Co-Enzyme Q 10 (100 mg daily) Stops Statin Leg Pain

Hi, I'm taking 20 mg Atorvastatin and my legs were aching. My great Cardiologist told me that statin medications rob the body of the supplement Co Q 10 and taking 100 mg a day would alleviate the problem. I take now Co-enzyme Q 10 100 mg daily and it totally stopped the leg pain. Hope this is helpful to some.

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Stressedmesseddepressed: Thanks for message about CoQ10...I don't know how kosher product, I 'll get in India. Still trying...


I buy my coq10 at, but make sure you get Ubiquinol the most absorbable form.

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Who told you natures way was safest? I've used a variety of different brands, some brands will try to tell you that theres is better, and for some products that is true, as in the case of Nopalea which can only be purchased from Trivita, always check the company's back ground.


You should never order any kind of medicine / vitamins from over seas.


Stressedmesseddepressed: Thanks for message about CoQ10...I don't know how kosher product, I 'll get in India. Still trying...

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To to they have what your looking for


Many thanks for supportive data, for efficacy of Co Q10; being in India, trying to get the popular brand and tried to contact a
pharmaceutical company for some helpful info. May be, my puzzling right thigh pain could be relieved.

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Hello @ramakambhatla,

I've listed two websites below, that are known for their diligence and authenticity, and carry products from trusted pharmaceutical companies such as Sanofi, East West Pharma, etc:


kanaazperiera: Hi..Thanks for info. and I have noted many products(Brand names). I will get to use the medication, asap.


Thanks so much. I also was just started on 40 mg of Atorvastatin a few weeks ago and my legs are killing me! I am going to try the Co Q10. Thanks!!!


@stressedmesseddepreassed- thank you for sharing this great info. If it is possible, can you share the brand of CoEnzyme Q10 you are taking?

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@kanaazpereira My mom has severe 2ndary/functional mitral regurgitation and has been suffered from on and off CHF. I am looking for info how much it would cost for her to have the repair or replace surgery done in Mayo Clinic. Can someone with that info reply to me. She does not have insurance. Thanks in advance.


@stressedmesseddepreassed- thank you for sharing this great info. If it is possible, can you share the brand of CoEnzyme Q10 you are taking?

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I need to add that it's best, essential, to be sure, to get the "Ubiquinol" (not ubiquinone) form of C-enzyme Q 10. Just check the label. Ubiquinol is bio-available and the other not for everyone. Feel better.


I buy my coq10 at, but make sure you get Ubiquinol the most absorbable form.

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@lioness Hello,I too have pain in my thighs. I believe its from fibromyalgia. I was diagnosed in 2012. I take Cymbalta, Lyrica and Baclofen which helps control most of the pain. I also have bulging discs in C4. MRI shows that the disc in C5 is leaking gel and irritating my spinal cord. I have had chronic neck pain for over 20 years and have been on and off opoids for years. Right now I take Percocet.

I'm not familiar with that. I take magnesium with my calcium pill to get additional magnesium. I had gastric bypass in 2007 so I don't absorb food or medicines the same as others.

Can you tell me about Fibro Malic?

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