stir up/stimulate the immune system to reignite or possibly worsen the symptoms of that underlying condition. Even if an asymptomatic "underlying" condition exists, it would appear the vaccine is still a LINK to that condition changing from asymptomatic to unfortunately symptomatic subsequently changing the individual's quality of life.

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Yes I was diagnosed with PN in November 2014 within weeks of having a shingles vaccines. About three weeks after my second P vaccine my PN went to my other side and has been so much worse. No I won’t be having my booster

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