I was recently diagnosed with Bronchiectasis.
I was recently diagnosed with Bronchiectasis. No symptoms yet just starting different tests- another CAT scan, pulminary function test, and possible bronchoscopy. Any advice/suggestions would be greaty appreciated. Thank you!
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Hi @valerie613, great to hear that you have an appointment at Mayo Clnic Rochester. I’m tagging fellow members who I believe are or have been bronchiectasis patients at Mayo Clinic, like
@windwalker @jenblalock @auntnanny @migizii @joan912 @linda272 @bluesplashgirl who can tell you more of what you might expect.
Will this be your first time to Rochester, MN?
I'll just share my experience at Rochester. I had an appt without any testing being sent there. My pulmonologist is Dr Teng Moua (and I like him very much). They did a cat scan, diagnosed bronchiectasis and Dr Moua had sputum tests done --then he set me up with a nebulizer, meds, antibiotics, etc. And I was there only overnight in a Hotel. It wasn't at all a long session and I'll be really interested in how they treat your problem -- if you would share after you've been there. It's a fabulous place and I think you will be greatly impressed.
Thank you for your reply. I am thinking one day there should be enough, unless I hear otherwise from fellow Mayo Clinic patients. I will share my experience after I have been there as it is not until the end of October.
I was at Mayo recently for a second opinion, as well. The intake person/doctor spent about an hour with me and then sent me on my way, with several pieces of literature. She agreed with the first diagnosis of "mild bronchiectasis.'
Hi Valerie, this is migizii….when I had my first appointment at Mayo, Rochester it lasted one day. It included time with an infectious disease doctor, a CT scan, pulmonologist appointment, and meeting with a respirologist to teach me how to nebulize, etc….I did not know I had bronchiectasis when I went there, but was seeking a second opinion as our local clinic could not figure out what was happening. It turned out I had bronchiectasis for two years (as the pulmonologist reviewed old bronchoscopies) but the local doctors had no idea. The pulmonologist at Mayo did not realize I was unaware of the diagnosis as the discussion started in a manner that assumed I had known. When he realized I had no idea, he was very kind and walked me through everything. I hope you will have an excellent experience. They were very helpful, kind and compassionate.
Thanks for your reply. I am seeing Dr. Chalmers and I know they have me scheduled for blood tests first. Did you have blood tests as well? Now I know how I can schedule my flight home. Thank you.
I didn't have a blood test. You might want to call them directly to see how long your appointments might be. They had access to all my health records, which might be one reason why I did not need additional tests. Good luck! Dr. Chalmers is very personable and helpful.
@kaykuz posted a message about the progression of her bronchiectais in hopes of finding support from others in the group. Here is her message, shared with her permission:
Hi Sue...I have been on the site for a while. For some reason I can't find how to post and this would be too long I think....Anyway I wanted to ask you a few questions...I was diagnosed with Bronchiectisis and MAC 6 years ago....I took the big 3 for a year and did well...But now MAC has returned....Just had a cat scan and sputum cultures....My scan a year ago Oct 22 nd had no change and I was so happy....I have had 5 flare ups since Nov of last year.. and I think that caused damage to my lungs as the scan showed the source of infection was the right middle lobe....bronchial wall thickening, bronchiolitis in both lungs. complete chronic atelectais of the right middle lobe with a few new clusters of bronchiolitis in bilateral lower lobes... Just did a sputum culture and he wants to see if MAC still there....I am sure it is....Then he wants me to see the the ID Doc....which I have seen twice...last two years...not this year.
He also has suggested the vest.....I do not cough up mucus or cough unless I have a flare up....Did you ever do the vest? I have done the 7% for two years along with albuterol. I think I'd rather go on the meds than the vest.....
My doctor is at Cleveland Clinic and I also have a pulmonary doc in Fl where we winter for 7 months...
Thank you for your time and I hope to hear from you...
If anyone (especially long-time bronchiectasis people and vest users) are willing to reach out, I am sure she would appreciate it. Please tag Kaye by including @kaykuz in your post so she will be sure to see it.
@kaykuz. I don’t know how helpful I can be as I have not experienced MAC or NTM infections, to date, with my bronchiectasis. I have had this diagnosis since 2016 and my pulmonologist recommended putting me on the vest due to very little sputum production and a few exaberation episodes. I use it twice daily along with albuterol and 7% nebulizing solution. It takes up time in my day, but from what I read about on this site, I would much prefer this regiment to the medications for treating a MAC or NTM infection as people say it’s very hard on your body. We all have to make our own choices regarding treatment decisions and I wish you the best along your journey.
Do you use an albuterol inhaler or nebulize a solution of albuterol to open your lungs?