Getting Off of Omeprazole: Share your success stories please.

Posted by Bonnie @nightngale1998, Jun 26, 2018

Hi there: Has anyone had success in weaning off of Omeprazole? I take it for GERD. Thank you in advance!

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Soda and alcohol are very bad for Barretts. My wife has been eating my low acid diet and she has diabetes and her last A1C wa 5.9


Hi this is a longshot but i get pain when i drink water during night...saw this on web site; coy and paste, not sure if anything of interest

How to Relieve Stomach Pain Caused by Drinking Water?
Generally, we combat a burning sensation with water. But what can we do when water itself seems to be a problem? Here are a couple of things that you can try:

Try to drink warm water as it is easier to absorb.
Consult a doctor if any of the medical reasons ring true.
Adopt a healthier diet as overly processed or spiced foods can also irritate your stomach lining.
Test your water supply annually to check for any contamination.
Check your water pipes and make sure they are well-maintained without any leakage.

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@lacy2 and others about water.. I have gastroparesis and often have diarrhea..I have a difficult time drinking a lot of water. A biochemist friend suggested I drink more Pedialyte or the generic Drug store Electrolyte Solution as often diarrhea is caused by poor hydration .. I also take a probiotic most days.. but the Hydration of my body seems so much better and easier now than when I was relying on tap water. (I live in a city with very good water according to Dept. of health standards. we even have a new water treatment plant...)


Soda and alcohol are very bad for Barretts. My wife has been eating my low acid diet and she has diabetes and her last A1C wa 5.9

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Ahhh, @riflemanz64 Perhaps those are things that have contributed to my low A1c. It's interesting that it is so low (often under 5) because as my prior PCP put down on my exam sheet, I was non-compliant! I may not have been compliant in his eyes, but something was working.


@lacy2 and others about water.. I have gastroparesis and often have diarrhea..I have a difficult time drinking a lot of water. A biochemist friend suggested I drink more Pedialyte or the generic Drug store Electrolyte Solution as often diarrhea is caused by poor hydration .. I also take a probiotic most days.. but the Hydration of my body seems so much better and easier now than when I was relying on tap water. (I live in a city with very good water according to Dept. of health standards. we even have a new water treatment plant...)

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ah thanks for the information... its been so long and i have tried so many things i dont know what to do any more and now find out low on vit.d and b.12 but no guidance....we live close to our water treatment plant which means we get strong percentage of chemicals the put in water, yet if we lived ten mies away, water would not be so strong with chemicals.... its a never ending story. my spouse used to work at water treatment plant, they added to the lake water; chlorine; fluoride, and soda ash to bring ph bavck up; now city adds Zinc to save the PIPES but not our pipies


With me I find is the hardest on my stomach. I run my bottled water thru the brita. It works for me.


Hi with the omeprazole @ 20mg I was doing ok but kept getting heartburn my GP said take more tums I said this was going on too long and I wanted to see GI doctor she said a lot of inflammation so then pantoprazole the first 3 or 4 days after scope on it I felt no burn but then it started back sometimes that’s when after 2 weeks she said go to 2 times a day but now I am waking in the middle of the night with the burn and feeling it more during the day didn’t know if this is just getting used to new drug.I do take all vitamins with food and raise my head at night.Can some of these heart burn meds make things worse?

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@carnet I suggest you speak to your pharmacist and get his/her advice. I have found pharmacists are more knowledgeable about drugs than physicians - even specialists.


I have a question. Why does coffee not bother me but home made "koolaide" does? I wondered if it was because of the citric acid in the pwderdered ingredients. Or, perhaps the coffee actually does bother me, and I don't feel it until much later, after it has done its' damage. I have coffee in the morning and my asthma medicine is much reduced because of it. My doctor agrees. It concerns me a bit, because I know there can be damage to the esophagus if GERD is left untreated. Any ideas? Yours for a peaceful day, Mamacita

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Kool aid has a lot of sugar


I started having G.I. issues about 15 Mos ago. Meds regularly taken: metformin, citalopram, simvistatin and loratidine. I started taking omeprazole 40 mg 2x/day because I have sinus issues and chronic postnasal drip which led to GERD and then stomatitis. I only drank decaffeinated coffee and I do consume dark chocolate daily (a vice). I elevated the head of my bed and followed all instructions for a GERD and also started drinking papaya juice in the morning for about a month or two however I consistently have no sugar ginger juice every morning and mix it with hot water creating my own ginger tea with no sweetener. About a year after this, I was still taking omeprazole 40 mg twice a day, a started having significant loose bowel movements and diarrhea, started a BRAT diet, no milk, no alcohol, no sweeteners or sugary foods, no carbonated drinks or raw veggies and no coffee/caffeine/chocolate. Following a colonoscopy with biopsies, I was diagnosed with microscopic colitis. I have discontinued omeprazole and started using Zantac and started taking a probiotic and using a fiber supplement mixed with water twice daily. About a month following the diagnosis my bowel movements are now about 1-2 daily and a decent consistency (previously loose and up to 10 daily).

Any other suggestions? I am going to start re-introducing foods into my diet, I previously ate a salad every day and this is killing me!



Did they do a upper endoscopy? (EGD)


I started having G.I. issues about 15 Mos ago. Meds regularly taken: metformin, citalopram, simvistatin and loratidine. I started taking omeprazole 40 mg 2x/day because I have sinus issues and chronic postnasal drip which led to GERD and then stomatitis. I only drank decaffeinated coffee and I do consume dark chocolate daily (a vice). I elevated the head of my bed and followed all instructions for a GERD and also started drinking papaya juice in the morning for about a month or two however I consistently have no sugar ginger juice every morning and mix it with hot water creating my own ginger tea with no sweetener. About a year after this, I was still taking omeprazole 40 mg twice a day, a started having significant loose bowel movements and diarrhea, started a BRAT diet, no milk, no alcohol, no sweeteners or sugary foods, no carbonated drinks or raw veggies and no coffee/caffeine/chocolate. Following a colonoscopy with biopsies, I was diagnosed with microscopic colitis. I have discontinued omeprazole and started using Zantac and started taking a probiotic and using a fiber supplement mixed with water twice daily. About a month following the diagnosis my bowel movements are now about 1-2 daily and a decent consistency (previously loose and up to 10 daily).

Any other suggestions? I am going to start re-introducing foods into my diet, I previously ate a salad every day and this is killing me!


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You seem to be on the right track! I would stick to whatever is working!

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