Naps: Good? Bad? Does napping work for you?

Posted by JB @wgatap21, Jan 7, 2020

I have been on some meds for General anxiety/depression for quite a while now. I get up every morning with a usual routine...I actually feel most of the time now, but after chores(retired) and doing a couple of things, if I'm bored(but feel ok) I lay down for a nap-sometimes too long maybe(1.5-2 hrs). I never seem to feel refreshed(like the commercials) until I get going. Read about naps, good and bad! Sleep fine at night 6-7 hrs. Dream all the time(never nightmares!). Can't figure out why the blah feeling after a good nap??? Avoid naps???

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I fully agree and, in fact, usuall;y manage two of those naps each and every day.

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I have not done much napping in recent years, but I recall in summers during college when I waitressed that I'd go home tired from work, take a 15-20 minute nap on the couch, then be ready to do something else for the evening.

I also took naps for survival when I had one infant at home with me. With all the nighttime feedings and my baby being such a slow, fussy eater, it would get to be 6:30 or 7 and there's no way I could get up for the day. I'd put myself back in bed and nap till the next feeding.


I have not done much napping in recent years, but I recall in summers during college when I waitressed that I'd go home tired from work, take a 15-20 minute nap on the couch, then be ready to do something else for the evening.

I also took naps for survival when I had one infant at home with me. With all the nighttime feedings and my baby being such a slow, fussy eater, it would get to be 6:30 or 7 and there's no way I could get up for the day. I'd put myself back in bed and nap till the next feeding.

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@lisalucier I never used to nap but now I have to. I have no idea if it's old age, or simply because I do not sleep well. It seems I wake up at around 3:45 most mornings for a bathroom call and then cannot get back to sleep. That happened last night so I went back and napped for over an hour in the late morning. I literally get woozy from lack of sleep.
I really do not like this current state of affairs at all.


Ke.ep naps under i hour or your night sleep will suffer.


Dam! lost my suggestion. do not drink any fluid past 6:00 PM except: 1 cup of banana juice with a few drops of lemon extract for flavor before bed. Rippen the bananas before they develop back on the.m Cit off the ends Take two or three and cut an inch apart. Boil for 20-30 minutes. Strain into a picture with a lid. Refrigerate. It will last 6-7 days. If you drink other things after 6:00 PM you will get up and pee pee. Note: Health tip. Hydrate every other day by drinking 1 glass of water with 1 teaspoon of himalayan pink saturated salt water poured into the water glass (You will solve many heath problems by not being dehydrated.)


Mayo's Pain and Rehabilitation Program teaches that a nap over 30 minutes messes up restorative sleep.


Mayo's Pain and Rehabilitation Program teaches that a nap over 30 minutes messes up restorative sleep.

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Welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect, @healingone. Thanks for the tip on appropriate amount of napping.

Did you learn anything else in that program related to sleep hygiene?


I have been too busy getting my facts for the neurologist on the 12rh for myoclonus Dystonia Thanks. I sleep like a log, normally.


Dam! lost my suggestion. do not drink any fluid past 6:00 PM except: 1 cup of banana juice with a few drops of lemon extract for flavor before bed. Rippen the bananas before they develop back on the.m Cit off the ends Take two or three and cut an inch apart. Boil for 20-30 minutes. Strain into a picture with a lid. Refrigerate. It will last 6-7 days. If you drink other things after 6:00 PM you will get up and pee pee. Note: Health tip. Hydrate every other day by drinking 1 glass of water with 1 teaspoon of himalayan pink saturated salt water poured into the water glass (You will solve many heath problems by not being dehydrated.)

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What does the banana and lemon drink do for you?


I thought it was obvious. It is better than any sleeping pill. Once asleep, deep rem's must take place, because I don;t get up to pee and the cat can't wake me up by licking my face.Let the 2-3 bananas rippen but not turn any black. Chop them up, boil 30 minutes, strain, add a schoshi of lemon extract and drink 1 cup at 1 hr before bed. Go to bed at the same time. No water after 6:00PM No more than a 30-1hr nap in afternoon. Be active in the morning and early after noon, No alcohol for dinner. 1 at noon. Himalayan pink salt 1 teaspoon saturated liquid in a water glass of hot water in morning, Your honey and garlic before breakfast Apple cider vinager with noon meal. berries with breakfast food. Nuts either with berries or without, Chopped sliced apple before lunch. Fresh cooked potatoes, brussrel sprouts, meat breaded eggs from breaded meat poured into post meat cooked pan and poured over potatoes.Dinner with nuts, flax seed oil and cottage cheese, and small salad with avacator oil. yyyyyyyour bnana sleeping potion before bed....But you want frutose corn surup drinks and sandwiches, store bought noon meal and daily chips and beer. I'm 90 yr old heading for 140yrs old. See you in chronic obstructive pullmonary, diabetes, intestinal cohun's disease or just poor eating tumbsones at 60-70 years old. But it is no fun not drinking, smoking and getting high. Choices, choices.


Naps are the new Pilates! Sounds much like me, and I have accepted that I will not be springing out of bed after a full night’s sleep, or a nap. I usually lie down with my two dogs for an hour, sometimes a bit longer. Does more for my depression spending time with dogs who love me unconditionally than therapy. I am on Prozac and have dysthymia. It is what it is. Stretch out, relax. Think, volunteer, pray, read, or yell at the TV news, which is my favorite outlet. My wife feels differently. I think you are fine. I think I’m fine. Convince yourself. Positive thinking...

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I like your attitude...trying mindful meditation(a 10% Happier app)...

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