Getting Off of Omeprazole: Share your success stories please.

Posted by Bonnie @nightngale1998, Jun 26, 2018

Hi there: Has anyone had success in weaning off of Omeprazole? I take it for GERD. Thank you in advance!

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I drink one cup of instant Kava coffee a day which is acid neutralized and buy it by the case from the company as it doesn’t get shelf space at local grocery stores here. I also drink low acid Tropicana orange juice. I avoid fried foods, spicy food, high fat food and acidic foods. Yet I still need my 40mg omeprazole each day. I have been on it over 30 years and tried substitutes without success. Before omeprazole I would vomit acid so I rely on it to prevent damage to my throat and stomach. No alcohol for me either as a generous serving of Mogan David wine a few years back set me up with a stomach ulcer which was very painful. I am 72 and as long as I stay this course my digestive health is tolerable.

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Food Coloring is one of the worst allergens. People would be shocked by what can happen like migraines. I have an allergy to soy as well and am shocked by how many products have artificial sugars as well.


I drink one cup of instant Kava coffee a day which is acid neutralized and buy it by the case from the company as it doesn’t get shelf space at local grocery stores here. I also drink low acid Tropicana orange juice. I avoid fried foods, spicy food, high fat food and acidic foods. Yet I still need my 40mg omeprazole each day. I have been on it over 30 years and tried substitutes without success. Before omeprazole I would vomit acid so I rely on it to prevent damage to my throat and stomach. No alcohol for me either as a generous serving of Mogan David wine a few years back set me up with a stomach ulcer which was very painful. I am 72 and as long as I stay this course my digestive health is tolerable.

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@hopeful33250 Food colorings definitely have an effect. I can remember when my son and daughter were young, a friend had a birthday party for her daughter, right around Halloween. She made a cake and tinted the icing bright orange. ALL of the mothers commented that afterward their kids were totally stimulated. One very quiet boy was even effected by it.
If it happens with children I presume it can happen with adults also.


I drink one cup of instant Kava coffee a day which is acid neutralized and buy it by the case from the company as it doesn’t get shelf space at local grocery stores here. I also drink low acid Tropicana orange juice. I avoid fried foods, spicy food, high fat food and acidic foods. Yet I still need my 40mg omeprazole each day. I have been on it over 30 years and tried substitutes without success. Before omeprazole I would vomit acid so I rely on it to prevent damage to my throat and stomach. No alcohol for me either as a generous serving of Mogan David wine a few years back set me up with a stomach ulcer which was very painful. I am 72 and as long as I stay this course my digestive health is tolerable.

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@contentandwell I'm sure you are right about that. While we might not be over-stimulated like children, our bodies probably have similar reactions to the coloring, including the digestive tract. Teresa


I drink one cup of instant Kava coffee a day which is acid neutralized and buy it by the case from the company as it doesn’t get shelf space at local grocery stores here. I also drink low acid Tropicana orange juice. I avoid fried foods, spicy food, high fat food and acidic foods. Yet I still need my 40mg omeprazole each day. I have been on it over 30 years and tried substitutes without success. Before omeprazole I would vomit acid so I rely on it to prevent damage to my throat and stomach. No alcohol for me either as a generous serving of Mogan David wine a few years back set me up with a stomach ulcer which was very painful. I am 72 and as long as I stay this course my digestive health is tolerable.

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@mamacita There is a book I read year ago my Doris Rapp called "Is this your child" Great book on Foods that effect children. Processed foods number one cause certain kids to be wild. Also Red food dye...


I drink one cup of instant Kava coffee a day which is acid neutralized and buy it by the case from the company as it doesn’t get shelf space at local grocery stores here. I also drink low acid Tropicana orange juice. I avoid fried foods, spicy food, high fat food and acidic foods. Yet I still need my 40mg omeprazole each day. I have been on it over 30 years and tried substitutes without success. Before omeprazole I would vomit acid so I rely on it to prevent damage to my throat and stomach. No alcohol for me either as a generous serving of Mogan David wine a few years back set me up with a stomach ulcer which was very painful. I am 72 and as long as I stay this course my digestive health is tolerable.

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I always get white American cheese. I notice a big difference on how my body processes Yellow American cheese versus White American Cheese.


@kozlo52 Thank you for sharing. Were you ever tested for H-Pylori? Antacids did not help me either when I had that. It is worth asking and if you are getting an endoscopy they can check for that. That is how they found mine.

Have you tried Aloe Water drinks? They helped my throat the best when it was really bad... Maybe that will work for you. Now question? You say water made your throat worse was it Warm or Ice Cold water? Cold water is harsh at times on my throat. Also what about Honey? Honey and warm chamomile used to seem to help my throat as well. have you tried that? Also another item I took lot was sucrets . It helped numb the pain.

Please share what the is the outcome your procedure.
Praying it is all good.

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What about a back DR? Can you they maybe help you with medicine that will help the back pain stop radiating to that area? I would think talking to him first?
But that's my thought, unless zoloft and atavan can cause these issues as well? That I do not know?
But You can see both Dr's, and at least ask them to clarity since the GI Dr. can't find anything?


Thank you for responding, dand48, hopeful33250, Theresa, and destinanna. I still suffer from GERD from a hiatal hernia. I have taken Oemprazole a little over two years and want to get off of the medication because of the associated health issues of poor absorption of key nutrients (D, B12, and calcium are the ones I am familiar with).

My provider, a competent gentleman, has said "hmmmm." I am an RN so am used to doing the research and my own investigation. I have not found evidenced based information / articles on weaning off of Omeprazole. I have heard it can be done and tried to do so but was met with resistance and poor results when I attempted to do so. I switched over to Zantac and the first three days were reasonable and after that it was very uncomfortable).

The celery sounds hopeful and am trying to figure out the mechanism of action for its success. I have tried cider vinegar and it was met with severe cramping.

I am seeking successful scenario's by the valued participants on this board and will do a fair amount of research / experimentation on my own of what works for me. I take responsibility for my nutrition. I am also Lactose intolerant and have a few other sensitivities / intolerances in digestion.I thank you in advance for any additional feedback.

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For six months in 2017 I complained of acid and was popping Gaviscon like candy. GP said to keep taking it if I needed it.
September 2017 I was very sick with the flu for 2 weeks, went to the walk in clinic and chest xray showed 'pneumonia' . 3 courses of antibiotics and 2 months being bed ridden and no change in the chest xray. The coughing was out of control.
I forced myself out of bed and started to get better.
Referral to a respirologist found Micobacterium Letiflavim in my lungs through sputum tests. TB clinic doctor said the amount was so minute that it wasn't the problem and it is not unheard of to have this in the general population as it is found in water.
Puffers were prescribed but they made me cough worse.
Burning became so unbearable I mentioned it to the respirologist and he sent me for Barium swallow. The radiologist said reflux was the worst she has ever seen. Tip me backwards and stomach acids flow right out.
I was put on PPI. I have had both endoscopy and bronchoscopy. They found hiatus hernia but were happy that there has been no damage from the acid in my GI tract.
My CT scans (x3) continue to see on 50% clearing in my lungs. Respirologist is stumped and doesn't understand why it has not cleared up. (they are guessing that all of my acid, while I was bed ridden, was leaking into my lungs and have done damage). His only suggestion is to do a lung biopsy which I have refused so far. They aren't looking for anything specific but rather searching for anything at all to answer the question of what is left in the lungs that they are seeing and can't identify. I said if the lungs have cleared up 50% since the PPI meds, let's wait and see if there continues to be improvement.
Now I am severely deficient in vitamins D and B12 to the point of being critical but GP just said to take supplements and get rechecked in 2 months.
I was the one that brought up the suggestion of the PPI causing the D and B12 deficiency and the GP agreed it could be the reason.
So here I am feeling like crap, still coughing and short of breath. Now my energy level has bottomed out and my bones are stiff and sore.
They have put me on a waiting list to be tested for surgery on the stomach sphincter to see if I am a candidate but I don't know enough about that surgery or if I should even have it. The Gastro specialist says it isn't a one time fix and I may have to have it again in the future.
Is there a specialist that looks at all things combined? My specialists are all looking at their own fields of expertise but I am feeling like someone needs to be looking at the whole picture and combining treatment. Right now it seems like the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing.
They are treating me like an anomaly but I'm feeling like and finding from posts that my situation isn't so unique.
Any thoughts?


GI dr today prescribed Prilosec for my chronic hoarsenes
20mg twice day before meals. Been hoarse over 2 years.
Another GI dr did endoscopy feb 2017. He just said take Zantac and thought I had general periphial neurapathy.
Otolaryngologist at Baylor in Houston I saw two weeks said it was my age 69. Vocal cords so who do I believe.
But I think it’s my cervical disc stenosis. Since I guess the nerves in disc I assume control the bodies systems.
Like someone said C 3 controls breathing. Is that correct ???


I have a chronic hparse voice, too. The ENT scooped me, said everything checked out fine, wanted to prescribe omeprozole, but I already take it after a HORRIBLE bout of diverticulitis 3 years ago, diagnosed as GERD. But, I never get heartburn. My pain is a lot lower, in the belly. Now what? Come back in 3 months. Zeeze! Now what?


Hi There:

I wanted to update y'all to my success in weaning off of Omeprazole. After several unsuccessful attempts, I have now been able to transition to Ranitidine (usually) twice a day. I am a coffee drinker and had to go to Cold Brew (homemade) for my transitions' success. During my change over, I realized I could intake a2 milk (much to my delight and surprise) without any stomach upset. Apparently, I am not lactose intolerant but intolerant of the a1 milk protein. Smaller meals helps and following my (mental) list of acceptable foods with minimal spices. I do live in New Mexico so green chile is a staple and I can indulge but not overdue it.

Praise be! Fingers crossed for continuing success.



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