Chronic Pain members - Welcome, please introduce yourself

Posted by Kelsey Mohring @kelseydm, Apr 27, 2016

Welcome to the new Chronic Pain group.

I’m Kelsey and I’m the moderator of the group. I look forwarding to welcoming you and introducing you to other members. Feel free to browse the topics or start a new one.

Why not take a minute and introduce yourself.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Chronic Pain Support Group.

Doctors are thinking it's "mechanical" for lack of a better word. So, I will have a lumbar puncture and MRA to measure blood flow to the brain and spine.


@sprinrosa64 If you're up for it, do you mind sharing any tips from the book that you feel might help others on Connect? Thank you.

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Rachel , this book has much info from understanding different pain , how our nervous system works , to worksheets to track your pain, to suggestions on how to look at it. It is written so one can understand it. I would suggest anyone who is trying to tackle pain this is a must read


Hi, I've been a chronic pain sufferer with fibro, deteriorated discs & other back/neck issues for several decades. I've found massage and acupuncture to be helpful as well as swimming twice weekly. I'm not interested in going to a pain clinic where I'd be given narcotics and have to go to see the provider monthly.


Hi, I've been a chronic pain sufferer with fibro, deteriorated discs & other back/neck issues for several decades. I've found massage and acupuncture to be helpful as well as swimming twice weekly. I'm not interested in going to a pain clinic where I'd be given narcotics and have to go to see the provider monthly.

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Welcome, @smartgirl. Swimming is such a great activity for people living with pain. Good for you.

Your mention of fibromyalgia and back and neck issues made me think of connecting you to others in these groups and discussions. Check out these links:
- Spine Health group
- Have you found anything to successfully treat fibromyalgia pain?

Have you considered a pain rehab program that doesn't rely on medication solutions?


Hello all I am suffering horribly I have had a total of 6 back surgeries 5 lumbar lower lumbar fusion and most recently cervical neck fusion. I am now much worse after cervical fusion. I cannot sleep more than 3 to 4 hours and then awake from the pain in my shoulders neck arms hands and fingers excruciating pain… It is constant 10 24/7… I have tried opiate's and Baclofen and Lyrica…just got a Boston Scientific stimulator in my cervical region yesterday… I was hopeful but woke in same horrible pain again after 5 hours rest…had to reach for my Percocet immediately and Baclofen… Doctor seems to think I have CRPS and Carpel tunnel and ulnar nerve damage as well. Nothing is helping except the pin meds provide some relief. But he wants me off the pain meds and has tried twice unsuccessfully…. Feeling very frustrated and hopeless…Please HELP…
My hands and fingers feel like balloons and on fire every morning and neck and shoulders stiff as a rock 24/7 but mornings are the worst.


Hello!! 🙂 I'm Karen and a big part of the Neuropathy discussions already. So grateful to have found an additional group of friends and supporters! I look forward to being able to pour out some encouragement to y'all and vice versa. I'm 31, live in SC where it's wonderfully warm and I love life. Not all days are great, but each day is a gift and I'm thankful for every moment I can function and participate in the activities I love. I love the outdoors and have grown up as an athlete, but have slowed down over the last 6 years - basketball, figure skating, running, cycling, kayaking, hunting, fishing etc etc. I teach children twice a week and have a deep love and passion for reaching people all across this globe. I'm a 4th year college student, finishing up my bachelors degree then continuing on to my masters in archaeology, may even pursue a Ph.D?! After years of suffering, I've finally been diagnosed with idiopathic small fiber neuropathy (SFN), ALS type 4, and Complex Regional Pain Syndrome type 2. On top of that, I'll be authentic and admit to battling anorexia for 22 years now for various reasons; I saw a board about it which I intend to jump on also. Ultimately, I'm very thankful for answers and all of you here who've encouraged me more than you'll ever know. Sending all my good thoughts and vibes to each one of you!! The struggles are real, but your strength and perseverance are greater!!! 🙂


Hello all I am suffering horribly I have had a total of 6 back surgeries 5 lumbar lower lumbar fusion and most recently cervical neck fusion. I am now much worse after cervical fusion. I cannot sleep more than 3 to 4 hours and then awake from the pain in my shoulders neck arms hands and fingers excruciating pain… It is constant 10 24/7… I have tried opiate's and Baclofen and Lyrica…just got a Boston Scientific stimulator in my cervical region yesterday… I was hopeful but woke in same horrible pain again after 5 hours rest…had to reach for my Percocet immediately and Baclofen… Doctor seems to think I have CRPS and Carpel tunnel and ulnar nerve damage as well. Nothing is helping except the pin meds provide some relief. But he wants me off the pain meds and has tried twice unsuccessfully…. Feeling very frustrated and hopeless…Please HELP…
My hands and fingers feel like balloons and on fire every morning and neck and shoulders stiff as a rock 24/7 but mornings are the worst.

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I am so sorry to hear that you are in such pain.


Hello all I am suffering horribly I have had a total of 6 back surgeries 5 lumbar lower lumbar fusion and most recently cervical neck fusion. I am now much worse after cervical fusion. I cannot sleep more than 3 to 4 hours and then awake from the pain in my shoulders neck arms hands and fingers excruciating pain… It is constant 10 24/7… I have tried opiate's and Baclofen and Lyrica…just got a Boston Scientific stimulator in my cervical region yesterday… I was hopeful but woke in same horrible pain again after 5 hours rest…had to reach for my Percocet immediately and Baclofen… Doctor seems to think I have CRPS and Carpel tunnel and ulnar nerve damage as well. Nothing is helping except the pin meds provide some relief. But he wants me off the pain meds and has tried twice unsuccessfully…. Feeling very frustrated and hopeless…Please HELP…
My hands and fingers feel like balloons and on fire every morning and neck and shoulders stiff as a rock 24/7 but mornings are the worst.

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Are you seeing a pain mgt specialist?


I received a liver back in April and developed a persistent pleural effusion that led to a right thoracotomy and decortication in August. I’ve had chronic lower back pain for twenty years that I hardly feel because it is eclipsed by the pain in my right chest. Taking a normal breath is excruciating. My arm and shoulder constantly ache and burn and I’ve lost much range of motion. BooWhoo eh? Cheers to y’all! I’ll be lurking about these parts as long as I’m able.


For everyone talking about dealing with migraines, you may be interested in joining this discussion:
- Migraines

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Should I use this Mayo Connect for migraine or contact Dr. Cutrer, my migraine doctor?

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