Thyroid? Or something else? Constant internal shakiness

Posted by amtxo1989 @amtxo1989, Feb 26, 2018

Going on 2months now everyday non stop. Sometimes mild and im able to ignore it but over the hours of day it becomes more severe and causing my heart rate to go up and my blood pressure to go very high (170/99) its episodic. Ive been to hospital for it 3 times for it and received no treatment as my vitals slowly return to normal. Xanex helps me feel calm but does not help the shakiness just helps me not get upset about it. Am only 28 years old and hypothyroid. I have never had symptoms like this in my entire life just started out of nowhere. Iam in good sTate of mind and aware of what's happening when the episodes happen. So far my doctors are clueless.

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In reply to @olivesn "What is PN?" + (show)

What is PN?

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@olivesn, PN is peripheral neuropathy.


Hi, I often experience the internal trembling in the morning and for a little while after i get into the day, then I seem to forget about it or it dissapears ''or something''. I put it down to the night instinct experiences whilst dreaming, sometimes I can be cold when I kick the covers off. I have learned to accept that it's an instinctive happening and I pray a little and Trust God, ''My Blood pressure was high this morning '' so I use my medication and deep nostril breathing. God Bless '' wish you well..


Hi rathdowney. I hope you are well. Praying for you. I have trembling in my legs . My is from chronic fatigue syndrome. I also accept it. Praying for you.


Please if you find anything about what is causing the internal shakiness or tremor please share i have this but specially in my head and like chest kind of and sometimes it is very strong, been to neurologist, internist, endocrinologist, and nobody knows what it is or where does it comes from.

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Hi there, have you figured out the cause of your internal tremors since you posted over a year ago? I’ve been getting them as well for about 6 months now. Mainly in my chest area, but can sometimes feel the jolts in my back, by my sternum, and the back of my head. These mainly happen when I’m sitting or laying down, not so much when I’m up walking around. I’ve had an EKG, holter monitor, and an echocardiogram in the last 2 weeks, and they see nothing wrong with my heart. So frustrating. Nobody understands 😞


Hi, I'm just wondering you ever got a diagnosis? I am experiencing the exact same thing, internal tremors when I'm sleeping, only in my trunk and head. I don't feel them in my limbs. I also feel the need to get up and move around and this definitely helps.

No one can figure out what's wrong . All my blood work is fine, and indicate no thyroid issues but am in Peri menopause. Started estrogen and progesterone but hasn't helped.

I'm starting to worry about MS or Parkinsons but apparently I don't have any of the other symptoms.

It's all very frustrating and scary.

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Hi there, have you figured out what’s causing your tremors since you posted a year ago?? I get them as well in my trunk and back of head. I do have Hashimotos, but not sure if that’s what causing these issues. They happen when I’m sitting or laying down, especially at night. I’ve had an EKG, holter monitor, and echocardiogram, and nothing comes up with problems with my heart.


Hi there, have you figured out what’s causing your tremors since you posted a year ago?? I get them as well in my trunk and back of head. I do have Hashimotos, but not sure if that’s what causing these issues. They happen when I’m sitting or laying down, especially at night. I’ve had an EKG, holter monitor, and echocardiogram, and nothing comes up with problems with my heart.

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Hello @caseyn2020, Welcome to Connect. I see you were asking both @dalmdal and @khali if they have discovered what might be causing their internal tremors. I tagged them in my post in case they didn't see your question. I did find a couple articles discussing the connection of tremors with Hashimoto's Thyroiditis that may provide some answers for you.

-- Adverse Reactions, Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, Gait, Balance and Tremors:
-- What Is Hashimoto's Encephalopathy?:

Have you thought about seeking help at a major teaching hospital or health facility like Mayo Clinic?


Hi there, have you figured out the cause of your internal tremors since you posted over a year ago? I’ve been getting them as well for about 6 months now. Mainly in my chest area, but can sometimes feel the jolts in my back, by my sternum, and the back of my head. These mainly happen when I’m sitting or laying down, not so much when I’m up walking around. I’ve had an EKG, holter monitor, and an echocardiogram in the last 2 weeks, and they see nothing wrong with my heart. So frustrating. Nobody understands 😞

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Not yet but I think is related to my Thyroid nodules snd the autoimmune attack on it and shedding of the hormones from it


Maybe nodules in thyroid been attack and shedding making you hyper snd the shakiness, that is what happen to me


Hello @caseyn2020, Welcome to Connect. I see you were asking both @dalmdal and @khali if they have discovered what might be causing their internal tremors. I tagged them in my post in case they didn't see your question. I did find a couple articles discussing the connection of tremors with Hashimoto's Thyroiditis that may provide some answers for you.

-- Adverse Reactions, Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, Gait, Balance and Tremors:
-- What Is Hashimoto's Encephalopathy?:

Have you thought about seeking help at a major teaching hospital or health facility like Mayo Clinic?

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Thank you so much!
Yes, I have thought about looking into Mayo Clinic, but just don’t have the funds right now and not sure what insurance will cover.
I have so many other issues than just this, so I feel like it’s just an overwhelming amount of symptoms to cover


Thank you so much!
Yes, I have thought about looking into Mayo Clinic, but just don’t have the funds right now and not sure what insurance will cover.
I have so many other issues than just this, so I feel like it’s just an overwhelming amount of symptoms to cover

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@caseyn2020 hello. Have you just thought about a university hospital or major medical center in your state? When i got so sick with my autoimmune disease, no one at the local hospital knew anything about it. My husband called the university hospital near us, tried to explain everything going on, and asked for help. At the time, i was too sick to transfer, so the university doctor explained the use of high dose steroids, which i was given over several nights. When i was ‘with it’ enough, i went to the university hospital. Thank heavens! The neurologist there directs the care i receive in my town. University hospitals have higher levels of doctors than do local hospitals.
Can you at least call the medical center/university hospital and see what they say?

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