Getting Off of Omeprazole: Share your success stories please.

Posted by Bonnie @nightngale1998, Jun 26, 2018

Hi there: Has anyone had success in weaning off of Omeprazole? I take it for GERD. Thank you in advance!

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Did they do a upper endoscopy? (EGD)

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I'm not sure who you are asking, @riflemanz64 but if it's me, yes I did have an endoscopy. That was when I was told my Barrett's was in remission. I had been on omeprazole but at my request, I changed and am now on famotidine. I was concerned about some of the potential long-term effects of omeprazole.


I have been taking omeprazole and esom for over 14 years. I have had zero serious side effects. I say serious because minor side effects like weight gain etc are mostly associated with my own negligence in diet and lack of exercise. That said, why do you want to come off of it? If calcium and other minerals absorption is an issue then have you discussed with your doctor about taking supplements?


I drink probably 10 bottles of water a day. I stop eating 3-4 hrs before bedtime. I cut out all fried fatty foods. I don't eat out. I eat a lot of chicken breast, boiled potatoes or baked, steamed broccoli, Brussels sprouts, spinach. Breakfast is cheerios with unsweetened almond milk. I eat no spicey foods.I only use 3 tablespoons of healthwise coffee in my bunn drip coffee maker. That's all you need.

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What has this diet accomplished? Please share with us. I am always looking for a diet where I can beat 2 things: GERD and Uric Acid. Thanks


I was getting acid reflux at night from eating whatever i wanted to. I was drinking 5-7 cups of coffee a day, 5 sodas and eating a high fat spicy diet.
I thought I was having a heart attack one day and ended up in the emergency room with a hemaglobin of 7. I had burned a hole in my small intestine and had internal bleeding from Motrin. They did and upper endoscopy (EGD) and cauterized it closed. They then told me I had Barretts esophagus from the acid reflux. They told me low acid diet from now on. So I cut out out all Soda, I switched to 2 cups of low acid coffee only in the morning. No booze,no smoking, no vinegar based products, no citrus, No OJ, No fried foods,No spicy foods, No more fast food. No more processed meats or foods. I bought the book the Acid watcher diet which told me a lot about reflux. No eating 3-4 hrs before bed. No spices on your food. No pepper ever. Chicken breast is good to eat. Cut your red meat intake. Baked fish too. Steamed green vegetables are good.I cut out almost all salt and sugar. I drink unsweetened almond milk with my cheerios in the morning. I drink lots of bottled water during the day. Stay away from mint and chocolate. I walk 5-7 miles a day. My last EGD there was no sign of Barretts esophagus. So the diet does work. I lost 25# and no longer have reflux. I might be overboard and strict but this works for me. Good luck and buy that book I told you about.


I was getting acid reflux at night from eating whatever i wanted to. I was drinking 5-7 cups of coffee a day, 5 sodas and eating a high fat spicy diet.
I thought I was having a heart attack one day and ended up in the emergency room with a hemaglobin of 7. I had burned a hole in my small intestine and had internal bleeding from Motrin. They did and upper endoscopy (EGD) and cauterized it closed. They then told me I had Barretts esophagus from the acid reflux. They told me low acid diet from now on. So I cut out out all Soda, I switched to 2 cups of low acid coffee only in the morning. No booze,no smoking, no vinegar based products, no citrus, No OJ, No fried foods,No spicy foods, No more fast food. No more processed meats or foods. I bought the book the Acid watcher diet which told me a lot about reflux. No eating 3-4 hrs before bed. No spices on your food. No pepper ever. Chicken breast is good to eat. Cut your red meat intake. Baked fish too. Steamed green vegetables are good.I cut out almost all salt and sugar. I drink unsweetened almond milk with my cheerios in the morning. I drink lots of bottled water during the day. Stay away from mint and chocolate. I walk 5-7 miles a day. My last EGD there was no sign of Barretts esophagus. So the diet does work. I lost 25# and no longer have reflux. I might be overboard and strict but this works for me. Good luck and buy that book I told you about.

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@riflemanz64 I will get that book ... what’s the author’s name? I don’t eat most of what you’ve listed, but I still do suffer from GERD. What kind of coffee do you take that is low acid? On average, I just drink one cup of Maxwell House instant coffee. May have a second cup of it only when we have company.


@riflemanz64 I will get that book ... what’s the author’s name? I don’t eat most of what you’ve listed, but I still do suffer from GERD. What kind of coffee do you take that is low acid? On average, I just drink one cup of Maxwell House instant coffee. May have a second cup of it only when we have company.

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Coffee is healthwise and the book’s author is Dr. Aviv ( The Acid Watcher Diet) all bought from Amazon. Stay away from high fructose corn syrup too. Instant coffee is acidic. Healthwise is low acid and I use a Bunn drip coffee maker and I only use 3 tablespoons for a 10 cup pot. You don’t
Need much with this coffee.


@riflemanz64 I will get that book ... what’s the author’s name? I don’t eat most of what you’ve listed, but I still do suffer from GERD. What kind of coffee do you take that is low acid? On average, I just drink one cup of Maxwell House instant coffee. May have a second cup of it only when we have company.

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@rashida If you prefer an instant coffee Kava has been around for many years.. early 1960s I think. I cannot remember is has a good taste or not.. been a long time since I have had any.


@rashida If you prefer an instant coffee Kava has been around for many years.. early 1960s I think. I cannot remember is has a good taste or not.. been a long time since I have had any.

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@fourof5zs thank you! I have never heard of Kava and will look for it. I live in Toronto so I wonder if it will be available here. I am an instant coffee drinker - any other kind either triggers my irritable bowel or GERD symptoms!


Thank you for responding, dand48, hopeful33250, Theresa, and destinanna. I still suffer from GERD from a hiatal hernia. I have taken Oemprazole a little over two years and want to get off of the medication because of the associated health issues of poor absorption of key nutrients (D, B12, and calcium are the ones I am familiar with).

My provider, a competent gentleman, has said "hmmmm." I am an RN so am used to doing the research and my own investigation. I have not found evidenced based information / articles on weaning off of Omeprazole. I have heard it can be done and tried to do so but was met with resistance and poor results when I attempted to do so. I switched over to Zantac and the first three days were reasonable and after that it was very uncomfortable).

The celery sounds hopeful and am trying to figure out the mechanism of action for its success. I have tried cider vinegar and it was met with severe cramping.

I am seeking successful scenario's by the valued participants on this board and will do a fair amount of research / experimentation on my own of what works for me. I take responsibility for my nutrition. I am also Lactose intolerant and have a few other sensitivities / intolerances in digestion.I thank you in advance for any additional feedback.

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I am so glad you asked this. I too am trying to get off Omeprazole. (I do not have a hiatal hernia that Inknow of). I took Zantac successfully for years but then it got pulled from the market. I have tried the protocols of 2 functional medicine doctors, one an MD and one has is a Dietician. I have cut many things out of my diet such as coffee, cooked tomatoes, milk (mostly - I struggle with thay- cheese). I try hard not to eat past 9 30 pm. With the Dietician I have been doing a gut biome protocol for months with the theory that I have a "leaky gut". Step 1 was a stool analysis. I had high candida and some of my probiotic bacteria was off balance. Step 2 was getting rid of and clearing candida out my system and adding certain probiotics. Step 3, where I am now in the last "gut healing" phase. Honestly I cannot say, so far, that is has helped my heartburn a lot. Still hopeful? I AM able to manage my heartburn with 20 mg famotidine in AM and in PM, plus Tums. It is not as comfortable as being in omeprazole. I will stay with it and see how it goes. I also take diglycrrized licorice (chewable) and Slippery Elm which the dietician recommended and which I have read about. I think the licorice helps. Cider vinegar makes my heartburn worse. My one 3-day attempt with celery juice also seemed to make it worse, though there were confounding factors so in may try it again.


@nightngale1998 I been on Omprazole for 2 1/2 yrs. I go on and off myself . Mostly cause I forget to take it. My usual dose is 40mg in the AM and 40mg in the PM. I can go for about 30 days without taking it. Then BAM. The stabbing chest pains, sore throat and stomach starts to hurt. So I have to go back to regularly taking the pills. It usually takes about 2 weeks to get back to feeling normal no chest pains and such.

I tried the vinegar once.. OMG.. I might as well drank boric acid, it felt about the same. It was like flames were shooting down my throat. I think that works for people with occasional acid reflux?

You have to completely live on a bland diet. Which is impossible for me at least. I think in order to live without the medicine. But i don't even know, if that works when you have a hernia?

My blood work is fine perfect actually after this long. I think it can possibly cause issues with our kidney's?? But I don't know anyone who has been affected that way?

Now I have a couple of family members who have been taking this medicine for 20+ years and they are fine today in their 70"s.

If I am not mistaken Gerd is the precursor to Barrett's Syndrome? Barrett's Syndrome is the precursor to Throat Cancer? My Uncle has barrett's Syndrome and the Dr's watch him like a hawk.

I would talk to your DR again or go for another opinion to see what another Dr recommends for you. You may hear a different story.

I wish you the Best..

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Interesting! Thank you for posting. I am concerned about connection between PPI's (proton pump inhibitors like omeprazole) and mental decline/ dementia.

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