Alternative (herb) medications

Posted by charlie999 @charlie999, Jan 11, 2018

Anyone here tried alternative medications for mac? I was on the big three for a short time, but it was wrecking my body. liver still abnormal. I got off and not going back. Maybe try herbal solutions. I rarely ever cough and have no other symptoms. Doc says =according to my ct scans, I have mac=. Appreciate any herbal info/advice. Thanks. Charley

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Has anyone tried taking Silver

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@susiecax. Susie are you talking about colloidal Silver?


Can someone list their alternative treatments
Thank u

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@susiecax regarding Alternative treatments. I will live the natural alternative to treat the Mac I have used but that doesn’t mean it is the right thing to do for you because you may not have the same symptoms like Charlie 999 I have never used any medication at all but I have used different alternative med. and I feel great. I was diagnost with bronchiectasis wh3n they saw nodule on my lungs in 2009 after an aspiration pneumonia. Right away I started doing research in all herbal book like Nutritional healing by Dr Balch and the internet searching for the cause and everytime I had symptoms I would find something natural to get ri$ of it.
I have find that Clear Lung to balance mucus and to clear my lung when I feel my respiration is a little difficult.
I am using Milk Thistle to detox my liver ( organs are all connected)
I have used also Colloidal Sylver to help the lesion or infections (if any) in my lungs. ( I never had much change in my xrays Ctscan that I do every this year it was even better)
I used Simply Thick to thicken my liquid so I won’t have mucus ( it worked great no more mucus)
I have used different thing to get rid of the MAC (found in 2014) Dr Ohhira professionnal probiotic (chech Dr My bronchoscopy this year confirm NO MORE MAC. I will keep taking them also for a year then by episode of 21 days.
WHEN i have a symptom I find some natural med to correct the problem so that is why you need to use whatever is good for your own synptom.
I also use REFLEXOLOGY to be more aware of what is going on in my body. Check you tube for a video of REFLEXOLOGY!
I also exercice my lungs with breathing exercices and physical exercices like Yoga, taichi
I also use Reiki. I can tell you I live a normal life!


Can someone list their alternative treatments
Thank u

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@susiecax here is the rest of my message because it didn’t want to take it .

I feel so bad reading all the bad experience or how sick they are all those who has taken the big cocktail. I have never experience. I had one big pneumonia cause by aspiration (asphagia) last year. Nothing major outside of it but I treat it right away with natural med.

I hope this will answer your question! Have faith that you will find the right natural med for your symptom and you will be guided by your guardien angel .

I also believe that we have the power to Accept all the things that I can’t change and have the courage to change all the things thar I can and the widom to know the difference. Nicole


@charlie999 , Hello Charlie. I was diagnosed in 2005 with MAC and bronchiectasis. I opted to not go the route of the three strong antibiotic regimen due to worrieksonvile. s of harming my liver. I have been on an ongoing treatment over the last 5 yrs of using one a month. I take the antibiotic for 10 days each month and the antibiotics are alternated each month as to not build up a resistance to them. The two antibiotics used were doxycycline and ciprofloxacin. I did those two for three yrs. until I caught a. psudomonas. Then, the doxycycline was swithed to tobramycin. So far so good. I have not coughed in years, whereas, I used to cough non-stop and violently. The doctor that put me on this regimen is at the Mayo Clinic in JAX.

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Susie, thanks for the reply. Really good to know someone else is doing well on alternatives. I plan on sticking it on out on naturals. Dont want to find out 5 years down the road that my liver is now shot, or both kidneys are gone. No one seems to have any idea of the long term damage of the big 3. I cough very little and breathing is good.
Good luck to you on your treatment.

God Bless,



Can someone list their alternative treatments
Thank u

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What do you mean when u use simply u take this every day to decrease sputum...the other vitamins/herbs, do you use daily. I'm also looking at natural products. I like what you are using through my own research...have also added Tumeric and garlic capsules to strengthen immune system✌️


Can someone list their alternative treatments
Thank u

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@megan123 from Nicole. Yes I use simply thick every day will all I drink (clear liquid) because a bit of liquid is going to my lungs. Check on the internet video of asphagia and yes it has clear the mucus in my throat and I do not have anymore sputum.
I only use my Dr Ohirra professionnal probiotic every day to keep my immune system strong. I need a good army of good bacteria to fight the ennemies. And (fight infections,virus, infection, inflammations etc). I took it twice a day for a month then once a day. They are the best ever taken. It was recommended and they are really good for me.
Clear Lung I was only using it if I felt my lung was collaidalcongested or if I feel my breathing is not as usual. I used Clear Lungs for a month at first as directed on the jar to balance the mucus and clear sputum. It worked good. Then I reduced it and was taking it when I had sputum or mucus it was not everyday. I only take them if I need it.

Colloidal Silver I used it on a period of two weeks at a time (1 teaspoon a day) then stop than I start again that is recommended that they are best taken on a short term basis unless used under the guidance of a doctor. This is known to have a potent antibacterial effects. i use it with the intention to get rid of the MAC and I also use Dr Ohhira for that same purpose.

Turmeric is good for anti-inflammatory. I use it sometimes when I feel it is needed.

Garlic: i have used GARLIC KYOLIC many years ago (the one my natural doctor recommended) with moderation
It is good for high cholesterol, immune system support, antiviral, antibacterial, anti-fungal, ear infections..

Hope this help Megan! If you want to discuss that send me your phone number on a private message and I will call you!



I don’t know if I ever shared with all of you my experience with probiotic. My younger brother at the age of 50 had both lung transplant. He had complications with a lots of infections and caught a bad bacteria in his lung. He nearly died because his lungs were full of infections. He was on strong intravenous antibiotic but it wouldn’t cure the infections in his lungs. He could hardly breath and needed to be connected to oxygen (like a big CPap). I had read in Dr Balch nutritional book that one study found that when people supplementing probiotics while on antibiotic therapy(3 antibiotics concurrently) had a significant reduction in diarrhea, nausea, and taste disturbance .etc.. for him it was do or die so I suggested to my brother to try this since we had no more solution neither the doctors. We started probiotic between the antibiotic treatment and after a month his infection was gone. That is the day I believed probiotic has an effects on all our body! Maybe those of you who are taking the antibiotic cocktail might considered this experience i had with my brother. True story! Nicole


Thanks for posting this. I have Mac and have been taking probiotic and prebiotic for several months. I am not taking the big 3 that my ID doctor prescribed. Eating loads of avocado and about 10 other supplements, trying to boost my immune system, hoping that will have a positive effect. If anyone might have knowledge of an alternative cocktail, please post it. Mine might be doing something — just had ct scan and dr said I was stable. If this good report continues, I will post a detailed description of my daily cocktail. Just added artichoke extract and blueberry extract. I am sure most doctors would laugh at my system, but I have always followed IF YOU ARE DEEP IN A WELL, AND SOMEONE THROWS A ROPE. — GRAB IT.
Blessings to all. Charlie.


@ charlie 999 Well Charlie Dr know nothing about natural therapy! I think you must be doing something right since you have a good result with your ctscan. I think it is a good proof! My dr for the MAC specialist doesn’t want to see me anymore because he says he has never seen a case doing so well lol! He had prescribe a pill for acid reflux in 2015 for mucus but replace it with Clear Lung he didn’t understand that at all lol anyway keep up the good work as long as you feel find and your ctscan is giving you good result. Have a nice day! Nicole

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