Living with Neuropathy - Welcome to the group

Welcome to the Neuropathy group.
This is a welcoming, safe place where you can meet other people who are dealing with neuropathy. Let’s learn from each other and share stories about living well with neuropathy, coping with the challenges and offering tips.

I’m Colleen, and I’m the moderator of this group, and Community Director of Connect. Chances are you’ll to be greeted by volunteer patient Mentor John (@johnbishop) and fellow members when you post to this group. Learn more about Moderators and Mentors on Connect.

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@pixiejacq, unfortunately, in my experience, general pain relievers don't do much for neuropathy pain. Nerve pain generally requires a different type of medication. There are a few different options out there. You will get different opinions from different people regarding each of those options. Your best choice is to sit down with a doctor that you trust and who listens to you and discuss which medication choice might be right for you. Talk to your doctor about your concerns and let him know that you want the option to stop taking the medication if you feel that it is not worth the consequences or side effects.

I would also make sure they are checking for additional complications. Sometimes, the doctor will see that we are a diabetic and assume that that is the only reason behind or neuropathy. However, there can be many other things contributing to an increase in nerve pain. It never hurts to rule things out. See if you can notice if anything makes your pain subside, even just a tiny bit. That's great information! A pain specialist might be able to take that information 2 suggest other options that also might help relieve the pain. I find that getting in the pool it's good for my body. But I had to experiment. If I flipper kick, it increases my pain and swelling. But if I use a jog belt in the water and only pull with my arms and do stretching, my body responds very well.

I know I'm not giving you specific answers, and I'm sorry that I cannot. I, personally, have not yet tried Cymbalta. I went on 300 mg of Gabapentin twice a day to help relieve the muscle spasms I was having. I seem to handle it just fine and I know there are others who have not had the same experience. It really is trial and error. I'm so sorry you're going through this.

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Thank you for your response! Since I'm new to seeking help (finally) and have recently gone on Medicare, I have to find a doctor I feel comfortable with. You've been very helpful. I did struggle with CRPS about 18 years ago after a foot surgery. This lead to "Lipodermatosclerosis" in both legs - at least that's what was determined after tests to rule out venous insufficiency. So, your suggestion to see if there is anything else causing the neuropathy makes sense. I haven't been to a doctor to discuss any of these issues for years until I went to an internist last week who suggested the Cymbalta. I should also mention that I sought his help just recently after years of barely manageable pain because I dropped a can on my foot and broke it and it re-activated the CRPS which in turn made the neuropathy 100% worse. I know my issue is complicated, but all comments are welcome and so appreciated.


Hello, my name is Sean, I’m from Weirton West Virginia. I’ve been suffering with type 2 diabetes and neuropathy for several years . I’m trying to find out if there are other ways to heal this . I’ve been having all kinds of medication at it . And it is still getting worse .


Yes, I take 60 mg of Cymbalta in the morning. 600 mg of Gabapenten the rest of the day. No pain. Remember though, everyone is different.


I take my gabapentin first thing in the morning without food & then I wait a little & eat & then take the Cymbalta.
I have no energy when I first get up but after the Cymbalta I am able to function. It does not take the pain away but I guess it gives you motivation. My dr. explained it to me as the gabapentin slows the brain down & the Cymbalta sends a message to your brain that your feeling better. The Gabapentin does make me forgetful & short term memory & that is the side effect I see.
I'm like you, afraid of new meds. I get discouraged at times but keep on moving. I am 71 years old. I notice humidity effects me bad & I am feeling that today . I live in Az.
Hope I was of some help.
God bless


Hi! I'm new here too! I've not heard of your diagnosis, can you tell me how it was diagnosed please?

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It was dx by skin punch (biopsy of three parts of my leg, ankle, just above the knee and thigh) and a antibodies test which showed higher level of TS-HDS antibodies.


Hi John, thank you for your quick response and the links. I'll spend time today reading through them. I'm not familiar with "complementary or integrative therapies" - what are those?

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If you read the heading on the Living Well with PN link in my earlier post, it will explain it much better than I can. Here's the link again - — Living Well with PN:


Hello, my name is Sean, I’m from Weirton West Virginia. I’ve been suffering with type 2 diabetes and neuropathy for several years . I’m trying to find out if there are other ways to heal this . I’ve been having all kinds of medication at it . And it is still getting worse .

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Hello Sean @shayes, Welcome to Connect. You are off to a good start here on Connect which is a great place to learn what others have shared about their neuropathy journey and what has helped and not helped. There is another discussion you may want to read through and learn what others have shared:

Member Neuropathy Journey Stories: What's Yours?:

Here are a couple of my favorite sights to learn more about neuropathy and the different treatments:
-- Foundation for Peripheral Neuropathy:
-- Neuropathy Commons:

You mentioned you also have type 2 diabetes. Have you made any lifestyle changes to help with your diabetes which may also help with your neuropathy?


Cymbalta did nothing for me but tear my stomach up I take Gamapetin 4200 mg’s
900 mg 5 times a day I have a Boston Scientific Implant and I still can’t get any relief I too ask for a better pain medication
and was denied it by my pain doctor and my Neurologist its totally ridiculous so what do you do just deal with the pain 24-7 I bet if they had the symptoms they would be on something to give them some relief it’s like pulling teeth to get help. The drug attic’s in our communities did this by selling them on street and now it’s makes hard for people that actually need it to get the pain meds that we all so need


Hi, my name is Rick. I started having some numbness in my toes in 2015 when I was 72. The numbness gradually continued into my feet. The feeling was like I was wearing socks all the time.

In the past year, I can feel some numbness and maybe some weakness from my knees down. I have never had any pain or burning and I can walk/run without any issues.

A neuro doc diagnosed me with PN after minimal testing. I have not had any type of testing to further define the type of PN I have.

With this limited information, are their any thoughts the group can offer concerning my condition?

After 6 years of numbness without any pain, should I expect the pain to start or is there a PN type without pain?

Should I expect the numbness to continue up my legs such that I will need assistance to walk?

What suggestions do you have for me to get further testing?

So glad to find this group. Wishing everyone well.



PN and statin drugs? I had symptoms develop with "wearing socks" effect in feet and lower legs that seemed to coincide with increase in Lipitor from 40mg to 80mg daily as ordered by my cardiologist. I am not diabetic. My cholesterol is not dramatically high and I was taking 40mg for several years, but the cardiologist made the increase. The symptoms onset about two months after the Lipitor increase - cardiologist said it is just coincidence. Has anyone had a similar experience or any insight on potential association of statin drugs and PN? Any alternative medications for cholesterol that you take that reduced or eliminated PN? Thanks!

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