Let’s Go Walking! Join me for a virtual walking support group

Posted by Becky, Volunteer Mentor @becsbuddy, Feb 19, 2020

Many of you living with cancer or an autoimmune disease, like me, deal with daily fatigue. You know that exercise is so important to your health, but it’s so hard. There’s always an excuse: it’s too cold or hot, it’s going to rain or it’s raining, or it’s snowy and icy, or I just don’t want to. I, too, have all these excuses, but I have a new rescue dog who wants to go out and who doesn’t care about my excuses! And I’ve got traction devices for my boots.Now I just need a walking group who will keep me accountable. People who say, ‘let’s go for a walk.'

And I thought: What about my virtual friends on MayoClinicConnect?

Mayo Clinic has an easy 12-week walking program to get us started! Here’s the link:
- Get walking with this 12-week walking schedule https://newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org/discussion/get-walking-with-this-12-week-walking-schedule/

So let’s form a virtual walking group. We can agree to walk every day and encourage each other through Connect. We can walk outdoors, in a mall, or in the red center, or in the hallways of our apartment building.

Who’s in? Who’s going to join me?

Come on, Let’s Go Walking!

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Just Want to Talk Support Group.


Sue, I have missed using the therapy pool the last year I guess. It's my salvation, doesn't heal all ills, but certainly is the center of my healing process. The water temp is 94 and sooooo wonderful as soon as I stick in my big toe. I begin to relax, can feel my body letting go and all my muscles get softer and hug the water. I walk, march, do all kinds of things the PT taught me to do, and used hand weight as well. I got stronger physically and emotionally I got so much healthier. Yes, it's the socialization, but it's also doing something really good for myself, for this body. What a difference in my life.

I have an outdoor pool across the street in my condo complex. It's a good one and I used it for many years, but now I really need the warmer temps and the no sunlight.. I am very fair and burn easily, plus the heat is hard for me.

Symbicort helps me I suppose cause it's a steroid. But, I do well on it I think. I had to use the ventolin yesterday 4 times before the nurses would let me do the stress test. Don't know why this asthma is getting so much worse at this time and causing other problems. Doggone it! I fighting my emotions right now due to the stuff this last month or so and my son's situation. I'm tired of the responsibility of taking care of his meds, and can't get delivered from local pharmacy, just centralized distribution which I will not use and let it mess up his/my schedule. So, I'm on my way to p/u a refill I didn't know was ready and he didn't take yesterday or today....he didn't tell me he got a text that it was ready and so on. I'm asking his mayo nurse who just been assigned to oversee his care, coordiate it at Mayo, to see if she knows who can take over the meds. for me. May be it's gotta; be me.

Hope you get some rest in and keep enjoying the gardening and helping your daughter. I love your garden.....why don't you send a few pics for us to enjoy. I'm still working on getting some to you all. I'll get there one day...maybe.
Blessing, sue and all. Off to pharmacy and crucial care for my UTI. elizabeth think i need a urologist, don't you?

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@ess77 Boy, I know what you’re saying about medications and refills! I told the doctor that it’s my biggest challenge right now! Have you ever gotten the prescription medications thru the mail? My insurance company requires me to use ExpressScripts and they are just great. I get enough for 3 months at a time and a year’s worth of refills before I need a new prescription and they take care of that, too! So ExpressScripts does half of the work and I do half and it’s so much easier! Maybe there is something like it that you could use. Becky


Wow Ginger, Bravo on the walking. I know how hard it is when you are on uneven ground..

I was just looking at my Mom's old milk can in my garden. Its been there for almost 20 years with only one paint job and desperately can use a new coat. Right after we refinish Grandpa's old wheelbarrow and 2 radio flyer wagons - one 68 years old and the other 40.
Yesterday after our Connect meeting, I walked the mile to our daughter 's, helped her organize her garage for a couple hours and walked home.
Today I redid a vegetable garden, restrung the fence, added 3 trellises and planted tomatoes and cucumbers that have been patiently waiting for 3 weeks, then drove to my daughter's and worked on 4 of her windows.
I think I ll take tomorrow off.

My FitBit says I walked over 30 miles this week.

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@sueinmn My goodness, Sue! Marathon Medal coming up! 🙂 You sure weren't keeping track of your "spoons" this weekend, were you? Keep up the good work, and the energy!


@sueinmn My goodness, Sue! Marathon Medal coming up! 🙂 You sure weren't keeping track of your "spoons" this weekend, were you? Keep up the good work, and the energy!

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Today we rest! My daughter is hosting Fathers' Day for 7 of us at her new house, even though she is not moved in yet. But her priorities are right - the gazebo is set up for gatherings, and the sandbox is read for her little nephews, along with an assortment of sand toys and big boxes to play in.


@ess77 Boy, I know what you’re saying about medications and refills! I told the doctor that it’s my biggest challenge right now! Have you ever gotten the prescription medications thru the mail? My insurance company requires me to use ExpressScripts and they are just great. I get enough for 3 months at a time and a year’s worth of refills before I need a new prescription and they take care of that, too! So ExpressScripts does half of the work and I do half and it’s so much easier! Maybe there is something like it that you could use. Becky

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Hello, Becky. I just read your message. I'm leaving now to go p/u antibiotic I need asap for UTI. I spent 8hours last evening at the Mayo ED, again. Went to the Care Spot week-end available med care. The doctor told me I had to go asap to the hospital, that the tests she could do are limited and results she saw were concerning. I needed more help than was available anywhere but hospital.

I sent my PCP 3....THREE - (number of words is very limited, so it was all one message)...messages on his portal Thursday night - he's with a primary care group associated w/a large local hospital system. I used to be only involved with their doctors/hospitals, but after several serious and repeat episodes with incompetent doctors & staff, missed or no diagnoses, etc. I changed all my care to Mayo, except PCP, with whom I've been for 20+ years. He's good and has helped me, but I require more specialized care I get best at Mayo. I'm blessed!!!!!

I still must work with him. It's not working. 3 messages on Thursday night, called Friday morning to get instructions how he wanted to handle the UTI before the week-end. Spoke with his nurse. Never a call back .This is normal. Went to week-end care spot and ended up in hospital.

The doc at Mayo was admitting me, but sent me home, after speaking with 4 specialists, setting me up with a urologist and nephrologist and internist with specialty in nephrology. Protein levels in urine were so high, they quit counting, same with RBC, WBC, Leukacytes, Nitrites, hemoglobin, bacteria....all out of sight and they are very concerned with nephrotic syndrome, leaky kidney, leaking out proteins into the bladder rather than filtering them and sending out to the body to utilize all the goodies. Explains so much. Muscles don't get protein. Extreme fatigue. think of what our body does with the protein from kidneys. I'm apparently not getting the benefits and its damaging many areas. No sepsis in blood, but probably would have by Monday. So, here we go again.

I've been asking, begging PCP, Mayo docs to address the multiple UTI issue. For a year or more. Were these infections indicating this issue was developing???? Something was going on and should have been ck'd out. Wasn't. By anyone. This kind of thing makes me see red! It's happened multiple times with me and Rob and is so unacceptable on many levels. So, now I'm in crisis. I finally get to the doctors who can possibly help. Can cause clotting problems -stroke, heart, lungs. possibly related to problems I've been having the last several weeks.

So, Becky, I'm exhausted, discouraged yet pleased to finally have some positive action and hope this week to get answers. Back in fight mode, my friend. Had to get the adrenaline moving several months ago re my son and the cold turkey withdrawal by a doctor from Klonopin.....still and possibly will for years dealing with the problems from that. Now, I'm fighting for my own issues.

I'll deal with the ordering prescription later this week, after getting us both to multiple doc appts, getting him to a new chiropractor for help, and to massage. He's in pain now, bone on bone, muscle and nerve. much worse and needs help. Meds don't work. Here we go. Such constant long years of fighting to get help.

Time for me to get a mental readjustment! Can't see out the windows. It's been raining since yesterday, I keep the inside cool for breathing, so windows are fogged. Can't see the feeders or birds, certainly can't work with them today, so humid I can't breath well outside even if I had the strength to do anything. So, I read online about different birds, ck'd out a few I'm identifying, and when back from pharmacy, will spend time w/special music, my church services online, and resting this body. Tomorrow begins the fight to get Rob what he needs and to make the appts I need, contact everyone and move forward. Today, I survive and refresh. And, deal with intestinal reaction to IV antibiotic last night! And, clogged toilet!!!!!!!!!! HELP for crying out loud.

blessings all. May you have a lovely, peaceful refreshing day free of anxiety and fighting. And, please pray for the same for me. elizabeth


Hello, Becky. I just read your message. I'm leaving now to go p/u antibiotic I need asap for UTI. I spent 8hours last evening at the Mayo ED, again. Went to the Care Spot week-end available med care. The doctor told me I had to go asap to the hospital, that the tests she could do are limited and results she saw were concerning. I needed more help than was available anywhere but hospital.

I sent my PCP 3....THREE - (number of words is very limited, so it was all one message)...messages on his portal Thursday night - he's with a primary care group associated w/a large local hospital system. I used to be only involved with their doctors/hospitals, but after several serious and repeat episodes with incompetent doctors & staff, missed or no diagnoses, etc. I changed all my care to Mayo, except PCP, with whom I've been for 20+ years. He's good and has helped me, but I require more specialized care I get best at Mayo. I'm blessed!!!!!

I still must work with him. It's not working. 3 messages on Thursday night, called Friday morning to get instructions how he wanted to handle the UTI before the week-end. Spoke with his nurse. Never a call back .This is normal. Went to week-end care spot and ended up in hospital.

The doc at Mayo was admitting me, but sent me home, after speaking with 4 specialists, setting me up with a urologist and nephrologist and internist with specialty in nephrology. Protein levels in urine were so high, they quit counting, same with RBC, WBC, Leukacytes, Nitrites, hemoglobin, bacteria....all out of sight and they are very concerned with nephrotic syndrome, leaky kidney, leaking out proteins into the bladder rather than filtering them and sending out to the body to utilize all the goodies. Explains so much. Muscles don't get protein. Extreme fatigue. think of what our body does with the protein from kidneys. I'm apparently not getting the benefits and its damaging many areas. No sepsis in blood, but probably would have by Monday. So, here we go again.

I've been asking, begging PCP, Mayo docs to address the multiple UTI issue. For a year or more. Were these infections indicating this issue was developing???? Something was going on and should have been ck'd out. Wasn't. By anyone. This kind of thing makes me see red! It's happened multiple times with me and Rob and is so unacceptable on many levels. So, now I'm in crisis. I finally get to the doctors who can possibly help. Can cause clotting problems -stroke, heart, lungs. possibly related to problems I've been having the last several weeks.

So, Becky, I'm exhausted, discouraged yet pleased to finally have some positive action and hope this week to get answers. Back in fight mode, my friend. Had to get the adrenaline moving several months ago re my son and the cold turkey withdrawal by a doctor from Klonopin.....still and possibly will for years dealing with the problems from that. Now, I'm fighting for my own issues.

I'll deal with the ordering prescription later this week, after getting us both to multiple doc appts, getting him to a new chiropractor for help, and to massage. He's in pain now, bone on bone, muscle and nerve. much worse and needs help. Meds don't work. Here we go. Such constant long years of fighting to get help.

Time for me to get a mental readjustment! Can't see out the windows. It's been raining since yesterday, I keep the inside cool for breathing, so windows are fogged. Can't see the feeders or birds, certainly can't work with them today, so humid I can't breath well outside even if I had the strength to do anything. So, I read online about different birds, ck'd out a few I'm identifying, and when back from pharmacy, will spend time w/special music, my church services online, and resting this body. Tomorrow begins the fight to get Rob what he needs and to make the appts I need, contact everyone and move forward. Today, I survive and refresh. And, deal with intestinal reaction to IV antibiotic last night! And, clogged toilet!!!!!!!!!! HELP for crying out loud.

blessings all. May you have a lovely, peaceful refreshing day free of anxiety and fighting. And, please pray for the same for me. elizabeth

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Oh,Elizabeth, you keep getting hit over the head with bad turnips! And you’re always in good spirits. Well, maybe not, but you rarely express bad moods. You are a real champion for yourself and your son. I hope you will take your quiet strength to your upcoming appointments! Something needs to go right for you. And I do hope that you, also, have a bright and peaceful evening (with no more bad turnips)! Becky


Hello, Becky. I just read your message. I'm leaving now to go p/u antibiotic I need asap for UTI. I spent 8hours last evening at the Mayo ED, again. Went to the Care Spot week-end available med care. The doctor told me I had to go asap to the hospital, that the tests she could do are limited and results she saw were concerning. I needed more help than was available anywhere but hospital.

I sent my PCP 3....THREE - (number of words is very limited, so it was all one message)...messages on his portal Thursday night - he's with a primary care group associated w/a large local hospital system. I used to be only involved with their doctors/hospitals, but after several serious and repeat episodes with incompetent doctors & staff, missed or no diagnoses, etc. I changed all my care to Mayo, except PCP, with whom I've been for 20+ years. He's good and has helped me, but I require more specialized care I get best at Mayo. I'm blessed!!!!!

I still must work with him. It's not working. 3 messages on Thursday night, called Friday morning to get instructions how he wanted to handle the UTI before the week-end. Spoke with his nurse. Never a call back .This is normal. Went to week-end care spot and ended up in hospital.

The doc at Mayo was admitting me, but sent me home, after speaking with 4 specialists, setting me up with a urologist and nephrologist and internist with specialty in nephrology. Protein levels in urine were so high, they quit counting, same with RBC, WBC, Leukacytes, Nitrites, hemoglobin, bacteria....all out of sight and they are very concerned with nephrotic syndrome, leaky kidney, leaking out proteins into the bladder rather than filtering them and sending out to the body to utilize all the goodies. Explains so much. Muscles don't get protein. Extreme fatigue. think of what our body does with the protein from kidneys. I'm apparently not getting the benefits and its damaging many areas. No sepsis in blood, but probably would have by Monday. So, here we go again.

I've been asking, begging PCP, Mayo docs to address the multiple UTI issue. For a year or more. Were these infections indicating this issue was developing???? Something was going on and should have been ck'd out. Wasn't. By anyone. This kind of thing makes me see red! It's happened multiple times with me and Rob and is so unacceptable on many levels. So, now I'm in crisis. I finally get to the doctors who can possibly help. Can cause clotting problems -stroke, heart, lungs. possibly related to problems I've been having the last several weeks.

So, Becky, I'm exhausted, discouraged yet pleased to finally have some positive action and hope this week to get answers. Back in fight mode, my friend. Had to get the adrenaline moving several months ago re my son and the cold turkey withdrawal by a doctor from Klonopin.....still and possibly will for years dealing with the problems from that. Now, I'm fighting for my own issues.

I'll deal with the ordering prescription later this week, after getting us both to multiple doc appts, getting him to a new chiropractor for help, and to massage. He's in pain now, bone on bone, muscle and nerve. much worse and needs help. Meds don't work. Here we go. Such constant long years of fighting to get help.

Time for me to get a mental readjustment! Can't see out the windows. It's been raining since yesterday, I keep the inside cool for breathing, so windows are fogged. Can't see the feeders or birds, certainly can't work with them today, so humid I can't breath well outside even if I had the strength to do anything. So, I read online about different birds, ck'd out a few I'm identifying, and when back from pharmacy, will spend time w/special music, my church services online, and resting this body. Tomorrow begins the fight to get Rob what he needs and to make the appts I need, contact everyone and move forward. Today, I survive and refresh. And, deal with intestinal reaction to IV antibiotic last night! And, clogged toilet!!!!!!!!!! HELP for crying out loud.

blessings all. May you have a lovely, peaceful refreshing day free of anxiety and fighting. And, please pray for the same for me. elizabeth

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Elizabeth dearheart, your positivity in the face of this adversity…well, it’s leaving me speechless. And you know that’s not my style. ☺️
I hope you can feel the strength of your friends here in our Connect community lending support and sending prayers your way. Good luck on getting this UTI and kidney issue under control. Love and hugs! Lori


I admire the strength of all of you! You continue to inspire me. My daughter was home for the first time since January 2020. So nice to have someone to conveniently talk with, walk miles and miles with and tell stories with. Time passed so quickly, she has returned home and I now need to stay in the groove of pushing to get more steps in each day. My foot, although healed, swelled badly one day. I learned that compression hose is best on hot/humid days regardless of the struggle to get them on.
Getting back in touch!


What a bummer! Our Y just reopened this week for maintenance use of the therapy pool 4 times a week. Maybe soon for you?

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They opened it to Silver Sneakers, which I am not a member of….so more waiting….will check back in a month or so.


They opened it to Silver Sneakers, which I am not a member of….so more waiting….will check back in a month or so.

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Can you "sneak" into the Silver Sneakers program or another comparable one through your health insurer


I admire the strength of all of you! You continue to inspire me. My daughter was home for the first time since January 2020. So nice to have someone to conveniently talk with, walk miles and miles with and tell stories with. Time passed so quickly, she has returned home and I now need to stay in the groove of pushing to get more steps in each day. My foot, although healed, swelled badly one day. I learned that compression hose is best on hot/humid days regardless of the struggle to get them on.
Getting back in touch!

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How wonderful to have your daughter home again! During Covid, I managed to get more walking in by talking with my usual walking companions by phone while we walked in our own towns. Is there any way you can safely do this with your daughter, even once or twice a week?
Have you seen or tried the zipper compression hose? I think several people on Connect have mentioned them.

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