Gratitude Discussion Group

Posted by Debbra Williams, Alumna Mentor @debbraw, Nov 24, 2018

Hi everyone! Just before Thanksgiving @michellegraffradford posted a blog called Gratitude Changes Everything. She suggested three techniques to help incorporate gratitude into our daily lives:

  • Start the Day with Gratitude (before getting up think of three people you are grateful for)

  • Maintain a Gratitude Journal to record times when you are grateful

  • Count Blessings – not sheep! (Review the day and remember moments of gratitude)

Her blogpost was so inspiring that a lot of us decided we wanted to form a Gratitude Group to keep the attitude of gratitude going. The blogpost area is not an ideal space for a big discussion group so I am moving the discussion over here to the “Just Want to Talk” Group. Let’s use this space to share and discuss our Gratitude Journey. I’m going to suggest that we each try to take a minute from the day and post here what has made us feel thankful today. It can be as small as a stranger’s smile on the bus or as large as fulfilling a major life dream – or anywhere in between. We can also discuss how we are doing with the three techniques. Sometimes it is easier to form new habits with support from others.

Michelle's full blogpost is at the link below. You may want to review it or print it out to help get started!

I look forward to hearing from others in the Gratitude Group and to having others join us here! Thanks to those who already shared great stories. If you haven't yet, what gratitude will you share today?!

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Just Want to Talk Support Group.

Good morning! Today I am thankful that no matter what else is going on in my life, that I still notice the beauty in the little things. The trees look like they have diamonds on them when the sun hits the frost.


Good morning! Today I am thankful that no matter what else is going on in my life, that I still notice the beauty in the little things. The trees look like they have diamonds on them when the sun hits the frost.

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@jodeej Im grateful I moved from the northeast and dont have to drive everyday in the snow,slush I did before, its beautiful to look at ,love this picture thanks


Just love the stories of your kitties, @jenniferhunter! I'd love to see a picture of them.

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@hopeful33250 Here are my kitties and some of my favorite pictures of them. The black tuxedo is my cuddly boy who was a year old when I got him, and the other two are girls. The tabby & white is the smallest at 5 lbs and the kittens are 2 years old now. The tabby was found with her mom and brother in a window well in December when she was small. The calico came from the feral cat colony in Old San Juan, Puerto Rico about 5 months before the hurricane hit there. She was rescued by a group there and sent to a shelter near me where I found her. She is the cat who loves to play in water and who steals things out of my purse, and the one who I found inside my closed dresser drawer. The girls play and chase each other and my tuxedo joins in too. It took them about a month to get used to each other when I brought the new kittens home before they decided they would get along. Recently I set up a photo session with the girls with some real flowers on a quilt, and did some paintings from the photos. They work for free, and are sweet little models if I can catch them in the right moment.


@hopeful33250 Here are my kitties and some of my favorite pictures of them. The black tuxedo is my cuddly boy who was a year old when I got him, and the other two are girls. The tabby & white is the smallest at 5 lbs and the kittens are 2 years old now. The tabby was found with her mom and brother in a window well in December when she was small. The calico came from the feral cat colony in Old San Juan, Puerto Rico about 5 months before the hurricane hit there. She was rescued by a group there and sent to a shelter near me where I found her. She is the cat who loves to play in water and who steals things out of my purse, and the one who I found inside my closed dresser drawer. The girls play and chase each other and my tuxedo joins in too. It took them about a month to get used to each other when I brought the new kittens home before they decided they would get along. Recently I set up a photo session with the girls with some real flowers on a quilt, and did some paintings from the photos. They work for free, and are sweet little models if I can catch them in the right moment.

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@jenniferhunter This is a precious collage! Thank you for sharing their stories and personalities. Our kitters, named Tessie Belle by us, is also a rescue, who loves playing in water, her treats, and asking politely for some of whatever we have for dinner. She sleeps glued to me at night, and has my husband jealous that she shows me more affection. May have to get him his own cat ;))


@jenniferhunter This is a precious collage! Thank you for sharing their stories and personalities. Our kitters, named Tessie Belle by us, is also a rescue, who loves playing in water, her treats, and asking politely for some of whatever we have for dinner. She sleeps glued to me at night, and has my husband jealous that she shows me more affection. May have to get him his own cat ;))

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@gingerw Can you share a picture of your sweet Tessie Belle? I bet if you got another cat, it would also be attached to you. They show affection for the person who feeds and plays with them. The other day my girls were chasing each other and the calico missed on her jump and fell into the water bowl splashing water onto the floor. Then a few seconds later, the tabby streaks in on the chase and slips on the water on the floor and wipes out. They just get up and pretend nothing happened, but I could not stop laughing.


@gingerw Can you share a picture of your sweet Tessie Belle? I bet if you got another cat, it would also be attached to you. They show affection for the person who feeds and plays with them. The other day my girls were chasing each other and the calico missed on her jump and fell into the water bowl splashing water onto the floor. Then a few seconds later, the tabby streaks in on the chase and slips on the water on the floor and wipes out. They just get up and pretend nothing happened, but I could not stop laughing.

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@jenniferhunter All the cats are so cute and sounds like they give you enjoyment I want to get a pet I live alone and had dogs all my life but to much for me now but not ever having a cat I don't know a thing about the care of them @gingerw can either of you enlighten me ?Id appreciate it.


I was hurting so bad this morning but since I'm the one that does our exercises I had to go .Im grateful I did as the stretching made me feel better.


@gingerw Can you share a picture of your sweet Tessie Belle? I bet if you got another cat, it would also be attached to you. They show affection for the person who feeds and plays with them. The other day my girls were chasing each other and the calico missed on her jump and fell into the water bowl splashing water onto the floor. Then a few seconds later, the tabby streaks in on the chase and slips on the water on the floor and wipes out. They just get up and pretend nothing happened, but I could not stop laughing.

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@jenniferhunter As requested here is Tessie Belle. Completely black, but takes a slight reddish cast in sunlight, like a jaguar. Waking from her nap, she is a petite thing, about 7 lbs at 2.5 yrs.


@jenniferhunter All the cats are so cute and sounds like they give you enjoyment I want to get a pet I live alone and had dogs all my life but to much for me now but not ever having a cat I don't know a thing about the care of them @gingerw can either of you enlighten me ?Id appreciate it.

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@lioness Hope you are feeling better as the day has gone on. I was pretty stiff this morning, also. Cats are pretty easy keepers, that is they take care of themselves. I only keep indoor kitties now, so there is the litter box to clean each day, but it's a small price to pay for their companionship. As many will say cats don't have owners they have staff! They can be a lot of company. Tessie Bell suffered with abuse we think from a man and that's why she is so reluctant with my husband. She also has severe fright with loud noises especially somebody yelling.


@lioness Hope you are feeling better as the day has gone on. I was pretty stiff this morning, also. Cats are pretty easy keepers, that is they take care of themselves. I only keep indoor kitties now, so there is the litter box to clean each day, but it's a small price to pay for their companionship. As many will say cats don't have owners they have staff! They can be a lot of company. Tessie Bell suffered with abuse we think from a man and that's why she is so reluctant with my husband. She also has severe fright with loud noises especially somebody yelling.

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@ginger thank you Ginger I think I,ll go to a shelter my dogs all came from a shelter I think they appreciate there owners better.

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