Post Interferon Syndrome

Posted by jerbobs @jerbobs, Jan 31, 2018

What is known?

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I did forget to include some of my issues from the treatment that I am concerned may worsen. Swelling of feet and hands,very severe sweating, insomnia which doesn’t happen often but when it does I usually go three nights without sleep-which is pure hell. Vision problems including cataract surgery at age 49. And the dropsies, which I didn’t even relate to this until I read your story.

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Did your dr check to see if hep c active again? I tested negative for 15 years after interferon/ribavirin but came up positive again in 2020. Same genotype, no chance of reinfection


You are not alone. I’m not at all sold on the idea that this vaccine is appropriate for everyone. Possibly not appropriate for anyone. The side effects are not rare as they would have you to believe. I am seeking information on whether the first dose of the vaccine could be out of your system so that your body can, once again, reset itself. Please stay as healthy as you can, get fresh air and sunshine and lots of water. I am so sorry this happened to you. Again, you are not alone. Covid can be deadly. But covid can and IS being treated without the vaccine. While I’m grateful that a vaccine was developed, I’m not convinced it was necessary for our health. And I can think of a few billion reasons why…

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I took 12 weeks Of Epclusa and tested negative until 24 weeks post treatment when hep c was back with viral load 5times what it was before Epclusa. I had COVID vaccine 3 days after my last negative test ????


Wow. What are the doctors treating you with now?


Vosevi and Ribavirin. Started in August 2021, last pills this Thursday!!


15 years after taking interferon and ribavirin I am still having problems with memory. Is this problem from my treatment?

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Hi John, I was in a trial in South Australia in 1998 to 1999, I had to inject my stomach or thigh 3-4 times a week for nearly a year, since then I have been diagnosed with Rheumatoid arthritis, I have chronic headaches and a memory like a 90 year old


I am not sure how to say this, but I am very thankful to see so many others with similar issues. Feeling alone and broken with little to no hope in sight has worn me down. The pain has been increasing since treatment ended in 2010. I had to do treatment twice, one was interferon and ribaviron, and the second was interferon incivik and ribaviron. All with nupigen shots.


Since completing this horrible treatment in 2003 within a very short time my life changed for ever. I became diabetic, then severe muscle cramps, Degenerative Joint Disease, Peripheral Neuropathy, Chronic Venous Insufficiency, Peripheral Arterial Disease and of course brain fog. I had my left hip replaced, lower back surgery and I need a lot of procedures for my legs, but the Chronic pain saps the life out a of me. I haven't worked since 2011 now disabled since 2014. I could go on but what I really like is my life back, I always worked I started at the age of 6 and I'm so lost not working. Not to mention medical bills and the sad part a lot of Doctors don't even no about this


And because no matter how shitty I feel, nothing is worse than not having enough money to live on.

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I took 12 weeks Of Epclusa and tested negative until 24 weeks post treatment when hep c was back with viral load 5times what it was before Epclusa. I had COVID vaccine 3 days after my last negative test ????

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There are reports of the shot "turning on" hepatitis and other preexisting viruses. 😞


Hi Krista,
this is just so wrong. doctor's here in Lexington KY are acting like it doesn't exist and that I am an hypochondriac. My life is so horrible and painful that I would rather God took me out. interferon re-wired my immune system n have CVID...lifetime infusions. My bones are dwindling and have a lot of steel in 3 different area's of my body and more to come shortly. No one will help me n I am ready to give up on life! I am a RN and have a master's degree and can't hardly wipe my own bottom some days. who can help us, pls, i need help!!!

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How are you getting along these days?

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