Getting off of Seroquel

Posted by anniegk @anniegk, Jun 8, 2018

I have been on 300 mgs. Seroquel ER for over a year for augmenting my antidepressant which is 45 mgs. Of Mirtazapine. I decided to try and get off of the Seroquel. I was on 300mgs ER (extended release). I titrated down to 250 mg ER for 2 months without too many problems.than i titrated down to 200mgs ER just 5 days ago. My plan is to try to titrate off using ER tablets. My thinking is that perhaps the drug will remove its self from my system more gradually. I have had some nausea and a couple of episodes of diarrhea. I also have a very irregular heart beat and was started on 60 mgs of Propranolol ER (extended release) 4 weeks ago. It seems to be helping my heartbeat. I have wondered if the nausea and light headness is from the Propranolol, a Beta Blocker, or the dose reduction of the Seroquel. I also wonder if the way iam titrating the Seroquel is safe. My doctor says it will only take a couple of weeks...I think that is too fast of a taper after being on a drug for over a year. What do you think?

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I received a wrong diagnosis of bi-polar II about 20 years ago (new DX is ADHD) I've successfully titrated off lamotrigine 200 mg, lexapro 40 mg, lorazepam 15 mg and finally seroquel. Still taking 5 mg of trintellix. The problem is insomnia - it started the 1st night after last dose of seroquel. I am trying a change in lifestyle (vegan and exercise) that seems to be helping with other withdrawal symptoms I was having - but insomnia is the worst and I really need to be able to work my part-time job. I can't go to sleep before 2 or 3 a.m. and then wake up around 6 a.m. I can sometimes go back to sleep until around 10 a.m. and function the rest of the day. How long will this last? I've been off the seroquel now for about 2 weeks.

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You are to be congratulated for making such positive lifestyle changes. Titrating off unnecessary meds, exercise and veganism are not easy choices! I managed the first two but never got beyond ovo-lacto-vegitarianism, cappuccinos being my drug of choice! As to "How long will this last.....?" the more you worry about it the longer it will probably last!

I found that mindfullness taught me to "accept" my problem with sleep deprivation and that mindfull meditation helped me to relax enough to sleep, for 5-6 hours a night, which is almost enough for me. I am not an MD but I would suggest that melatonin ... (which is natural yes....but is that relevant? Poison ivy is also natural!) ... can cause problems if used long term.

Best wishes!


Thank you so much for the encouragement - have not gone all out into mindfull meditation, but will begin again. I am still struggling and do need to "accept." Your having achieved 5-6 hours a night is wonderful. Will begin again tonight - thank you.


Wow - sleeping 11 hours is amazing - but 8 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. - not so much. It is hard to determine what exactly is causing what - would encourage you to indeed hang in there without going back on seroquel until you hear from your psychiatrist. Best of luck!


You are to be congratulated for making such positive lifestyle changes. Titrating off unnecessary meds, exercise and veganism are not easy choices! I managed the first two but never got beyond ovo-lacto-vegitarianism, cappuccinos being my drug of choice! As to "How long will this last.....?" the more you worry about it the longer it will probably last!

I found that mindfullness taught me to "accept" my problem with sleep deprivation and that mindfull meditation helped me to relax enough to sleep, for 5-6 hours a night, which is almost enough for me. I am not an MD but I would suggest that melatonin ... (which is natural yes....but is that relevant? Poison ivy is also natural!) ... can cause problems if used long term.

Best wishes!

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@marazion......It is good to read that mindful meditation is helping you manage sleep habits. I am getting better at the meditation....can drop in and drop out easily sometimes. Practice, practice, practice. Be safe and protected. Chris

@rainer......congratulations to you and the management of your Seroquel taper. What does it mean that you are trying to delete the ER version? Does that mean that you are planning to stay with a standard Seroquel dosage? I am just at the end of my first taper ever and would appreciate your input. At my first dosage reduction level, I too slept about 22 hours. It was a bit alarming. Be content and at ease today. Chris


How large a dosage? I'll give it a try - I'm having to cancel too many activities. Thanks.

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Rainer 3 mgs.


Melatonin may be a nature substance but even those can have side effects. It gave me HORRIBLE anxiety.

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Sorry it gave you anxiety. I assumed it didn't have any interactions ( I wasn't talking about side effects) but they say it might reduce efficacy of some things.


@marazion......It is good to read that mindful meditation is helping you manage sleep habits. I am getting better at the meditation....can drop in and drop out easily sometimes. Practice, practice, practice. Be safe and protected. Chris

@rainer......congratulations to you and the management of your Seroquel taper. What does it mean that you are trying to delete the ER version? Does that mean that you are planning to stay with a standard Seroquel dosage? I am just at the end of my first taper ever and would appreciate your input. At my first dosage reduction level, I too slept about 22 hours. It was a bit alarming. Be content and at ease today. Chris

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I only took the standard seroquel not the ER. Wouldn't know how to wean off the ER. Sorry - : (


Rainer 3 mgs.

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Thanks for the info - talked to my niece and she takes REMwell and her husband takes the melatonin. They both swear by them - I did get some sleep last night - I think the sleep deprivation finally took over. But did buy a bottle of the melatonin 5mg and have it on hand : )


Thanks for the info - talked to my niece and she takes REMwell and her husband takes the melatonin. They both swear by them - I did get some sleep last night - I think the sleep deprivation finally took over. But did buy a bottle of the melatonin 5mg and have it on hand : )

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I’m beginning to sleep better after two weeks off 740 mgs and 16 years on Seroquel. I think that the Geodon is actually not helping me sleep that much so it looks like I might be through it. I think it’s possible with persistence and belief. Let’s keep each other updated


I’m beginning to sleep better after two weeks off 740 mgs and 16 years on Seroquel. I think that the Geodon is actually not helping me sleep that much so it looks like I might be through it. I think it’s possible with persistence and belief. Let’s keep each other updated

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Glad you are finally getting some rest too - last night was better but back to taking 12.5 mg lorazepam - everything I've read says go "low and slow" when titrating - so guess it will be awhile before I'm off the unnecessary meds. Glad I found this website : )

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