Down in the dumps again – challenges with adult children

Posted by kdo0827 @kdo0827, Dec 27, 2018

Hi everyone! It’s been awhile since I’ve posted. I started taking Cymbalta and got off the other stuff. I was doing better but the past 2 months or so not so good. I’m struggling with feeling invisible and I’m feeling very unappreciated. I feel my kids only call when they want something or have a problem. They never ask how I’m feeling nor do they try and help. I had a procedure done yesterday and neither one bothered to check on me. Adding this to my depression isn’t good. Do any of you have these same feelings about your kids?What should I do?

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@lioness Being friends with,a nd liking your sons wives is the key to relationship success! My mother-in-law never liked me from day 1! We never had a relationship. From age 13 on, she didn’t know her grandsons either because they never wanted to visit. Her loss

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@becsbuddy yep her loss


@merpreb daughter in law

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2lioness- of course. lol


@macjane Hello Jane,

I would encourage you to call your doctor and mention the symptoms. It could be that you are on too high of a dose and that reducing the dose would be helpful to you and relieve some of these symptoms. On the other hand, perhaps a different med might help with your symptoms. If you are comfortable sharing more: Were you prescribed Remeron to help with sleep?

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Yes. I do need to change doctor.


I’m sorry to hear about ur depression. I’m going thru very similar issues right now. I’m going thru menopause and having a very tough time going with my life right now.


I’m sorry to hear about ur depression. I’m going thru very similar issues right now. I’m going thru menopause and having a very tough time going with my life right now.

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Thank you. I feel for you while you’re going through Menopause. At age 31 I had a total hysterectomy. I was totally unprepared for being thrown immediately into Menopause. Even now 23 years later I will get a hot flash ever so often. Are you taking hormones? Life sure gets tough at times doesn’t it? I’m very thankful for this outlet.


I’m sorry to hear about ur depression. I’m going thru very similar issues right now. I’m going thru menopause and having a very tough time going with my life right now.

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Bioidentical hormones lifted the veil of depression for me with menopause. I can’t recommend them highly enough if you are a candidate. Within hours of applying the patch (when I was 50) I stopped crying. It was incredible. However, here’s the sad part for me - I became sensitive to the hormones and had too many side effects and had to stop after about 5 years. I’m 64 now and look back on my estogen replacement years as a gift really - mood was good, sexual desire was back, positive energy about life.... Now I’m taking supplements and anti-depressant (I have GAD and a bit of ADD) and doing fine. But boy, those hormones were amazing.


@nancyu I agree with you 100%


What side effects did you have from going off hormones I went back on them Only 0.5 per day


What side effects did you have from going off hormones I went back on them Only 0.5 per day

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Headaches (quite annoying), nausea and dizziness. Bad combo.

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