Doctors mistake watch out.

Posted by Lisa @techi, Oct 3, 2018

On Monday l had stomach pain, hot flashes and dizziness. I thought it was my ammonia levels. Instead it was my appendix. When l went to the hospital and before surgery the surgeon explained how she was going to do the surgery. She asked all the regular questions about your medical history before the surgery. She didn't ask me about my shunts in my liver. Strange. I told her because l am very careful about it. So she tells me well don't die on me. Now l didn't want to do the surgery after she said that. So my family said you have to or it can bust and you will die. I understand all that. Then my daughter tells me someone told her that it was the first time at the surgery they did my TIP procedure. I was in shock, l smell a rat l said because everytime l have to go to the hospital or see the doctors at that hospital they always say l have a mental problem and l am depressed and so on. So while l was in the hospital there was three meds they didn't give me. I told them and they were in shock they overlooked that and l daught that. Then l was having problems breathing and l was calling the nurse 3 times. I told them you didn't give me my inhaler or my cpac machine. They really was scared. Then they asked me if l take oxygen because my l was having breathing issues and my oxygen levels went down while was sleeping. I told them no. So they gave me oxygen and a breathing treatment. I told them this wouldn't have happened if they would have read my chart and see l have a cpac machine and take 2 inhalers. And they also didn't give me my eye medication even when they asked me if l had glaucoma. I had to have an ultrasound of my neck. They said it was ok. Then when l was discharged the medicine l was allergic to for my liver they had it on my chart that l take it after telling them that and my hepatologist that see at the same hospital. It's crazy it not on the computers at the same hospital
So they were so scared they were hurrying me to be discharged. You talk about sorry medical systems and doctors. I could have died.Thank God for him being with me.

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@contentandwell JK, I'm sorry you were misdiagnosed too, but by sharing our stories, we teach others the importance of asking questions, learning as much as you can about your condition, and 2nd, 3rd, 4th opinions.... and firing a doctor who isn't helping you. That doesn't feel good, and you start over searching for help. Doctors don't always tell you everything they are thinking, and I always get my medical records from my visits and look up everything they write about me and I learn a lot. That can also tell you if they are venturing the wrong direction, and if they are not listening to the patient, how can a patient get the right care? It's all based of honest communication, and mistakes can be made so easily. Doctors are human and can be distracted or irritated and that affects how much they will understand from you the patient. I try to vet them as best I can by reading their research and I look for things like teaching at medical society conferences to find the leaders in the field.

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@jenniferhunter I do the same, Jennifer, and did much research but never came across liver problems! My local doctor is highly regarded but he missed the boat on me. The doctor I started with thought I had Alzheimer's after I had one HE episode! She was history as soon as I could find a different doctor.
I was a mystery to my PCP, and my hematologist who I was seeing because my platelet count was low and continually getting lower. It was finally the neurologist I was sent to who hit on it being my liver. Interestingly, my sister mentioned my symptoms to her niece who is a nurse and her niece said it sounded like liver! My sister never wants to interfere so she never told me that until afterward.

@jenniferhunter That's really terrible about your care with the first doctor, but please be assured that not all spine doctors are that callous. My brother-in-law had spine surgery last year in Boston, done by a wonderful doctor who was caring and did a great job.


@jenniferhunter I do the same, Jennifer, and did much research but never came across liver problems! My local doctor is highly regarded but he missed the boat on me. The doctor I started with thought I had Alzheimer's after I had one HE episode! She was history as soon as I could find a different doctor.
I was a mystery to my PCP, and my hematologist who I was seeing because my platelet count was low and continually getting lower. It was finally the neurologist I was sent to who hit on it being my liver. Interestingly, my sister mentioned my symptoms to her niece who is a nurse and her niece said it sounded like liver! My sister never wants to interfere so she never told me that until afterward.

@jenniferhunter That's really terrible about your care with the first doctor, but please be assured that not all spine doctors are that callous. My brother-in-law had spine surgery last year in Boston, done by a wonderful doctor who was caring and did a great job.

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@contentandwell I'm glad you got it figured out. I think talking to other patients who know these problems inimatly might be one of the better ways to questions what might be wrong, and of course a nurse who takes care of those particular patients would be a great resource too. We just have to keep asking questions until we get answers. All these overlapping symptoms can be very confusing. I've had some neurologists who were pretty sharp too and figured stuff out that other doctors missed.

In reply to @adah "Thanks" + (show)

Thar was a great post. I need to send it to my doctors. Here they are clueless. They just tell me you are psychic and depressed. And l went to my rheumatologist and he has more sense then my general practice doctor. They keep trying to give me antidepressants and sedatives and l have to keep telling him about meds l can't take. So he the next one on the chopping block. And they want people to go to doctors???? And when l tell my insurance not to pay them , they say we have to know question asked. Well isn't that something no wonder they want to run all these test and prescribe medicine that makes your HE worst. But we need to hear from more hospitals and doctors who are researching HE. I go to a lot of journal from the UK because they were dealing with this more before but now it seems like everyone is dealing with it. But l.will definitely pass this on because some people don't have a diagnoses.


Last week l guess l had the stomach flu because l was throwing up for 3days and not eating. Before that l went to after care clinic and the nurse practitioner gave me prednisone 50mg. And my hear was just beating rapidly so l had to go to the hospital. And the doctor diagnosed me with tachycardia and referred me to a cardiologist. And to me he's the best because he ordered blood workup and called me personally to tell me to go to the er stat because he thought l had a embolism. But l didn't Praise God but he still had me do a MRI and CT scan. I am supposed to see him for the results today. But one person mistake can cause you so much trouble. Then l had a flare up we don't know if it's my AE or HE but l can't walk, slurred speech and tremors. I don't get it often but it does happen sometimes. And my PCP didn't have any problems with me driving because l know when l have a flare up. I can't walk. So l have to take 2 meds for my liver so l had two doctors prescribe a refill because l was out of the medication and l have a new neurologist and when he filled out my dps form he said l couldn't drive because l delusional because l didnt know who he was the first time l met him but my follow-up appointment l was talking normal like l knew him a long time. But my doctors don't understand when l dont have both meds l will have problems. So it really isn't my fault because l didnt get my medication that l needed until the 27th because they put me in a psych ward. So l tried to tell dps and they said it's the law if you are not coherent your license is suspended for 6months. So now l have to appeal it but when l tried to explain the women said you won't win because it's a law. So l had to file with ADA because they are discriminating my rights. I even called the live foundation and they said they have heard people who have heard where patients have had issues but never with a patient not getting their medication and being denied there rights. So l just want to know if anyone has had these problems. And l never had an accident since my TBI in 1997. I had to take a driving ed course where they go out with you to drive. And my grandson with autism is learning to drive and he can't speak.clearly or do anything without help. Sounds crazy.


I know l probably talked about me going to the hospital and then they transferred me to the psych ward in December. Well l just got copies of my records from both hospital. Well the first hospital l went to didn't have a list of my meds to be transferred to the psych ward when they sent me there. And then the psych war was giving me a med that l had been allergic to for over 10yrs. Now the hospital had it documented that l was allergic to the medicine. And at the psych ward they were giving me meds that they thought l was still taking. And l have to te these doctors about hepatic encephalopathy
So l called the medical board and I'm going to report the hospitals and the doctors because the symptoms of mood swing and delusion is all part of hepatic encephalopathy and encephalitis. And l am always reading how doctors are misdiagnosing people with HE, AE and encephalitis and they end up in a psych ward or on psych meds. And we are seeing more people on meds instead of being treated for there illness. It's so sorry that doctors are not having continue education on this illness because we are all searching to find the right doctors whi knows about this disease instead of a psych diagnosis. And l was so reading if all test comes back normal it doesn't mean the patient doesn't have the diagnosis sometimes it takes questioning the family and looking at the symptoms.


I know l probably talked about me going to the hospital and then they transferred me to the psych ward in December. Well l just got copies of my records from both hospital. Well the first hospital l went to didn't have a list of my meds to be transferred to the psych ward when they sent me there. And then the psych war was giving me a med that l had been allergic to for over 10yrs. Now the hospital had it documented that l was allergic to the medicine. And at the psych ward they were giving me meds that they thought l was still taking. And l have to te these doctors about hepatic encephalopathy
So l called the medical board and I'm going to report the hospitals and the doctors because the symptoms of mood swing and delusion is all part of hepatic encephalopathy and encephalitis. And l am always reading how doctors are misdiagnosing people with HE, AE and encephalitis and they end up in a psych ward or on psych meds. And we are seeing more people on meds instead of being treated for there illness. It's so sorry that doctors are not having continue education on this illness because we are all searching to find the right doctors whi knows about this disease instead of a psych diagnosis. And l was so reading if all test comes back normal it doesn't mean the patient doesn't have the diagnosis sometimes it takes questioning the family and looking at the symptoms.

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Hello, @techi,
I moved your message to this discussion you started before so that members here will see your most recent message and can respond.

How are you feeling now?


I know l probably talked about me going to the hospital and then they transferred me to the psych ward in December. Well l just got copies of my records from both hospital. Well the first hospital l went to didn't have a list of my meds to be transferred to the psych ward when they sent me there. And then the psych war was giving me a med that l had been allergic to for over 10yrs. Now the hospital had it documented that l was allergic to the medicine. And at the psych ward they were giving me meds that they thought l was still taking. And l have to te these doctors about hepatic encephalopathy
So l called the medical board and I'm going to report the hospitals and the doctors because the symptoms of mood swing and delusion is all part of hepatic encephalopathy and encephalitis. And l am always reading how doctors are misdiagnosing people with HE, AE and encephalitis and they end up in a psych ward or on psych meds. And we are seeing more people on meds instead of being treated for there illness. It's so sorry that doctors are not having continue education on this illness because we are all searching to find the right doctors whi knows about this disease instead of a psych diagnosis. And l was so reading if all test comes back normal it doesn't mean the patient doesn't have the diagnosis sometimes it takes questioning the family and looking at the symptoms.

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I personally believe the problem you describe with doctors misdiagnosing people with Autoimmune conditions is common in many medical communities. There are so many of them and sometimes I personally believe that it is easier to diagnose the most common's faster and takes less work to research it, test for it or discuss with other doctors. One of my own specialist doctors told me that, in regard to one particularly troublesome symptom that I reported to him, he "didn't have anything for that." Wait? What? I asked him because I knew he would be able to address it. Yet he brushed it off and that was that. He certainly did not refer me to anyone else either. That was really a punch in the gut without any further discussion. Yet I am stuck with him, at least for now. Lisa, I am glad you still have the ability and courage to pursue help. We AI patients need support in many different ways and I am grateful for it wherever it becomes available to me. Thank you for sharing with us. It is a tough road but you can do this. One of my doctors told me "Stress is not your friend." That was simple enough for me to remember and a goal that I reach for daily. Perhaps it would help you too.

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