Alternative (herb) medications

Posted by charlie999 @charlie999, Jan 11, 2018

Anyone here tried alternative medications for mac? I was on the big three for a short time, but it was wrecking my body. liver still abnormal. I got off and not going back. Maybe try herbal solutions. I rarely ever cough and have no other symptoms. Doc says =according to my ct scans, I have mac=. Appreciate any herbal info/advice. Thanks. Charley

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Thanks for posting this. I have Mac and have been taking probiotic and prebiotic for several months. I am not taking the big 3 that my ID doctor prescribed. Eating loads of avocado and about 10 other supplements, trying to boost my immune system, hoping that will have a positive effect. If anyone might have knowledge of an alternative cocktail, please post it. Mine might be doing something — just had ct scan and dr said I was stable. If this good report continues, I will post a detailed description of my daily cocktail. Just added artichoke extract and blueberry extract. I am sure most doctors would laugh at my system, but I have always followed IF YOU ARE DEEP IN A WELL, AND SOMEONE THROWS A ROPE. — GRAB IT.
Blessings to all. Charlie.

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What are the supplements you are taking?


Thanks for posting this. I have Mac and have been taking probiotic and prebiotic for several months. I am not taking the big 3 that my ID doctor prescribed. Eating loads of avocado and about 10 other supplements, trying to boost my immune system, hoping that will have a positive effect. If anyone might have knowledge of an alternative cocktail, please post it. Mine might be doing something — just had ct scan and dr said I was stable. If this good report continues, I will post a detailed description of my daily cocktail. Just added artichoke extract and blueberry extract. I am sure most doctors would laugh at my system, but I have always followed IF YOU ARE DEEP IN A WELL, AND SOMEONE THROWS A ROPE. — GRAB IT.
Blessings to all. Charlie.

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@jkiemen who are you talking too. You want to know what supplément one of us take? 



Can someone list their alternative treatments
Thank u

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@nick52 , Another way to get the colloidal silver is to drink from silver goblets and use real silverware. That is why our ancestors used real silverware.


@charlie999 , Hello Charlie. I was diagnosed in 2005 with MAC and bronchiectasis. I opted to not go the route of the three strong antibiotic regimen due to worrieksonvile. s of harming my liver. I have been on an ongoing treatment over the last 5 yrs of using one a month. I take the antibiotic for 10 days each month and the antibiotics are alternated each month as to not build up a resistance to them. The two antibiotics used were doxycycline and ciprofloxacin. I did those two for three yrs. until I caught a. psudomonas. Then, the doxycycline was swithed to tobramycin. So far so good. I have not coughed in years, whereas, I used to cough non-stop and violently. The doctor that put me on this regimen is at the Mayo Clinic in JAX.

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Hi...I have not had official diagnosis but the radiologist and my GP say it looks like MAC. I am spinning, reading everything about the treatment routine. I have an apt with a local pulmonologist in my tiny town next week for diagnosis but need to find someone that can treat and is fluid in treatment of MAC after I get confirmation of the disease. Are you able to give me your Dr.'s name in Jacksonville? I live in FL so a four hour drive is not too crazy, unless I am making it weekly. Thanks..I am just trying to get my ducks in a row as I am a little freaked by reading about the treatment and your Dr. sounds like he is taking a less scary approach. Thanks.


@charlie999 , Hello Charlie. I was diagnosed in 2005 with MAC and bronchiectasis. I opted to not go the route of the three strong antibiotic regimen due to worrieksonvile. s of harming my liver. I have been on an ongoing treatment over the last 5 yrs of using one a month. I take the antibiotic for 10 days each month and the antibiotics are alternated each month as to not build up a resistance to them. The two antibiotics used were doxycycline and ciprofloxacin. I did those two for three yrs. until I caught a. psudomonas. Then, the doxycycline was swithed to tobramycin. So far so good. I have not coughed in years, whereas, I used to cough non-stop and violently. The doctor that put me on this regimen is at the Mayo Clinic in JAX.

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I think natural things are wonderful and certainly less problematic in terms of side effects. However, I don’t think there is any natural remedy out there for MAC. Go slowly and don’t panic. If you do not get answers from your pulmonologist there are a lot of great places to go to for treatment. You also need an infectious disease doctor if you don’t have one. Due to my unique set of circumstances, my ID doctor is sending me to Denver to National Jewish Health. Not a fan of flying out there, but if I need to I will! Good luck.


@charlie999 , Hello Charlie. I was diagnosed in 2005 with MAC and bronchiectasis. I opted to not go the route of the three strong antibiotic regimen due to worrieksonvile. s of harming my liver. I have been on an ongoing treatment over the last 5 yrs of using one a month. I take the antibiotic for 10 days each month and the antibiotics are alternated each month as to not build up a resistance to them. The two antibiotics used were doxycycline and ciprofloxacin. I did those two for three yrs. until I caught a. psudomonas. Then, the doxycycline was swithed to tobramycin. So far so good. I have not coughed in years, whereas, I used to cough non-stop and violently. The doctor that put me on this regimen is at the Mayo Clinic in JAX.

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I am sorry you are going through this but, everyone here is very supportive.


@charlie999 , Hello Charlie. I was diagnosed in 2005 with MAC and bronchiectasis. I opted to not go the route of the three strong antibiotic regimen due to worrieksonvile. s of harming my liver. I have been on an ongoing treatment over the last 5 yrs of using one a month. I take the antibiotic for 10 days each month and the antibiotics are alternated each month as to not build up a resistance to them. The two antibiotics used were doxycycline and ciprofloxacin. I did those two for three yrs. until I caught a. psudomonas. Then, the doxycycline was swithed to tobramycin. So far so good. I have not coughed in years, whereas, I used to cough non-stop and violently. The doctor that put me on this regimen is at the Mayo Clinic in JAX.

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You are always so supportive.


@charlie999 , Hello Charlie. I was diagnosed in 2005 with MAC and bronchiectasis. I opted to not go the route of the three strong antibiotic regimen due to worrieksonvile. s of harming my liver. I have been on an ongoing treatment over the last 5 yrs of using one a month. I take the antibiotic for 10 days each month and the antibiotics are alternated each month as to not build up a resistance to them. The two antibiotics used were doxycycline and ciprofloxacin. I did those two for three yrs. until I caught a. psudomonas. Then, the doxycycline was swithed to tobramycin. So far so good. I have not coughed in years, whereas, I used to cough non-stop and violently. The doctor that put me on this regimen is at the Mayo Clinic in JAX.

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@windwalker ....above comment requesting Dr information at Mayo in Jacksonville. Thank you. Kate


@charlie999 , Hello Charlie. I was diagnosed in 2005 with MAC and bronchiectasis. I opted to not go the route of the three strong antibiotic regimen due to worrieksonvile. s of harming my liver. I have been on an ongoing treatment over the last 5 yrs of using one a month. I take the antibiotic for 10 days each month and the antibiotics are alternated each month as to not build up a resistance to them. The two antibiotics used were doxycycline and ciprofloxacin. I did those two for three yrs. until I caught a. psudomonas. Then, the doxycycline was swithed to tobramycin. So far so good. I have not coughed in years, whereas, I used to cough non-stop and violently. The doctor that put me on this regimen is at the Mayo Clinic in JAX.

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@alleycatkate, I see Dr. Jack Leventhal in pulmonolgy dept at Mayo in Jacksonville.


@charlie999 , Hello Charlie. I was diagnosed in 2005 with MAC and bronchiectasis. I opted to not go the route of the three strong antibiotic regimen due to worrieksonvile. s of harming my liver. I have been on an ongoing treatment over the last 5 yrs of using one a month. I take the antibiotic for 10 days each month and the antibiotics are alternated each month as to not build up a resistance to them. The two antibiotics used were doxycycline and ciprofloxacin. I did those two for three yrs. until I caught a. psudomonas. Then, the doxycycline was swithed to tobramycin. So far so good. I have not coughed in years, whereas, I used to cough non-stop and violently. The doctor that put me on this regimen is at the Mayo Clinic in JAX.

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@windwalker Thanks so much for the info.

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