Smile Bringers for Animal Lovers

Posted by fiesty76 @fiesty76, Jan 1, 2021

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@fiesty76 I am no hair or head specialist, but since you asked . . . (watch out now! lol) here are some ideas I have:

Brushing: Many years ago when women all wore their hair long and bathing was much less frequent, women were instructed to brush their hair 100 strokes a day. It turns out this brushing served several purposes. I not only removed hair knots, it removed the dead hairs that had broken off or been pulled out by over-quaffing. It also distributed the oils from the root of the hair shaft to the ends of the hair, helping to reduce the "greasy" look at the scalp and keep the ends more moisturized and healthier. So maybe daily brushing

Shampoo: Check your shampoo to be sure it is not stripping natural oils from your hair. Many people with fine, dry, flyaway hair use baby shampoo for the gentle cleaning it provides. You are not cleaning crude oil off your scalp.

Conditioner: Check your conditioner to be sure it is providing good moisture. When applying conditioner, do not apply it to your scalp; only apply it from the middle to the end of your hair shaft. That is where it is needed and will do the most good. If applied to your scalp it may actually close the pores and interrupt the proper function of the pores on your scalp.

Blow Drying: Do you have to blow dry your hair? Can you "wash and wear"? By that I mean, comb it out and let it dry naturally? If you do need to use the blow dryer, use it on low setting and go over each area several times. Keep the dryer moving and direct it toward the scalp rather than the ends of your hair. Once your scalp is dry your hair will be also.

Product: You might have better luck with a spray-on gel used before you blow dry instead of the VO5. However, if it is working for you, do what works.

Please be aware these are just my ideas with no basis from professional hair training or experience. If anyone else knows better suggestions, please share. Thank you. Happy Hair and Hoppy Hares!

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@2011panc @fiesty76 As I age [why?!] my red hair is going silver, not gray. It has never been colored, and is naturally wavy [never had a perm or chemical treatments]. The health of my hair seems to rely on decent quality of water wherever I lived, and my general health. I try to use non-sulphate shampoos/conditioners, and wash it every five days or so. Often a leave-in conditioner or light oil is used. It is air-dry only [again, have never used blow dryer or curlers]. It is happier being shorter now, although three times I have grown it out to my waist, over the years. Hope this helps your situation.


Well, I think you, fiesty76,.....uh,oh....I just ck'd. I'm the one who began this hair color diversion with my red-head remarks. No apology, my friend. I take full responsibility. We've had a great time with our hair, obviously, all our lives. It's an important part of our personality, our self-awareness, self-confidence, and even relationships! Plus, I haven't laughed such good belly laughs in a long time. Thanks for starting this thread.....Blessings on this kooky day! Elizabeth

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@ess77, @2011panc,@ginger, Wanted to add that I just found a slew of Mayo posts in my Spam folder...Again! Boo! Hiss!! Have sent them back to reg. e-mail so hoping firefox "gets the message that these are Important".. Time will tell.

Elizabeth, I agree! Our "hair shares" have been fun! So thankful to have a place to share and often come away with smiles and laughter. Best tonic ever for lightening whatever the load! Who would have predicted that an "off the wall" question about hair taming could lead to such good ideas!!! Luv these forums and members!!!!

@gingerw, Interesting comment about the water quality! Makes a lot of sense even though I'd never considered its effects on hair. I live in a very "hard water" community and used to comment to daughter on visits that her "soft water" made my skin almost feel "silky" and much improved hair management. I bought a large quantity of bottled water...just in case... and may give a few of those bottles a try at next shampoo. Also never looked for "leave-in conditioners" Ahh, we're never too olde to learn!

Another aside, Ginger, is that years ago, I discovered that when my hair was short, my spirits were brighter; longer locks drew down my "happy-go-lucky" attitude...weird I know but true for me. Our quirks are "what make us who we are", yes?

Wishing a very good day and smiles to all!


@fiesty76 Hmm, what is a "red-haired personality"? I was a redhead growing up, my husband and daughter still consider me to have red hair although now it is more of a light auburn, that which is not yet grey. I was the only red-head in my family and I had a family of 5 cousins, all red-heads, except one. I always felt like somehow there was a mixup there, although the brunette and I were years apart.
My red hair was pretty much like Nicole Kidman's, but I had freckles too. She may have them but cover them up.

I feel flattered that my daughter often puts a reddish tinge in her brown hair. She and her brother have coloring more like my husband's.

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@contentandwell, Giggles! No idea lol. I think Elizabeth is the "party responsible" for suggesting a "red haired personality" and found the continuing discussions a delight! Thx, @ess77!

Neat that your daughter adds a reddish tinge in honor of her mom! While daughter and one grandson don't have freckles, sil and younger gs do and shades of red vary, too.


@ess77, @2011panc,@ginger, Wanted to add that I just found a slew of Mayo posts in my Spam folder...Again! Boo! Hiss!! Have sent them back to reg. e-mail so hoping firefox "gets the message that these are Important".. Time will tell.

Elizabeth, I agree! Our "hair shares" have been fun! So thankful to have a place to share and often come away with smiles and laughter. Best tonic ever for lightening whatever the load! Who would have predicted that an "off the wall" question about hair taming could lead to such good ideas!!! Luv these forums and members!!!!

@gingerw, Interesting comment about the water quality! Makes a lot of sense even though I'd never considered its effects on hair. I live in a very "hard water" community and used to comment to daughter on visits that her "soft water" made my skin almost feel "silky" and much improved hair management. I bought a large quantity of bottled water...just in case... and may give a few of those bottles a try at next shampoo. Also never looked for "leave-in conditioners" Ahh, we're never too olde to learn!

Another aside, Ginger, is that years ago, I discovered that when my hair was short, my spirits were brighter; longer locks drew down my "happy-go-lucky" attitude...weird I know but true for me. Our quirks are "what make us who we are", yes?

Wishing a very good day and smiles to all!

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fiesty 76, I found gobs of Mayo Connect posts in my spam! Just now! What's happening think we're being sensored, like Twitter is doing? Really, I truly don't understand and don't know what to do to keep it from happening.

If you do or find out, please let me know. And, they don't show any Mayo identifying pics or logos. Same thing happened some with political emails and I have no idea what's going on. Frustration! A bit of concern.

I have 'Webroot'....Maybe I'll call the Geek Squad for advice? Or call Webroot or someone!!! Just ck'd - another 45 in spam. Wow! If you have ideas, I'm all ears.

Blessings and fun. Elizabeth


fiesty 76, I found gobs of Mayo Connect posts in my spam! Just now! What's happening think we're being sensored, like Twitter is doing? Really, I truly don't understand and don't know what to do to keep it from happening.

If you do or find out, please let me know. And, they don't show any Mayo identifying pics or logos. Same thing happened some with political emails and I have no idea what's going on. Frustration! A bit of concern.

I have 'Webroot'....Maybe I'll call the Geek Squad for advice? Or call Webroot or someone!!! Just ck'd - another 45 in spam. Wow! If you have ideas, I'm all ears.

Blessings and fun. Elizabeth

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@johnbishop John - can you help her like you did me when I had this issue? I remember setting some filters?


@sueinmn - Thanks for the tag Sue! @ess77 @fiesty76 and others having issues with Connect emails going into your spam or junk folders. Here are some discussions that hopefully will help you answer any questions and fix your emails from going into never never land.

- How to add Connect to your Safe Senders List:
- [Tip] Filter your Connect emails into a folder:
- [TIP] Managing these posts in email - Setting notification preferences:


@johnbishop John - can you help her like you did me when I had this issue? I remember setting some filters?

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PLEASE, JOHN! It's continuing to happen now all day! what's up????? HELP.......................Elizabeth


Hello @ess77. I am wondering if you've had a chance to see the post above from @johnbishop to remedy your email situation with Connect emails? Please let John and I know if you have went through those steps and are still having issues.


Hello @ess77. I am wondering if you've had a chance to see the post above from @johnbishop to remedy your email situation with Connect emails? Please let John and I know if you have went through those steps and are still having issues.

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Amanda, I just saw it and am beginning to try the links.

I use Xfinity email, so I googled 'whitelist xfinity emails'. Will see what they say as the other links are for normal email like Outlook or Gmail.

I'm really tired now and going to bed, fighting a bad infection. I'll pick it up in a bit. You're great for helping and I'll be back in touch is an hour or so. Must get a laptop!!! as soon as I feel better, I'm going to Best Buy and get something....anyone have suggestion as to the best for our needs? I want portability, be able to use it upstairs since I spend time up there when I'm having a problem. We'll see what available and not too costly.

Also, buying a Bit watch of some kind.

Again, thanks. You are wonderful....John is a treat! Blessings, Elizabeth


Amanda, I just saw it and am beginning to try the links.

I use Xfinity email, so I googled 'whitelist xfinity emails'. Will see what they say as the other links are for normal email like Outlook or Gmail.

I'm really tired now and going to bed, fighting a bad infection. I'll pick it up in a bit. You're great for helping and I'll be back in touch is an hour or so. Must get a laptop!!! as soon as I feel better, I'm going to Best Buy and get something....anyone have suggestion as to the best for our needs? I want portability, be able to use it upstairs since I spend time up there when I'm having a problem. We'll see what available and not too costly.

Also, buying a Bit watch of some kind.

Again, thanks. You are wonderful....John is a treat! Blessings, Elizabeth

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@ess77 I just found this post from several days ago. About 7 years ago I decided to get a lightweight laptop to free up where and when I can use my computer. My first choice was a Surface Pro. It worked well for about a year and they had to be replaced because the connector socket went bad. The second Surface was an upgrade and worked even better than the first, for about a year. Then it would neither charge nor work off direct current. The third Surface was another upgrade that again lasted about a year. At that point I was tired of having to reprogram a new computer every year and started searching for the best laptop for my use. After many comparisons I decided on a year-old Lenovo model because the newer model had things I didn't want and that were causing some problems for users. I have been using it for 2 years with no problem (except user error) and plan to use it for a good while yet. I encourage you to do some internet searches for: best 2021 laptops; laptop reviews, and specific functions you know you want. One of the sites I always check for big ticket items is consumer reports. Lenovo has been a trusted brand in the top 10 for many years, and I recommend them as one of your first checks. Good luck.

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