Acceptance: Anyone have difficulty accepting new limitations daily?

Posted by keeptrying @keeptrying, Dec 24, 2017

Does anyone have difficulty accepting new limitations daily? Is it helpful or a bit of denial to keep photos out of yourself riding, dancing, all of which are just fantasies at this point? Thank you.

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People keep offering to go to the grocery store for me. I don't want them to do my grocery shopping. This simple task gets me out of the house and I often meet friends at the store. Besides, I love to cook, wrote a cookbook, and prefer to grocery shop on my own.

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You might be surprised that many perfectly healthy people enjoy going to the grocery store-- usually retired folk who have little else to do or very busy people for whom it is a diversion from the regular work.


Until one has loved or been loved by an animal there is a part of their souls that has not yet been opened. I love dogs and have saved several, my 2 are both rescues and they are part of my family


Thats good! I go to lowes and have gotten to know about 10 of the clerks. They are happy to see me and I am careful to always compliment them in a professional manner and a short visit. Many share the latest edition events such as new grand babies, someone sick, I am always willing to listen
It gives me a chance to walk, look at special sale items and get out of the house.

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I see I'm not the only one who does Lowe's like that.



Until one has loved or been loved by an animal there is a part of their souls that has not yet been opened. I love dogs and have saved several, my 2 are both rescues and they are part of my family

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First time for to have a doggie, and our relationship is just great. Can't live without him now. Having my little Maltese 13 year old, 6 pounds is stopping me from seeing certain people because they do not want them in their homes. So the results are I just do not see the people. Agent Darien stay in his carrier and does love everyone, so maybe they do not want him because he takes over the show going on within people sometimes. Blessed, I am blessed with him, but some people do to want dogs and other animals in their house, surroundings. NO GO! Have too many people that want him at their house. You know where i go?


Until one has loved or been loved by an animal there is a part of their souls that has not yet been opened. I love dogs and have saved several, my 2 are both rescues and they are part of my family

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Good that you adopted rescue dogs. With so many unwanted or worse, abused animals, the right thing to do is to adopt animals from shelters.


When I read some of the comments it sounds to me more like denial. I work with my own attitude as to things that cannot be changed nor fixed. Attitude can make or break me.

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Attitude can tend towards passive acceptance or vigorous rejection of being conquered by a given situation. Actually the concept of "denial" may not be all bad. It's not the same as falsifying your resume, more like not putting it on the first line.


Until one has loved or been loved by an animal there is a part of their souls that has not yet been opened. I love dogs and have saved several, my 2 are both rescues and they are part of my family

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Love your message, find it to be so true. On a good day, my two rescue cats celebrate with me. On a not so good day, they are cuddly and comforting. I too don't know what I'd do without them.


When I read some of the comments it sounds to me more like denial. I work with my own attitude as to things that cannot be changed nor fixed. Attitude can make or break me.

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How about throwing the old resume in the trash and starting a new one☺


When I read some of the comments it sounds to me more like denial. I work with my own attitude as to things that cannot be changed nor fixed. Attitude can make or break me.

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Yes, start a new resume, but not starring my disability or problems.


Until one has loved or been loved by an animal there is a part of their souls that has not yet been opened. I love dogs and have saved several, my 2 are both rescues and they are part of my family

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Glad to know a cat lover. Cats often get a bad rap. Too bad, for they are wonderful animals and love you just as much as dogs, just show their feelings differently.

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