Getting off of Seroquel

Posted by anniegk @anniegk, Jun 8, 2018

I have been on 300 mgs. Seroquel ER for over a year for augmenting my antidepressant which is 45 mgs. Of Mirtazapine. I decided to try and get off of the Seroquel. I was on 300mgs ER (extended release). I titrated down to 250 mg ER for 2 months without too many problems.than i titrated down to 200mgs ER just 5 days ago. My plan is to try to titrate off using ER tablets. My thinking is that perhaps the drug will remove its self from my system more gradually. I have had some nausea and a couple of episodes of diarrhea. I also have a very irregular heart beat and was started on 60 mgs of Propranolol ER (extended release) 4 weeks ago. It seems to be helping my heartbeat. I have wondered if the nausea and light headness is from the Propranolol, a Beta Blocker, or the dose reduction of the Seroquel. I also wonder if the way iam titrating the Seroquel is safe. My doctor says it will only take a couple of weeks...I think that is too fast of a taper after being on a drug for over a year. What do you think?

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I disagree that either Effexor or Seroquel should be illegal. They are beneficial to many. I know a man who has schizophrenia who takes Seroquel and although he did develop Seroquel Induced Diabetes from it his Schizophrenia has been controlled so he chooses to continue taking it. If I were you I would use the 5 to 10% method and if possible use a Compounding Pharmacy to assure accuracy.
Another option is Cinderella therapeutics in the Netherlands. Below is there Seroquel tapering strips page.

Here is some additional information about Cinderella therapeutics

Unfortunately, most physicians aren't adequately trained or just don't care about the differences in metabolism in different people.
Although doctors aren't always to blame. Patients have a responsibility to know what they are taking and not automatically assume doctors are incapable of making mistakes. Patients are frequently in a hurry to stop medications. One lady here took Effexor for 30 years and quit cold turkey and had a stroke. What's the rush?
Best of luck to you,

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Good morning,
Saw your post was wonder how you got off of Seroquel. How many mg were you on and for how long? I’m trying to get off of 25mg and Iwent on and off 2 times but I started getting more anxious and couldn’t sit still. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


I disagree that either Effexor or Seroquel should be illegal. They are beneficial to many. I know a man who has schizophrenia who takes Seroquel and although he did develop Seroquel Induced Diabetes from it his Schizophrenia has been controlled so he chooses to continue taking it. If I were you I would use the 5 to 10% method and if possible use a Compounding Pharmacy to assure accuracy.
Another option is Cinderella therapeutics in the Netherlands. Below is there Seroquel tapering strips page.

Here is some additional information about Cinderella therapeutics

Unfortunately, most physicians aren't adequately trained or just don't care about the differences in metabolism in different people.
Although doctors aren't always to blame. Patients have a responsibility to know what they are taking and not automatically assume doctors are incapable of making mistakes. Patients are frequently in a hurry to stop medications. One lady here took Effexor for 30 years and quit cold turkey and had a stroke. What's the rush?
Best of luck to you,

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I just went in that site because I was trying to find a place where I could find more information on Seroquel. I am also on a Seroquel Facebook group support group I wanted to taper and my doctor gave me wrong information. Now I’m not doing too good I went from 75-50-25 all within a month. Even though I was on it only 3 months at that time. Got off and had pacing back and forth and couldn’t sit still. Went back on at 25 then back off now I’m back on snd feel horrible. I have muscle torching snd pins snd needles. Want to get off for good but scared of the restlessness coming back. For me... I should’ve never went on it. I experienced a flat mood when I was on it couldn’t smile or laugh. Still have a pounding in my head and buzzing they won’t go away.


@val56 Welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect, a place to give and get support.

I agree with you. Taping off a medication like Seroquel on your own should not happen. If your provider will not be of assistance then it's important to find a new provider.

I know that is a barrier for many people, finding a new provider. I'm well aware. It isn't easy to navigate the medical system. In times like these it's important to use any support you have, like family, friends, social workers, insurance providers, patient advocates, the office of patient experience, etc. etc.

May I ask if you have experience in taping from Seroquel?

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I tapered the way my doctor told me 75-50-25 within a couple of weeks. I got very restless when I stoped so I went back on it then stoped again this wasn’t good now I need to get off of it due to muscle twitches and pins and needles. I need to get off this so that’s why I was looking anywhere I could and found that group where they have a tapering file. I haven’t started to taper again as of yet. I’m so scared!


Yes, they are very bad drugs. I stopped olanzapine cold turkey and 2 months later I put myself into a long term depression and medical treatment impatient hospital. It almost killed me. Now I've been on Seroquel since May. I am going to titrate off all my meds as my physical health continues to deteriorate. And at age 63 they are no longer working. I anticipate a long duration to accomplish this but I want to live naturally and become physically healthy again!

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How have you been tapering off Seroquel?


I tapered the way my doctor told me 75-50-25 within a couple of weeks. I got very restless when I stoped so I went back on it then stoped again this wasn’t good now I need to get off of it due to muscle twitches and pins and needles. I need to get off this so that’s why I was looking anywhere I could and found that group where they have a tapering file. I haven’t started to taper again as of yet. I’m so scared!

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vAL, My Thoughts and prayers are with you! Under "NORMAL" CONDITIONS, it is hard. Under the "NEW NORMAL " CONDITIONS it makes it even harder! Nothing is Stronger than your mind at Curing your body!
My mind cured me of colon cancer 20 years ago!
It comes to beliving in your mind to make it work for you!


I tapered the way my doctor told me 75-50-25 within a couple of weeks. I got very restless when I stoped so I went back on it then stoped again this wasn’t good now I need to get off of it due to muscle twitches and pins and needles. I need to get off this so that’s why I was looking anywhere I could and found that group where they have a tapering file. I haven’t started to taper again as of yet. I’m so scared!

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@val56 Did you say if you were able to find a different provider that can manage a taper schedule that better minimizes withdraw symptoms?


vAL, My Thoughts and prayers are with you! Under "NORMAL" CONDITIONS, it is hard. Under the "NEW NORMAL " CONDITIONS it makes it even harder! Nothing is Stronger than your mind at Curing your body!
My mind cured me of colon cancer 20 years ago!
It comes to beliving in your mind to make it work for you!

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How did you cure it with your mind? It’s so difficult for me right now. I do believe I have to make my mind stronger. What do you do?


@val56 Did you say if you were able to find a different provider that can manage a taper schedule that better minimizes withdraw symptoms?

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Yes my doctor keeps telling me there are no withdrawals at 25 mg. Wants me to just get off or cut in half


How did you cure it with your mind? It’s so difficult for me right now. I do believe I have to make my mind stronger. What do you do?

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Val, So Just like quitting smoking or stop drinking, or training for an event you have to commit yourself to it! In my case I looked at different hobbies, different groups, (although now is not a good time for that) I was Lucky at that time, I was traveling 30 weeks a year on business. When I was home and would feel depressed I would get in the car and drive somewhere! I read a lot of "Self Help" books! Some I think helped me and some didn't! But as I said I took it all in and figured out what would help me and what wouldn't! It was a Long Process! You will beging to know in time! I won't "Smoke "you on that!
But as you learn and grow more it becomes easier with time! Yet as happened to me the other night I had an Episode like I had not happen in years! What the difference is I ID'd it! Asked myself what I could do to get out of it? As I said, I sat down at my computer and started reading Connect!
I've learned to be compassionate, truly trying to understand where people are coming from, if I feel I can lend something to help I try to! But I do not take ownership of the problem! That would bring me down!
I think those of us who have been throught group thereapy that Connect is 1000% more helpfull! In group sessions it seems like you always have that one person who is belittling, judgemental and knows it all!
Question, do you have any animals, Dogs, Cats ,Gerbiles? Mine are the Best Therapy I have!
Last, as I said your mind, brain, or body can cure anything! Twenty one years ago I was diagnosed with StageIV colon cancer! They operated on me and said they didn;t get i all. We started chemo, in 10 days I had a reaction and given two hours to live. I made it through after 14 days in a coma. When I came back to life they wanted to give me more chemo! I said NO! That year I was traveling on business in the Rocky Mtns. I spent over 200 days either part or all fly fishing. Trying to earse what was going on in my body with the cancer! When I went back to the doctor he couldn't believe I was still alive!
The mind is a very Powerful thing! Just use it and Don't Give up!
One Last thing there is book by Matthew McC. called Greenlights! It is worth reading.
My Blessing, Prayers, and thoughts are with You!
From, The LAnd of Enchantment!


Val, So Just like quitting smoking or stop drinking, or training for an event you have to commit yourself to it! In my case I looked at different hobbies, different groups, (although now is not a good time for that) I was Lucky at that time, I was traveling 30 weeks a year on business. When I was home and would feel depressed I would get in the car and drive somewhere! I read a lot of "Self Help" books! Some I think helped me and some didn't! But as I said I took it all in and figured out what would help me and what wouldn't! It was a Long Process! You will beging to know in time! I won't "Smoke "you on that!
But as you learn and grow more it becomes easier with time! Yet as happened to me the other night I had an Episode like I had not happen in years! What the difference is I ID'd it! Asked myself what I could do to get out of it? As I said, I sat down at my computer and started reading Connect!
I've learned to be compassionate, truly trying to understand where people are coming from, if I feel I can lend something to help I try to! But I do not take ownership of the problem! That would bring me down!
I think those of us who have been throught group thereapy that Connect is 1000% more helpfull! In group sessions it seems like you always have that one person who is belittling, judgemental and knows it all!
Question, do you have any animals, Dogs, Cats ,Gerbiles? Mine are the Best Therapy I have!
Last, as I said your mind, brain, or body can cure anything! Twenty one years ago I was diagnosed with StageIV colon cancer! They operated on me and said they didn;t get i all. We started chemo, in 10 days I had a reaction and given two hours to live. I made it through after 14 days in a coma. When I came back to life they wanted to give me more chemo! I said NO! That year I was traveling on business in the Rocky Mtns. I spent over 200 days either part or all fly fishing. Trying to earse what was going on in my body with the cancer! When I went back to the doctor he couldn't believe I was still alive!
The mind is a very Powerful thing! Just use it and Don't Give up!
One Last thing there is book by Matthew McC. called Greenlights! It is worth reading.
My Blessing, Prayers, and thoughts are with You!
From, The LAnd of Enchantment!

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Val, Wanted to check up on you how you are doing! I made up my mind this week to do a "Reset" of my Life! Drove up to Santa Fe, an hour away to have lunch with a friend I've know for 60 years. It was a Beautiful Day. At 6,000' the sun was shining and no wind! About 40 degrees. Had lunch on a covered patio!
My Happiness was that is one of the first day in a long time I was out of my house and my office for the whole day! NO Nap! No feeling uptight and worried! No fatigue! No Headaches! And everything elase that has been a daily occurance for the last nine months!
On the way home I took a little backroad that was incredabely Beautiful! My Point is as I explained above it is doing something easy if by yourself or with someone! To change the way you look at Life!
Change your routine, change you habits, it truly makes a difference!
Will keep you posted on how I am doing! Let me Know How You are!
From The Land of Enchantment!

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