Does CBD oil help you with your depression and/or anxiety?

Posted by lalyfa @lalyfa, Feb 24, 2018

I am curious to know if anyone has had success with CBD or Hemp oil helping with depression/anxiety? I’ve been reading a lot about it and am curious.
I've been reading about this and am very interested but would like thoughts/opinions from anyone who has actually tried it or knows someone who has. TIA

Thank you,

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Gail, where did you get the water and did you need an RX? I'm in Florida and we just legalized but I think only under doctors RX.

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@dandi @cdcc

I got the CBD Living Water through the dispensary here in California. I have a Medical Card, but I don't need one here anymore. If you Google "CBD Living Water" you can purchase it online I think. I don't know if it's the legal kind in all states, but their website should tell you that information. I now use the 3/4 CBD to 1/4 THC tincture rather than the water. It seems to be the most effective for me. I hope you find relief for your anxiety.


A brief update on my progress with the CBD oil. The area I have noticed the improvement with is quality of sleep. Does help to have quality sleep.

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I'm so happy the CBD is helpful for you. I have found that the longer I've been using the 3 CBD to 1 THC blend, the better it works for me. And, you're right, getting good quality sleep is important to help anxiety and depression. Here's to a good night's sleep.


@gailb I am in SC where it can only be prescribed for last days of cancer pain because they don't care if they get "addicted". I will not get on my soapbox, but I would much prefer being addicted to marijuana as there have never been any scientific studies that prove a physical addiction to marijuana as opposed to opiates. Maybe a psychological dependence, but two very different animals. However, I do believe the CBD oil that does not contain THC is legal federally and in all states.

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Cbd is federally legal in all 50 states they say it is a food supplement. Each individual state has their own laws regarding cbd oil. I believe North Dakota, Iowa, Nebraska, South Dakota, are states where it is illegal.



I'm so happy the CBD is helpful for you. I have found that the longer I've been using the 3 CBD to 1 THC blend, the better it works for me. And, you're right, getting good quality sleep is important to help anxiety and depression. Here's to a good night's sleep.

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The distinction should be made that there are two kinds of CBD. One from the hemp plant which is federally available and one from the marijuana plant which is not, although should be! The CBD I take too is from the marijuana and definitely works for anxiety without a high. It’s such a shame that it is not widely available as it is far superior to the garbage the pharmaceutical companies are peddling. I was very skeptical of getting my medical marijuana card to purchase this but I’m so glad I did it. The CBD from the hemp plant Does not have the same medicinal properties so don’t get discouraged if you tried to pick it up and it didn’t work for you as I bet that is the reason-not comparing apples to apples.


Yes. I have been on antidepressants for almost 20 years and have had a terrible time with discontinuation symptoms each time I try to stop taking them. Every antidepressant I have taken has given me at least one undesirable side effect so I decided to get my medical marijuana card and try that route. I bought a CBD capsule from Knox Medical called Perla and I cannot believe how well it has been working. I completely stopped Well Turin and am on my 5th day of not taking Cymbalta. I am having brain zaps and dizziness but no anxiety or depression. It’s truly like a miracle. The difference between the CBD I take and what’s in the general market is that it is from the marijuana plant and not the hemp plant. It does not give a high effect. I just noticed that the elephant that weighed on my chest for so many years had gone away about 2 weeks in to taking it. The more I have read about Cymbalta the more furious I have become that my phychiatrist didn’t warm me of all of the side effects and discontinuation effects. I had been on Effexor several years ago and never wanted to go on a drug like that again. I was skeptical of the CBD but was desperate to try something that wasn’t Xanax or addictive to calm my anxiety. Hope my experience helps someone reading and hope I can make it through these awful brain zaps over the next few days. I will never take another antidepressant again!

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was great to read your post I live in New Zealand and we are pushing to get CBD oil legalised over here on prescription from a doctor. I am trying to wean off Effexor at the moment and also have chronic back pain and I'm sure CBD would be of help so reading your story has given me hope for the future


@dandi @cdcc

I got the CBD Living Water through the dispensary here in California. I have a Medical Card, but I don't need one here anymore. If you Google "CBD Living Water" you can purchase it online I think. I don't know if it's the legal kind in all states, but their website should tell you that information. I now use the 3/4 CBD to 1/4 THC tincture rather than the water. It seems to be the most effective for me. I hope you find relief for your anxiety.

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Hi I am now more than 5 months of cbd oil continously. It's helping tremendously with brain fog, fatigue, mood liability, anxiety and with good sleep patterns. I really suffered too much when my sleep suffers so I use also zoloft and seroquel this last one bc of its sedative effects. I find out that when my anxiety and mood are leveled my sleep is deep and refreshing. The last bottle of cbd oul was for me a different experience it got me mini panic attacks at night so letting me in a terrible mindset during the next day. I noticed that it was related to the last cbd oil bottle I started so stopped it. They are sending me a new one. What could be the cause of this reaction? I stopped yesterday the cbd bottle and no panic attacks at night. What could have happened? I was very confused


Yes. I have been on antidepressants for almost 20 years and have had a terrible time with discontinuation symptoms each time I try to stop taking them. Every antidepressant I have taken has given me at least one undesirable side effect so I decided to get my medical marijuana card and try that route. I bought a CBD capsule from Knox Medical called Perla and I cannot believe how well it has been working. I completely stopped Well Turin and am on my 5th day of not taking Cymbalta. I am having brain zaps and dizziness but no anxiety or depression. It’s truly like a miracle. The difference between the CBD I take and what’s in the general market is that it is from the marijuana plant and not the hemp plant. It does not give a high effect. I just noticed that the elephant that weighed on my chest for so many years had gone away about 2 weeks in to taking it. The more I have read about Cymbalta the more furious I have become that my phychiatrist didn’t warm me of all of the side effects and discontinuation effects. I had been on Effexor several years ago and never wanted to go on a drug like that again. I was skeptical of the CBD but was desperate to try something that wasn’t Xanax or addictive to calm my anxiety. Hope my experience helps someone reading and hope I can make it through these awful brain zaps over the next few days. I will never take another antidepressant again!

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When did the cbd started to work for you how much do you take and when


Hi I am now more than 5 months of cbd oil continously. It's helping tremendously with brain fog, fatigue, mood liability, anxiety and with good sleep patterns. I really suffered too much when my sleep suffers so I use also zoloft and seroquel this last one bc of its sedative effects. I find out that when my anxiety and mood are leveled my sleep is deep and refreshing. The last bottle of cbd oul was for me a different experience it got me mini panic attacks at night so letting me in a terrible mindset during the next day. I noticed that it was related to the last cbd oil bottle I started so stopped it. They are sending me a new one. What could be the cause of this reaction? I stopped yesterday the cbd bottle and no panic attacks at night. What could have happened? I was very confused

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@lorena1egas I don't use the CBD oil but do drink 1.5 oz of organic hemp oil daily for the omega 3 and omega 6 plant based vitamins. I know the stuff I take can become rancid if it sits in the heat or is past it's expiration date. Is there a possibility that might be the case for the CBD oil? Does it show an expiration date?


@lorena1egas I don't use the CBD oil but do drink 1.5 oz of organic hemp oil daily for the omega 3 and omega 6 plant based vitamins. I know the stuff I take can become rancid if it sits in the heat or is past it's expiration date. Is there a possibility that might be the case for the CBD oil? Does it show an expiration date?

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Hi thanks for the answer. The correct of the liquid was "normal" but it didn't have a lot number non an expiration date


When did the cbd started to work for you how much do you take and when

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I had pmdd all my life and 2 years ago I had surgery for that and am at 46 years on surgical menopause with mood and sleep disturbance I use zoloft and an estradiol patch but still some liability and fatigue because I also have an autoinmune condition. Both are chronic conditions so that contribute to the mood liability and anxiety. I am 5 month stable and high productivity with adding cbd oul. For me the only one that works is hempworx cbd oil. I started on 5 drops and after 3 days 1 drop more (6 drops) 3 days more and 7 drops so on till 10 drops that I started to feel that my brain fog left I felt focus centered and without fatigue and no anxiety. I am now 5 months taking 20 drops am and 20 drops pm with much success. I take care pretty much about my sleep so add a tiny dose of seroquel and that's enough. Don't use benzodiazepines and hace no anxiety nor mood liability and a healthy deep sleep. I need to have routines and no excesses at all even if it's about working out and doing good thinks. Everything has to be moderate and flow a nutritional plan. Hope this helps

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