@lioness we dont have a Walgreens here in Ontario but daughters have friends in the States if we want anything... they used to work in California when younger adults, made lots of friends there. Had a better day today comparatively speaking, yesterday was a write off.... oh and I found an article about Latanaprost and shaking, which I started few months ago but cant read it yet as sorting out other meds and dont think i can take any more bad news 👵🏻 😞
hi cherriann... i have tried dozens, scores of eyedrops over the years and , for me, am still looking for the perfect one... that would soothe my eyes and last til the next time put drops in... but i have not ever tried prescription dry eye drops. if you find systane is working ok, could you still use it while trying another brand a few hours lagter/ - not sure if should use several types - someone on here will know - also if you dont like the new drops, as i have done, thrown them out and some are quite expensive and barely used. good that your vision is generally good ! J.
@lacy2, @cherriann I just happened to see these posts on dry eyes regarding finding an over the counter product.
My experience: One of the side effects of a bone marrow transplant seems to be dry eyes. Fortunately I’ve been able to manage mine with OTC products so far. The worst was at night when my eyelids would stick to my eyes. Trying to get them open was so painful! Daytime, my eyes were burning, gritty, making it difficult to read or be at the computer.
The best by far has been Systane Nighttime ointment! I use it religiously at night. Within the first week of not forgetting a night, my dry eyes improved dramatically. To the point I no longer need drops during the day. My eyes even look like they have a twinkle again. They are definitely healthy looking now.
I think the key is to use it faithfully on a nightly basis. It is goopy and once you apply it, your vision does get blurry so it’s best to just go to bed right away. To apply, I hold out my lower lid just a little and lay a line of the gel along my lower eye lid. The gel melts as you apply it and coats your eye. It doesn’t burn at all and feels really soothing. Just something to consider. Any drug store and usually grocery stores have it in the eye care section. Lori
I'll have to look for the Systane ointment. I liked the first Baush and Lomb one, but not the ones after. Do carry drops with you for times of dry eyes, especially for those hours on the computer.
@lioness we dont have a Walgreens here in Ontario but daughters have friends in the States if we want anything... they used to work in California when younger adults, made lots of friends there. Had a better day today comparatively speaking, yesterday was a write off.... oh and I found an article about Latanaprost and shaking, which I started few months ago but cant read it yet as sorting out other meds and dont think i can take any more bad news 👵🏻 😞
@lacy2 I keep it in the ref6 use to burn some but it doesn't now Glad you had a better day May I ask about what kind of pain you have ,is it your back.? Mine is 2 back fractures started it all Now it's all lower back stenosis herniated disc nerves in groin area fill on fire especially at night Yesterday I walked to much had a bad night 1Hr,sleep ug
@lacy2, @cherriann I just happened to see these posts on dry eyes regarding finding an over the counter product.
My experience: One of the side effects of a bone marrow transplant seems to be dry eyes. Fortunately I’ve been able to manage mine with OTC products so far. The worst was at night when my eyelids would stick to my eyes. Trying to get them open was so painful! Daytime, my eyes were burning, gritty, making it difficult to read or be at the computer.
The best by far has been Systane Nighttime ointment! I use it religiously at night. Within the first week of not forgetting a night, my dry eyes improved dramatically. To the point I no longer need drops during the day. My eyes even look like they have a twinkle again. They are definitely healthy looking now.
I think the key is to use it faithfully on a nightly basis. It is goopy and once you apply it, your vision does get blurry so it’s best to just go to bed right away. To apply, I hold out my lower lid just a little and lay a line of the gel along my lower eye lid. The gel melts as you apply it and coats your eye. It doesn’t burn at all and feels really soothing. Just something to consider. Any drug store and usually grocery stores have it in the eye care section. Lori
@loribmt One other thing for the eyelids A friend told me was get some baby shampoo With a q tip dip in and clean eyelids then with other end rinse then dry its was surprising how good the lids feel
@loribmt One other thing for the eyelids A friend told me was get some baby shampoo With a q tip dip in and clean eyelids then with other end rinse then dry its was surprising how good the lids feel
@lioness That’s a great suggestion for cleaning the outer lids. Thank you! In my case, it wasn’t that my eyelids were crusted shut, the eyeball/inner lid were so dry that they’d stick together during sleep. I had to put drops on my closed lids and work under to finally get my lids free. I also used warm compresses several times a day to stimulate tear production. The Systane Lubricant for Nighttime really was a game changer for me. @jshdma, interesting tip about the omega 3/6/9. I’ll look into that! Thank you.
@lioness we dont have a Walgreens here in Ontario but daughters have friends in the States if we want anything... they used to work in California when younger adults, made lots of friends there. Had a better day today comparatively speaking, yesterday was a write off.... oh and I found an article about Latanaprost and shaking, which I started few months ago but cant read it yet as sorting out other meds and dont think i can take any more bad news 👵🏻 😞
@lacy2, @cherriann I just happened to see these posts on dry eyes regarding finding an over the counter product.
My experience: One of the side effects of a bone marrow transplant seems to be dry eyes. Fortunately I’ve been able to manage mine with OTC products so far. The worst was at night when my eyelids would stick to my eyes. Trying to get them open was so painful! Daytime, my eyes were burning, gritty, making it difficult to read or be at the computer.
The best by far has been Systane Nighttime ointment! I use it religiously at night. Within the first week of not forgetting a night, my dry eyes improved dramatically. To the point I no longer need drops during the day. My eyes even look like they have a twinkle again. They are definitely healthy looking now.
I think the key is to use it faithfully on a nightly basis. It is goopy and once you apply it, your vision does get blurry so it’s best to just go to bed right away. To apply, I hold out my lower lid just a little and lay a line of the gel along my lower eye lid. The gel melts as you apply it and coats your eye. It doesn’t burn at all and feels really soothing. Just something to consider. Any drug store and usually grocery stores have it in the eye care section. Lori
I'll have to look for the Systane ointment. I liked the first Baush and Lomb one, but not the ones after. Do carry drops with you for times of dry eyes, especially for those hours on the computer.
@lacy2 I keep it in the ref6 use to burn some but it doesn't now Glad you had a better day May I ask about what kind of pain you have ,is it your back.? Mine is 2 back fractures started it all Now it's all lower back stenosis herniated disc nerves in groin area fill on fire especially at night Yesterday I walked to much had a bad night 1Hr,sleep ug
@loribmt One other thing for the eyelids A friend told me was get some baby shampoo With a q tip dip in and clean eyelids then with other end rinse then dry its was surprising how good the lids feel
For anyone suffering from dry eye-- omega 3/6/9/ pills (over the counter) work significantly to reduce dryness.
@jshdma how long did it take for the Omega 3/6/9 pills to start alleviating your dry eye symptoms?
It worked immediately. It may vary with the cause of dry eye, but it certainly worked (works) for me.
@lioness That’s a great suggestion for cleaning the outer lids. Thank you! In my case, it wasn’t that my eyelids were crusted shut, the eyeball/inner lid were so dry that they’d stick together during sleep. I had to put drops on my closed lids and work under to finally get my lids free. I also used warm compresses several times a day to stimulate tear production. The Systane Lubricant for Nighttime really was a game changer for me. @jshdma, interesting tip about the omega 3/6/9. I’ll look into that! Thank you.