Wanted: Organ Transplant Recipients Who Have Been Hit By a Car

Posted by Rosemary, Volunteer Mentor @rosemarya, Feb 26, 2018

"Are there any transplant recipients of any organ who have been hit by a car? How did you recover? What helped you to recover from the multiple injuries?
I am posting this discussion question on behalf of one of our members,
@glinda who has recently been hit by a car and asked me to do it for her. Due to multiple injuries, she may not be able to respond right now and can read your messages.
Your support and encouragement will be appreciated as she recovers.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Transplants Support Group.


Hi Glinda. Here are some flowers for you. I hope they brighten your day. These are beginning to bloom in my yard during an unseasonable wet and warm spell.

Oops! They turned out sideways.

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@rosemarya I have no idea why some pictures go sideways in my emails, like your picture did here. Does anyone know what causes this? I even edited the picture once so it was on its side before putting it in an email and it still went sideways!


Hi Glinda. Here are some flowers for you. I hope they brighten your day. These are beginning to bloom in my yard during an unseasonable wet and warm spell.

Oops! They turned out sideways.

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@glinda I have no flowers to send you from my yard, it's still pretty cold here in New England.
You must be greatly improved to be moving to a rehab center, that's wonderful. I am sure it will be hard work but it will be worth it. In between therapy sessions get plenty of rest. I was in a rehab hospital after my first knee replacement and had three therapy sessions a day. It was good but exhausting so when I got back to my room I would easily fall asleep.
I hope you progress well in therapy.
Thinking of you. JK


@glinda, That is great news:-) Progress is good, even if it feels slow. I bet it feels good to be out of hospital, too! I think that you were lucky to get into a rehab center that is closer to your home! I am going to make a guess that tomorrow and Sunday might be quiet for you, with the rehab during the weekdays. That will probably really wear you out, so maybe you can sleep well.
I'm happy you enjoyed the flowers! They are originally from from my grandpa's farm to my mom/dad's home to my 2 previous addresses, to our current address of 30+ years. They are the plain ole garden variety daffodil, but to me they are precious in their memories. I remember picking handfuls of them and arranging them in a vase on grandma's table, and for mom on our dining room table.

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@rosemarya That history really does make those daffodils special. I love daffodils in the spring, more than tulips because tulips loose their petals so quickly. I haven't seen any daffodils in the stores here yet. I've given up trying to grow them in the yard because the chipmunks or whatever eat the bulbs.


@glinda, That is great news:-) Progress is good, even if it feels slow. I bet it feels good to be out of hospital, too! I think that you were lucky to get into a rehab center that is closer to your home! I am going to make a guess that tomorrow and Sunday might be quiet for you, with the rehab during the weekdays. That will probably really wear you out, so maybe you can sleep well.
I'm happy you enjoyed the flowers! They are originally from from my grandpa's farm to my mom/dad's home to my 2 previous addresses, to our current address of 30+ years. They are the plain ole garden variety daffodil, but to me they are precious in their memories. I remember picking handfuls of them and arranging them in a vase on grandma's table, and for mom on our dining room table.

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@contentandwell You give me too much credit! I stick them in the ground - they come up. That's another reason to love them:-) Sometimes they bloom at the same time as the red bud tree and the tulips, now that is a beautiful sight. They are actually arranged on top of an old rock pile left by builders before we ever lived here.

@glinda, I will try to locate that photo later and send it to you.



Thank you Rosemary I really appreciate it


@glinda, That is great news:-) Progress is good, even if it feels slow. I bet it feels good to be out of hospital, too! I think that you were lucky to get into a rehab center that is closer to your home! I am going to make a guess that tomorrow and Sunday might be quiet for you, with the rehab during the weekdays. That will probably really wear you out, so maybe you can sleep well.
I'm happy you enjoyed the flowers! They are originally from from my grandpa's farm to my mom/dad's home to my 2 previous addresses, to our current address of 30+ years. They are the plain ole garden variety daffodil, but to me they are precious in their memories. I remember picking handfuls of them and arranging them in a vase on grandma's table, and for mom on our dining room table.

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@rosemarya Do you take them out in the fall and replant in the spring? I have never done that, and have not heard of doing it. Of course that is good defense against the bulb-eating creatures.


@glinda, That is great news:-) Progress is good, even if it feels slow. I bet it feels good to be out of hospital, too! I think that you were lucky to get into a rehab center that is closer to your home! I am going to make a guess that tomorrow and Sunday might be quiet for you, with the rehab during the weekdays. That will probably really wear you out, so maybe you can sleep well.
I'm happy you enjoyed the flowers! They are originally from from my grandpa's farm to my mom/dad's home to my 2 previous addresses, to our current address of 30+ years. They are the plain ole garden variety daffodil, but to me they are precious in their memories. I remember picking handfuls of them and arranging them in a vase on grandma's table, and for mom on our dining room table.

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@contentandwell, I do not take them up. Perhaps if they were a special variety I might consider it, though. I am not a gardener, but I do stick things in the ground - it is their choice whether or not to grow!


Thank you Rosemary I really appreciate it

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@glinda, @contentandwell, The daffodils must have been finished when I took there pictures. This was in 2011 and they have not bloomed together like this since.
I hope they bring some color to brighten up the day!


@glinda, That is great news:-) Progress is good, even if it feels slow. I bet it feels good to be out of hospital, too! I think that you were lucky to get into a rehab center that is closer to your home! I am going to make a guess that tomorrow and Sunday might be quiet for you, with the rehab during the weekdays. That will probably really wear you out, so maybe you can sleep well.
I'm happy you enjoyed the flowers! They are originally from from my grandpa's farm to my mom/dad's home to my 2 previous addresses, to our current address of 30+ years. They are the plain ole garden variety daffodil, but to me they are precious in their memories. I remember picking handfuls of them and arranging them in a vase on grandma's table, and for mom on our dining room table.

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@rosemarya I thought when you said you just put them in the ground that maybe you did that each spring. I have never taken any bulbs up either. One year I planted an extensive display of lily flowering tulips, they were beautiful. The next year NOTHING. I was so disappointed. Darned little rodents.

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