Getting Off of Omeprazole: Share your success stories please.

Posted by Bonnie @nightngale1998, Jun 26, 2018

Hi there: Has anyone had success in weaning off of Omeprazole? I take it for GERD. Thank you in advance!

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The baby aspirin could be causing inflammation.


Hi i finally was able to get my GP to refer me to go to GI doctor for the heartburn this from last may was on omeprazole 20mg it helped some doctor said it was gerd.When i went to GI doctor did a scope and a colonoscopy all was perfect with that the scope i had some inflammation she did a biopsy it showed no cancer and i have no hernia or ulcers.Doctor put me on pantoprazole 40mg for 2 weeks still having burning on left side of chest so she is having me take 40mg twice @ day for 10 weeks to calm the inflammation then i see her.My concern is that high dose but she said i need it at point.I changed my whole eating and life style months ago.I am very active senior i walk and and workout i am a small frame women at normal weight.Doctor said sometimes if you have stress it can cause the burn i try not to worry about things.I had given up my decaf coffee for months but still had heartburn so i added back.Ido take a probiotic ,multivitamin,calcium, baby aspirin.Any info would be helpful thank you.

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If your inflammation was severe, I can understand your doctor wanting to keep you on Omeprazole and Pantoprazole for a while. I have also taken Omeprazole for a month or so at a time to deal with inflammation.

Do you take baby aspirin, calcium, and vitamins with food? If you take those on an empty stomach, that can cause inflammation and GERD symptoms. You might also ask your doctor about trying a milder med like Pepcid to see how that would work for you.

I hope you get feeling better. Will you post again with an update as to how you are doing?


The baby aspirin could be causing inflammation.

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The same thought crossed my mind. Did your doctor suggest you take aspirin for a heart problem? If so, I would try taking it with food as aspirin can be harsh in the stomach, even in small doses (having said that, how did babies tolerate it? Granted they didn’t take it daily but ... just wondering ...) and see if your stomach feels better.


The baby aspirin could be causing inflammation.

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@carnet The same thought crossed my mind. Did your doctor suggest you take aspirin for a heart problem? If so, I would try taking it with food as aspirin can be harsh in the stomach, even in small doses (having said that, how did babies tolerate it? Granted they didn’t take it daily but … just wondering …) and see if your stomach feels better.


The same thought crossed my mind. Did your doctor suggest you take aspirin for a heart problem? If so, I would try taking it with food as aspirin can be harsh in the stomach, even in small doses (having said that, how did babies tolerate it? Granted they didn’t take it daily but ... just wondering ...) and see if your stomach feels better.

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Hi I don’t take baby aspirin for any heart problems GP wanted me to take it after a test they did on all of her patients on the legs said it was atherosclerosis of artery’s of lower extremities.I take all vitamins with food and have head higher at night.But since I am on new Med I think the burning is getting worse not better,


If your inflammation was severe, I can understand your doctor wanting to keep you on Omeprazole and Pantoprazole for a while. I have also taken Omeprazole for a month or so at a time to deal with inflammation.

Do you take baby aspirin, calcium, and vitamins with food? If you take those on an empty stomach, that can cause inflammation and GERD symptoms. You might also ask your doctor about trying a milder med like Pepcid to see how that would work for you.

I hope you get feeling better. Will you post again with an update as to how you are doing?

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Hi with the omeprazole @ 20mg I was doing ok but kept getting heartburn my GP said take more tums I said this was going on too long and I wanted to see GI doctor she said a lot of inflammation so then pantoprazole the first 3 or 4 days after scope on it I felt no burn but then it started back sometimes that’s when after 2 weeks she said go to 2 times a day but now I am waking in the middle of the night with the burn and feeling it more during the day didn’t know if this is just getting used to new drug.I do take all vitamins with food and raise my head at night.Can some of these heart burn meds make things worse?


I would get a second opinion from a GI who specializes in GERD. I am confused from your message. Are you seeing a GI now? Have you had an endoscopy? Are you following any established dietary recommendations for GERD?


Hi yes I went to GI I had a endoscopy and a biopsy because there is inflammation found no cancer,hernia,ulcer.Since last may changed all eating habits follow a gerd diet.Was taking 20mg of omeprozol every morning 30 min before breakfast but no matter what I did I would still get some heartburn my GP just said take extra tums so I said I to her back in Jan I felt I needed to see a GI doctor she said take more meds I insisted I go to GI had a endoscopy and a colonoscopy done .GI put me on pantoprazole for 2 weeks 40mg -I was fine for a few days and then getting some heartburn so she said she wanted me to up it to twice a day for 10 weeks and then she would see how I feel.I am getting more burning and it now is waking me up at night.I will call her just didn’t know if this is something that get worse before it can be better.Thanks


I have Gastritis & I have a burning feeling in my stomach. Does drinking water make your stomach burn more?. Mine does & they don't why.
I have been dealing with this for years so I hardly drink water which is causing my kidney GFR to go down. No dr. can understand why the water burs me worse than a coke. I understand what your going through.


I have Gastritis & I have a burning feeling in my stomach. Does drinking water make your stomach burn more?. Mine does & they don't why.
I have been dealing with this for years so I hardly drink water which is causing my kidney GFR to go down. No dr. can understand why the water burs me worse than a coke. I understand what your going through.

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I have the same problem when drinking water, I have started drinking alkaline water which works out better for me - SmartWater has a version with a 9+ pH

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