Adults On The Autism Spectrum

Posted by Mamacita, Alumna Mentor @mamacita, Apr 29, 2018

Maybe you were really shy as a child. Perhaps you took home a huge stack of books from the school library, read them, and returned them the next day. Or did your best friend find you crying in your closet, unable to answer the question "Why?" At any rate, your life could be traced to the Self-Help section of the local bookstore. Unfortunately, most of the books were not much help. ADHD seemed to fit, at times. Your shrink said you might be Bi-Polar, although she wasn't really certain. All you knew was that you rarely fit in, anywhere. One day at work, it hit you square in the face: I don't speak these people's language! Really, it was like you were all playing this game, and everyone knew the rules but you. You couldn't tell a joke, and you never "got" any joke your co-worker tried to tell you. People started getting annoyed with you, because you had a memory like a steel trap. They didn't appreciate it when you called them on the carpet. Who knew? This was my life, and worse. I finally aced several tests that pointed me to the answer to my questions. The Autism Spectrum. Guess what? Little kids with Autism grow up to be Adults with Autism. Diagnosed late in life? This is the place for you!

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Hello @mamacita

I hope you are feeling better today. Just saw a great post that I thought you would enjoy. It is about the value that the Indonesia culture places on "togetherness." I think you will relate to it because as you always say, "We are better together."

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Dear@Teresa,Volunteer Mentor, thank you for that very interesting article that you found on Indonesia's concepts of working together.
I had begun reading it when you sent it, but had to stop for some reason or another. No telling, around this place. Well, anyway, I was able to come back to it, and I cannot tell you how meaningful it is to me.

This has been my life for the past two weeks. It is not a competition. It is a team of differently gifted individuals who all work together to achieve a common goal. It is a work of grace.
It is Mayo Clinic Connect. I am humbled and so grateful to be just a small part of it. I could never have imagined being a part of such a great organization. I admire so much what Mayo Clinic is doing for people all over the country. All over the world, really.
May we all work together as one. Namaste.


Dear@Teresa,Volunteer Mentor, thank you for that very interesting article that you found on Indonesia's concepts of working together.
I had begun reading it when you sent it, but had to stop for some reason or another. No telling, around this place. Well, anyway, I was able to come back to it, and I cannot tell you how meaningful it is to me.

This has been my life for the past two weeks. It is not a competition. It is a team of differently gifted individuals who all work together to achieve a common goal. It is a work of grace.
It is Mayo Clinic Connect. I am humbled and so grateful to be just a small part of it. I could never have imagined being a part of such a great organization. I admire so much what Mayo Clinic is doing for people all over the country. All over the world, really.
May we all work together as one. Namaste.

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Amen to that, @mamacita!


@mamacita Today I'm ready to come sit I hurt so bad all over between fibro and back I'm ready to just lay down here

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Precious friend,@lioness, you know we have more than just a cafe here at the Spectrum Cafe. Sure, we serve the best coffee and tea, but we also have a book corner where you can curl up and read to your heart's content.

And did I mention that just on the far left we have a quite comfy chaise lounge where you can stretch out and reat your weary bones ( and muscles)?
Of course, you may have to share it with the manager's
child, who is all of 16 months old and still has a bottle. He is a sweet little thing and never meets a stranger.

There is another sofa on the far right side of the building. I prefer the one up at the front with the baby. He makes me smile. Cook can make you some hot soup and a grilled cheese sandwich. Whatever comfort food you like.
Somewhere in the back I know I have a heating pad you are welcome to use. So come on by. We're here for you. Hope you feel better soon. Lots of gentle hugs and love sent your way.


Precious friend,@lioness, you know we have more than just a cafe here at the Spectrum Cafe. Sure, we serve the best coffee and tea, but we also have a book corner where you can curl up and read to your heart's content.

And did I mention that just on the far left we have a quite comfy chaise lounge where you can stretch out and reat your weary bones ( and muscles)?
Of course, you may have to share it with the manager's
child, who is all of 16 months old and still has a bottle. He is a sweet little thing and never meets a stranger.

There is another sofa on the far right side of the building. I prefer the one up at the front with the baby. He makes me smile. Cook can make you some hot soup and a grilled cheese sandwich. Whatever comfort food you like.
Somewhere in the back I know I have a heating pad you are welcome to use. So come on by. We're here for you. Hope you feel better soon. Lots of gentle hugs and love sent your way.

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@mamacita Over on the sideboard we have some yarn with crochet hooks or knitting needles, if that eases your mind. They are in a cubbyhole next to some simply coloring books with markers, paints, and crayons [some whole, some broken, all beautiful!]. One of us might start softly humming, sending a soothing sound up into the air, that others might harmonize with! There is room for everyone, coffee pot and hot water for tea is always ready. Beautiful green plants from @parus grace the window. What else should we ask everyone to contribute? A poem, a smile, simple gratitude for being alive.... the Spectrum Cafe is open to serve everyone!


Precious friend,@lioness, you know we have more than just a cafe here at the Spectrum Cafe. Sure, we serve the best coffee and tea, but we also have a book corner where you can curl up and read to your heart's content.

And did I mention that just on the far left we have a quite comfy chaise lounge where you can stretch out and reat your weary bones ( and muscles)?
Of course, you may have to share it with the manager's
child, who is all of 16 months old and still has a bottle. He is a sweet little thing and never meets a stranger.

There is another sofa on the far right side of the building. I prefer the one up at the front with the baby. He makes me smile. Cook can make you some hot soup and a grilled cheese sandwich. Whatever comfort food you like.
Somewhere in the back I know I have a heating pad you are welcome to use. So come on by. We're here for you. Hope you feel better soon. Lots of gentle hugs and love sent your way.

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@mamacita @hopeful33250 Thank you,'ll I met a friend here we went up On the roof got some sunshine and feel a bit better Taking a nap now.Thanks for our cyber table.Drinking cuppa coffee first .


@mamacita Over on the sideboard we have some yarn with crochet hooks or knitting needles, if that eases your mind. They are in a cubbyhole next to some simply coloring books with markers, paints, and crayons [some whole, some broken, all beautiful!]. One of us might start softly humming, sending a soothing sound up into the air, that others might harmonize with! There is room for everyone, coffee pot and hot water for tea is always ready. Beautiful green plants from @parus grace the window. What else should we ask everyone to contribute? A poem, a smile, simple gratitude for being alive.... the Spectrum Cafe is open to serve everyone!

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@gingers sounds lovely


I am back fixed and sorted with my login hooray


On Friday nights, Bobby brings his guitar and plays for us. He can do it all. He sings beautifully. Could have easily made a career in Country Music. But he had a wife and two little boys and way back then, a good steady job that paid the bills was more suitable. They've done all right.

His wife Pat reads poetry sometimes. The words are meaningful and tug at your heartstrings. She is one of the kindest people you will ever meet. She never meets a stranger. She doesn't forget your birthday, when even your own flesh and blood do. She loves children and always has something special for the little ones. She and @sirgalahad always look out for the children. Once, they organised, funded, and participated in a visit to the Ronald McDonald House. Food was delivered to the families of suffering children. The teenagers in the local Youth Group dressed up as Superheroes and Disney Princesses. Sirgalahad was Merlin. He mesmerized the kiddos with his tales of long ago. For a moment in time, pain was forgotten.

This is why I love to come to the Spectrum Cafe. There's something for everyone. Pull up a chair. We're waiting for you.


@mamacita Sounds lovely where is the Spectrum cafe? Our family was all musical My son played his guitar with Carnegie Mellon university in Pittsburgh He works didn't make a career.But still plays my grandson 11just did a drum solo in a talent show really good 👍 I'm not prejudice but am a grandma


@gingers sounds lovely

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@gingerw Volunteer Mentor, it is easy to see you know the place well. The ceilings are high, the floors are mostly large black and white tiles. The cafe is in an older part of town, where buildings are lovingly restored. The rest room area is wood paneling, but not the outdated 60's kind. More of the old turn of the century feel and vibe....because it actually is turn of the century. Early 1900's to be exact.
Everything is spotless, and true to the time when it was originally built.
@parus keeps our plants alive, because if Mamacita was in charge, they would all be dead by now. To say that she has a green thumb is an understatement. Not only does she keep the flowers and plants healthy, her wisdom and caring keep all of us going as well. Everyone feels low from time to time. Everyone feels lonely from time to time. But when you are surrounded with lovely people such as these and so many more, you feel hope. Hope is what keeps you going.

We are indeed, better together.

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