Wanted: Organ Transplant Recipients Who Have Been Hit By a Car

Posted by Rosemary, Volunteer Mentor @rosemarya, Feb 26, 2018

"Are there any transplant recipients of any organ who have been hit by a car? How did you recover? What helped you to recover from the multiple injuries?
I am posting this discussion question on behalf of one of our members,
@glinda who has recently been hit by a car and asked me to do it for her. Due to multiple injuries, she may not be able to respond right now and can read your messages.
Your support and encouragement will be appreciated as she recovers.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Transplants Support Group.


@glinda I'm thinking of you because of the weather that is heading into your area?? Will you still be able to get to Mayo for your appointment??

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@glinda Spring time is in the air!
It has arrived here (for now) My husband has already done his 3rd lawn mowing.
Stay positive because you encourage us with your attitude and progress. We look forward to the day when you will be ready to join us full time!


@glinda I'm thinking of you because of the weather that is heading into your area?? Will you still be able to get to Mayo for your appointment??

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Thanks Rosemary me to I look forward to the time I am able to join you all for time still have one surgery the and to procedures to go through yet before I can feel somewhat normal again I won't feel completely normal or I should say like myself until I am walking again but am counting the days until I do


So good to hear from you and know that you were able to be stabilized close by, such good news! I will be praying for you regarding the May 1 appointment.



@glinda I'm thinking of you because of the weather that is heading into your area?? Will you still be able to get to Mayo for your appointment??

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@glinda We also had dog problem yesterday (again) Neighbors dog got loose, and had my husband cornered twice . This dog is listed as a vicious dog and is supposed to be on a chain at all times. HaHa! It will be treated as a Vicious Animal and the owner held accountable - after it bites someone! Yesterday was an "Animal Control/Police Officer/ Cursing out by the neighbor kind of day:-/
The only good thing about the experience is that we learned that they are moving June 1 🙂
I feel better for venting! Thanks for listening!!


Hello Teresa, It has been almost a month since I've been here. Sorry for the delay. My pacemaker battery replacement was April 2, All is well and almost healed. I am doing ok with it. Just taken a few weeks from the surgery. I also had my first "chemo-Imune therapy was on the 16th. Doinng ok with that too. Gaining some energy back. Loosing weight though. I have lost aprox 20 pounds of water weight before the pace maker surgery. On Lasix at 20mg now to get the rest of the swelling off my face because of the severe reaction of the chemo in February.I have also lost another 10 pounds, haven't been able to eat much. More often through out the day instead of a large meal. Am sleeping better now too. Which helps a lot. I also have another question to ask about. The following is what is happening with my granddaughter's husband, They have been married for little over one year now. Anyway he is 33 and has just been diagnosis with "Burkett Non Hodgkins Lymphoma. This started in his large sinis caviaty, behind his right eye. It was located on his optic nerve and very pain full. Yesterday was the diagnosis. They will be starting some chemo of some kind on Monday.The doctors also found a lymph node under his arm too. Doesn't sound to good for him. Anyway just wanted to share what has been happening with me. My husband also ended up in the hospital with chest pain, nothing found to be the cause. I also celebrated my 85 th birthday March 19. So time flies when you are having fun! This is pretty much the last month to six weeks. (Shortshot80 Nancy)


@glinda I'm thinking of you because of the weather that is heading into your area?? Will you still be able to get to Mayo for your appointment??

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Look at how far you have come..and all you have been through....please....like yourself...you are amazing now and will continue to be each day!


Happy Birthday young lady....sounds like you have your hands full.
Lucky you...losing weight...Im eating basic cardboard and cant lose the 20 lbs I put on in the beginning of this journey. We might have to trade secrets..lol.
Glad your hubby is ok...we really dont need the stress.
Hoping your daughters husband has some good news too. Your poor daughter is getting her share of the fun. Give her a hug for hope.
I am 2 yrs into Stage 4 cirrhosis and trying to get listed. I have a bunch of complications but they all dont seem that important when I read about others.
Guess we all have different paths but all the same hope.
Take care of YOU and know we are all here to help each other.....


@glinda I'm thinking of you because of the weather that is heading into your area?? Will you still be able to get to Mayo for your appointment??

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@glinda I am so impressed with your strength and attitude. I am sure you must get discouraged at times but you seem to be so positive. That's the best way to be, and I fully believe that being positive helps greatly in healing.


@glinda I'm thinking of you because of the weather that is heading into your area?? Will you still be able to get to Mayo for your appointment??

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@jeanne5009 Hi Jeanne. I'm not sure who this post is directed to without having the @ followed by the name, but whomever you meant, it is good advice for just about all of us. 🙂


Spring does exist! Here are some columbines that I saw blooming in the woods today on a hike. They are actually growing out of the side of a huge rock. I don’t think it matters it this is right my side up or sideways!
(it did turn out sideways. The bottom is on your right!)

Sending warm sunshine thoughts to you, Glinda.

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