Alternatives for pain management

Posted by grandmaR @grandmar, Mar 31, 2018

I was wondering if anyone tried cryo therapy or medical marijuana for pain management. If you did, how did they/it work?
Ronnie (GRANDMAr)

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I find when I can be outside doing anything it reduces my anxiety unless I let myself get crabby because I can do so little (key words there our "let myself") it may be the pain, which is the easiest to work thru or the inability to breathe a little tougher to ignore lol on a good day I will be out as long as I can stand. I am so lucky !!!!! We live about 10 miles outside a town of only 10,000 but it still has 5 recreational lakes WITHIN the city limits! Our home is on a smaller lake which is mostly used by the people (10) living on it. It is close to heaven. Years ago I started expanding the flower gardens, still need one more for the youngest grandchild and as hard as it can be to maintain they bring me joy. My husband doesn't really care about the flower gardens but knowing how much they mean to me he has really helped out A LOT. He also expanded the veggies and grew a 200lb pumpkin last year. He has built a tree house that I still have not seen since he finished the enterior but I have seen pic and it rivals the ones you see on TV only a bit smaller. So far haven't been able to make the climb but I will soon. He is so proud of it he picked all the furniture and décor with only a tiny bit of help from me. except for plumbing it could be a guest room in the sky !!! LOL and he is trying to solve the plumbing (mostly for the female guests ) Speaking of being outside I need to run into town to pick up a few plants and get them in before it rains. Hope everyone as a great day !!!

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@parus I am just headed out now though it is cloudy and muggy. It didn't even seem as though we had spring we went from a blizzard one weekend to 80+ degrees in a matter of days and hasn't stopped the hot n muggy cycle. I sympathize with the squirrels I am having trouble with rabbits and deer ( thought deer didn't eat Hosta ). NIce flowers they can bring a lot of happiness. Thanks for sharing with me


I find when I can be outside doing anything it reduces my anxiety unless I let myself get crabby because I can do so little (key words there our "let myself") it may be the pain, which is the easiest to work thru or the inability to breathe a little tougher to ignore lol on a good day I will be out as long as I can stand. I am so lucky !!!!! We live about 10 miles outside a town of only 10,000 but it still has 5 recreational lakes WITHIN the city limits! Our home is on a smaller lake which is mostly used by the people (10) living on it. It is close to heaven. Years ago I started expanding the flower gardens, still need one more for the youngest grandchild and as hard as it can be to maintain they bring me joy. My husband doesn't really care about the flower gardens but knowing how much they mean to me he has really helped out A LOT. He also expanded the veggies and grew a 200lb pumpkin last year. He has built a tree house that I still have not seen since he finished the enterior but I have seen pic and it rivals the ones you see on TV only a bit smaller. So far haven't been able to make the climb but I will soon. He is so proud of it he picked all the furniture and décor with only a tiny bit of help from me. except for plumbing it could be a guest room in the sky !!! LOL and he is trying to solve the plumbing (mostly for the female guests ) Speaking of being outside I need to run into town to pick up a few plants and get them in before it rains. Hope everyone as a great day !!!

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@parus p.s. Love four o'clocks my mom had them every year


I find when I can be outside doing anything it reduces my anxiety unless I let myself get crabby because I can do so little (key words there our "let myself") it may be the pain, which is the easiest to work thru or the inability to breathe a little tougher to ignore lol on a good day I will be out as long as I can stand. I am so lucky !!!!! We live about 10 miles outside a town of only 10,000 but it still has 5 recreational lakes WITHIN the city limits! Our home is on a smaller lake which is mostly used by the people (10) living on it. It is close to heaven. Years ago I started expanding the flower gardens, still need one more for the youngest grandchild and as hard as it can be to maintain they bring me joy. My husband doesn't really care about the flower gardens but knowing how much they mean to me he has really helped out A LOT. He also expanded the veggies and grew a 200lb pumpkin last year. He has built a tree house that I still have not seen since he finished the enterior but I have seen pic and it rivals the ones you see on TV only a bit smaller. So far haven't been able to make the climb but I will soon. He is so proud of it he picked all the furniture and décor with only a tiny bit of help from me. except for plumbing it could be a guest room in the sky !!! LOL and he is trying to solve the plumbing (mostly for the female guests ) Speaking of being outside I need to run into town to pick up a few plants and get them in before it rains. Hope everyone as a great day !!!

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@allisonsnow Oh my!!! Squirrels are mild compared to deer as far as eating the plants. There are some ferns that deer do not like. flowers do bring happiness. Mine have not been planted for long. Another couple of weeks and their legs will stretch as they have room to wiggle their toes. a later start here this Spring too.


Lioness. I DONT GET ANY IN TEXAS. And you will be shocked how it will help you. You know you have had enough when you take the portion recommended for you.

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@oregongirl I have used the balm but never the drops or capsules what do you recommend? I can order them online . have a good weekend.


I find when I can be outside doing anything it reduces my anxiety unless I let myself get crabby because I can do so little (key words there our "let myself") it may be the pain, which is the easiest to work thru or the inability to breathe a little tougher to ignore lol on a good day I will be out as long as I can stand. I am so lucky !!!!! We live about 10 miles outside a town of only 10,000 but it still has 5 recreational lakes WITHIN the city limits! Our home is on a smaller lake which is mostly used by the people (10) living on it. It is close to heaven. Years ago I started expanding the flower gardens, still need one more for the youngest grandchild and as hard as it can be to maintain they bring me joy. My husband doesn't really care about the flower gardens but knowing how much they mean to me he has really helped out A LOT. He also expanded the veggies and grew a 200lb pumpkin last year. He has built a tree house that I still have not seen since he finished the enterior but I have seen pic and it rivals the ones you see on TV only a bit smaller. So far haven't been able to make the climb but I will soon. He is so proud of it he picked all the furniture and décor with only a tiny bit of help from me. except for plumbing it could be a guest room in the sky !!! LOL and he is trying to solve the plumbing (mostly for the female guests ) Speaking of being outside I need to run into town to pick up a few plants and get them in before it rains. Hope everyone as a great day !!!

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@parus The sad day of spring is when I plant my last annual LOL I am moving more and more to perennials especially in the gardens farther from the house. harder to keep them watered (the annuals) and I can't carry many watering cans ! I planted a new garden a couple of years ago in honor of my daughter and that one is finally taking hold , except for deer But a Norway pine started growing between the landscape rocks and the deer have left that alone. She must be watching out for it, it is a couple feet tall now, Think I might go out and pick rhubarb while my back isn't hurting to bad. (I was pretty lazy today so I feel ok)

Have a good night


I find when I can be outside doing anything it reduces my anxiety unless I let myself get crabby because I can do so little (key words there our "let myself") it may be the pain, which is the easiest to work thru or the inability to breathe a little tougher to ignore lol on a good day I will be out as long as I can stand. I am so lucky !!!!! We live about 10 miles outside a town of only 10,000 but it still has 5 recreational lakes WITHIN the city limits! Our home is on a smaller lake which is mostly used by the people (10) living on it. It is close to heaven. Years ago I started expanding the flower gardens, still need one more for the youngest grandchild and as hard as it can be to maintain they bring me joy. My husband doesn't really care about the flower gardens but knowing how much they mean to me he has really helped out A LOT. He also expanded the veggies and grew a 200lb pumpkin last year. He has built a tree house that I still have not seen since he finished the enterior but I have seen pic and it rivals the ones you see on TV only a bit smaller. So far haven't been able to make the climb but I will soon. He is so proud of it he picked all the furniture and décor with only a tiny bit of help from me. except for plumbing it could be a guest room in the sky !!! LOL and he is trying to solve the plumbing (mostly for the female guests ) Speaking of being outside I need to run into town to pick up a few plants and get them in before it rains. Hope everyone as a great day !!!

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You sound like you live in Minnesota or Wisconsin. Rhubarb used to be my treat to myself. Raw. My mom would make Rhubarb pies . I grew up in Minnesota.


And don't you worry about the ads that will come to fight legalization. They will scoop up every youth who has gotten a ticket and been in accident. To me this is proof that you should not use until you are 21.

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Justin...Mayo is just lining up with their reasons why we should not use Marijuana. My reason for moving the age to 21, would be to make sure they are adult enough to understand that this is a powerful plant and can help but it can be abused. The teens will not get addicted to Marijuana unless they are mental WANTING that. And it would not be real. I know this all means MONEY. Pharmacy drug companies, & doctors will be giving up their frosting on the cake that they receive now when one of their patients uses their drug. I have SEVEN 7 drugs for my heart. REALLY? I called and asked my doctor to please go over the listing of drugs and let me quit even a few. She will probably agree this time as she is leaving present location and moving to another. My doctor in Oregon always gave me samples first to see if the drug upset my stomach or that it had a reverse action on me. I was blessed. Now I take the script to the pharmacy and pick up 30 days supply and use two and throw the rest out. There is a whole lot of politics involved in our pharmacy use and prescribed
drugs. YES to Marijuana. And be careful on the ballot, they use YES to get the NO.


Lioness. I DONT GET ANY IN TEXAS. And you will be shocked how it will help you. You know you have had enough when you take the portion recommended for you.

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Lioness, you are so fortunate. I bought the oil. If you are tight on Money, you can make your own oil. There is a tube filled with oil and screws onto a tip that allows the oil ingredients to you. Like a cigarette without the dangers of cigaretts. I have a hard time rolling the Marijuana and I cough when I use it that way. You can buy them already rolled. There is SO much, I even had some treats for my dog.
You will get used to the strength by talking with the clinic people and started one maybe keeping a note on how it affects your pain. If not enough, go to Clinic and explain that and they will adjust it. Are you sure you can order it on line?


My son likes the capsules. He had an accident and has a terrible back. He also had brain cancer diagnosis. Turned out to not be cancer, but he still has the SCAR. The Capsules, I believe work faster. I have never tried them You can also get the oil in a bottle with a stopper. Drip a bit on your tongue.


I'm SO glad for you and the fact that you are able to "work thru the pain"!!! Unfortunately, my hobbies, including gardening, my 30 + house plants, chores like sweeping,mopping, that side to side motion, bending, stooping, lifting any size bag of trash, even picking up something causes my pain. Which feels like a concrete block sewn in to the middle of my back. But enough whining!!! I'm thrilled for you and that you have someone close who understands!!! Cudos for you. Your words, you, set an example that it can be done!! Thank you..for welcome g me into your group. I realizeI am not alone.

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@allisonsnow....I was re-reading your post. I appreciate your words so much. Getting ready to tackle vacuuming tommorrow. Dreading dreading dreading.
Thanks so much. @tennessee girl. AKA Melinda.

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