Gratitude Discussion Group

Posted by Debbra Williams, Alumna Mentor @debbraw, Nov 24, 2018

Hi everyone! Just before Thanksgiving @michellegraffradford posted a blog called Gratitude Changes Everything. She suggested three techniques to help incorporate gratitude into our daily lives:

  • Start the Day with Gratitude (before getting up think of three people you are grateful for)

  • Maintain a Gratitude Journal to record times when you are grateful

  • Count Blessings – not sheep! (Review the day and remember moments of gratitude)

Her blogpost was so inspiring that a lot of us decided we wanted to form a Gratitude Group to keep the attitude of gratitude going. The blogpost area is not an ideal space for a big discussion group so I am moving the discussion over here to the “Just Want to Talk” Group. Let’s use this space to share and discuss our Gratitude Journey. I’m going to suggest that we each try to take a minute from the day and post here what has made us feel thankful today. It can be as small as a stranger’s smile on the bus or as large as fulfilling a major life dream – or anywhere in between. We can also discuss how we are doing with the three techniques. Sometimes it is easier to form new habits with support from others.

Michelle's full blogpost is at the link below. You may want to review it or print it out to help get started!

I look forward to hearing from others in the Gratitude Group and to having others join us here! Thanks to those who already shared great stories. If you haven't yet, what gratitude will you share today?!

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Just Want to Talk Support Group.

Well, I was complaining on my post to Lionness, so I need to post something for which I am grateful. There are many things I am grateful for, but most of all today I am grateful for meeting my husband 38 years ago and falling madly in love and trust with him. I don't know that I had ever truly trusted anyone before I met him. All this time we've been in love, even through the hard times, and of course there have been many. You can't live together this long and not get on each other's nerves at times. But we always work through the issues. Love and acceptance of each other as we are and as we aren't is key. He takes such care of me and of our relationship, and I do the same with him. I am grateful to have this wonderful man, and his family in my life.



Thanks for thinking of me Lionness. I'm staying cozy in this weather, although it's playing havoc with my arthritis. I had a bout of cervical radiculopathy on Monday that was excruciating. I haven't had that for quite some time. I'm still seeing my ART chiropractor to get it settled down again. Otherwise, my life is good. I worry about my husband who is in Stage 3 kidney failure he found out. He has been sick for 2 weeks now and has no energy. He sleeps a lot these days. The other day he told me he figures he only has about 5 years od life left. I fear that he's just giving up on living. I think he's depressed, but I can't make him go to the doctor. Sigh . . .

How are you doing? I thought I detected some difficulty in one or 2 of your posts recently. I'm not able to keep up as much as I used to. Let me know how you are doing. Don't float away in all the rain and flooding. LOL

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@gailb No I'm still here I live on the 4th floor if it gets this high we are all in trouble But my arthritis has been acting up in my fingers and cervical I have cervical spondylosis,discogenic disease C4-C7 this rain hasn't helped. Just took a 2hr test on my ears or head I've been dizzy lying down and balance problems Don't know results yet I'm glad your doing well sorry about your husband Can your husband go for walks?,in the next sunshine we have do you play cards or other games ?maybe pull something out of the past he enjoyed and you may get helpWe had a real down pour here in Long Beach Take care


Well, I was complaining on my post to Lionness, so I need to post something for which I am grateful. There are many things I am grateful for, but most of all today I am grateful for meeting my husband 38 years ago and falling madly in love and trust with him. I don't know that I had ever truly trusted anyone before I met him. All this time we've been in love, even through the hard times, and of course there have been many. You can't live together this long and not get on each other's nerves at times. But we always work through the issues. Love and acceptance of each other as we are and as we aren't is key. He takes such care of me and of our relationship, and I do the same with him. I am grateful to have this wonderful man, and his family in my life.

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@gailb Thank you for the update. I had missed you. I am grateful to have you here. I am sorry to hear about your hubby. Guys have this thing about doctors. Sigh. 😞



Thanks for thinking of me Lionness. I'm staying cozy in this weather, although it's playing havoc with my arthritis. I had a bout of cervical radiculopathy on Monday that was excruciating. I haven't had that for quite some time. I'm still seeing my ART chiropractor to get it settled down again. Otherwise, my life is good. I worry about my husband who is in Stage 3 kidney failure he found out. He has been sick for 2 weeks now and has no energy. He sleeps a lot these days. The other day he told me he figures he only has about 5 years od life left. I fear that he's just giving up on living. I think he's depressed, but I can't make him go to the doctor. Sigh . . .

How are you doing? I thought I detected some difficulty in one or 2 of your posts recently. I'm not able to keep up as much as I used to. Let me know how you are doing. Don't float away in all the rain and flooding. LOL

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@gailb I am sorry to hear about your husband What do they do for kidney failure of that type? Is there anything short of a transplant? I think depression is a frequent condition as we age, particularly if a person's health is failing at all. I am very unknowledgeable about kidneys. What causes kidney failure?

What is it about men, they absolutely hate to go to the doctor. My husband is terrible about that. He went for his first visit in over 10 years last year. He took forever to choose a PCP and just recently got a letter that she has left the practice, so here we go again! Thankfully he is in incredible health, no medications or problems at all, but he has begun to feel his age.



Thanks for thinking of me Lionness. I'm staying cozy in this weather, although it's playing havoc with my arthritis. I had a bout of cervical radiculopathy on Monday that was excruciating. I haven't had that for quite some time. I'm still seeing my ART chiropractor to get it settled down again. Otherwise, my life is good. I worry about my husband who is in Stage 3 kidney failure he found out. He has been sick for 2 weeks now and has no energy. He sleeps a lot these days. The other day he told me he figures he only has about 5 years od life left. I fear that he's just giving up on living. I think he's depressed, but I can't make him go to the doctor. Sigh . . .

How are you doing? I thought I detected some difficulty in one or 2 of your posts recently. I'm not able to keep up as much as I used to. Let me know how you are doing. Don't float away in all the rain and flooding. LOL

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Hello @gailb

My mom has been in stage 3 kidney failure for a number of years now. More than 10 years, I'm sure of. Did that five year number come from your husband's thinking or from a doctor? It might be good to go with him for an appointment with a kidney specialist to find out for yourself. Kidney failure does make you tired, and you need to follow a particular diet to keep it controlled. How are you doing with this news?




Thanks for thinking of me Lionness. I'm staying cozy in this weather, although it's playing havoc with my arthritis. I had a bout of cervical radiculopathy on Monday that was excruciating. I haven't had that for quite some time. I'm still seeing my ART chiropractor to get it settled down again. Otherwise, my life is good. I worry about my husband who is in Stage 3 kidney failure he found out. He has been sick for 2 weeks now and has no energy. He sleeps a lot these days. The other day he told me he figures he only has about 5 years od life left. I fear that he's just giving up on living. I think he's depressed, but I can't make him go to the doctor. Sigh . . .

How are you doing? I thought I detected some difficulty in one or 2 of your posts recently. I'm not able to keep up as much as I used to. Let me know how you are doing. Don't float away in all the rain and flooding. LOL

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Gail, I'm so sorry about your husband's health. This must be very difficult. What do the doctors say about the past two weeks that he hasn't felt well? Your cervical radiculopathy sounds like it was very painful. I'm not familiar with it. I have had a very bad experience with a chiropractor so I don't go to one. What does he do for you?


After I saw an ortho doc and saw my most recent x-rays I will not try another chiropractor. I mentioned I had seen one in 2010. No more chiropractors for me either. One look at my recent x- rays was all I needed. They are helpful in some situations and not suggesting either pro or con. Thankful I was proactive. The pain specialist I have been seeing may be one less doctor as this needs more attention than a pain pill.


@parus- Ah oh! Will you be needing surgery?


@parus- Ah oh! Will you be needing surgery?

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@merpreb No surgery. A last resort and no guarantees. Spinal cord appears okay but MRI next Wednesday to be sure and always the insurance issues.


@gailb I am sorry to hear about your husband What do they do for kidney failure of that type? Is there anything short of a transplant? I think depression is a frequent condition as we age, particularly if a person's health is failing at all. I am very unknowledgeable about kidneys. What causes kidney failure?

What is it about men, they absolutely hate to go to the doctor. My husband is terrible about that. He went for his first visit in over 10 years last year. He took forever to choose a PCP and just recently got a letter that she has left the practice, so here we go again! Thankfully he is in incredible health, no medications or problems at all, but he has begun to feel his age.

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Thanks everyone for your support. I'll respond more to each of you later. Right now Trump is declaring a National Emergency on the news! And, I have 2 appointments this morning. One for a mammogram and one for a DexaScan.

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