Morning Anxiety

Posted by anniegk @anniegk, Aug 10, 2017

How many of you that suffer from Panic, Anxiety and Depression find that their symptoms are worse in the morning and gradually get better towards evening?

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@hopeful33250 That's great you took all your research and test results Am glad Dr is listening ng to you Do you have bone spures in your hip ! I get sharp pains in hip when I do alot of walking so when I see my Dr going to tell her about this new Experience haha I hope she gets you on right dosage of Vit D3 , Magnesium for my fibromyalgia I take 600 mg a day .Good luck I'd be interested in what she says

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No spurs, just bone loss in the hip and the forearm. These are all related to the low Vit D and the hyperparathyroid. I don't generally have hip pain which is a good thing. None of us needs more pain😢


No spurs, just bone loss in the hip and the forearm. These are all related to the low Vit D and the hyperparathyroid. I don't generally have hip pain which is a good thing. None of us needs more pain😢

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@hopeful33250 You,ve got that right😄


My anxiety has always been worse in the mornings. The only thing I can think of the cause is that you have the entire day before you and having to put up with this awful feeling most of the time. God Bless

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@brit, I fully agree. I never know how bad the pain might be. I just know it will be there, no matter what I do. I try to find distractions, like a little coffee, music, or tv. Having my dog here helps too. but sometimes she is so demanding that it makes it worse.


Parus- oh, not good. I'm sorry. How often do you get hydrocodone?

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@merpreb One per day. I had started taking 1/2 of the 5 mg to try to get some relief for a longer period of time. It works okay enough and better than nothing. I have to go back every 3 months for a urine screen. If he increases it to 2/day I have to go every 2 months for a urine screen. He told me to breathe and continue with my exercises. Is what it is. I may ask for a referral to the orthopedic center to see if there are any other options. Also having scoliosis and fibro rather complicates things. I was told at one place that I am too old for surgery to straighten my spine. Not sure I would want surgery for fear of ending up in worse shape. Just discouraged right now. More pain meds may allow me to do more but may do more harm in the long run. Insurance also presents limitations. Will do more thinking and referral requests.


I understand, @parus, most of us don't have piggy banks big enough for the kind of medical treatment not covered by insurance. My doctor was saying something similar to me today. As I might have told you, I brought in a stack of research and list of questions. I go to two different hospital systems. One is close to home (that is my PCP and some other specialists) and the other is in Ann Arbor (Univ. of Michigan) that I see for some rare problems that as my doctor said makes me an "atypical patient" I just don't fit a mold😊.

So anyways, I brought with me test results of bone density, blood tests, etc. (from the other hospital) and we discussed the big picture. She thinks that I need to increased my Vit D and magnesium level since they both run quite low. She says that my magnesium level is at low normal and when I engage in physical activity I probably go below normal thereby creating the terrible fatigue. Given the fact that I also have hyperparathyroid and other hormonal problems she said she will have to give it all some thought.

The long and the short of it is that I'm losing bone density in the hip and the med I'm taking for bone density doesn't do much for the hip. The best med to take will not be covered by Medicare unless I have a greater bone loss than I have now (my piggy bank is not big enough for that either). So, I have to get worse until I can get better - oh my......

By the way, when she left the room she thanked me for all of my research. She said that before my next appointment she will be going to an endocrinology conference and she is going to look into some more of the ideas I presented, so maybe she will learn something new.

So back to the drawing boards for both of us. Wishing you well!

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@hopeful33250 We are not quitters. Neither of us received anything helpful for now. Disappointing. We shall continue on our journey(s).


@hopeful33250 We are not quitters. Neither of us received anything helpful for now. Disappointing. We shall continue on our journey(s).

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I agree, @parus. Onward and upward!


@hopeful33250 We are not quitters. Neither of us received anything helpful for now. Disappointing. We shall continue on our journey(s).

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@parus- Was this for migraines or arthritis, or both?


I'm not using fosamax right now, @merpreb. Fosamax is very hard on the stomach and I've had three upper digestive tract surgeries. She was discussing a different med that would be given by injection.

As I was thinking about it I realized how short-sighted Medicare is. If I break a hip it would cost them a lot more than the med that would help the bone loss in the hip. Oh well...only a small problem in the scheme of things, I suppose.

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@hopeful33250- A lot of things in today's medical world don't make sense. Perhaps it will again soon.


@merpreb One per day. I had started taking 1/2 of the 5 mg to try to get some relief for a longer period of time. It works okay enough and better than nothing. I have to go back every 3 months for a urine screen. If he increases it to 2/day I have to go every 2 months for a urine screen. He told me to breathe and continue with my exercises. Is what it is. I may ask for a referral to the orthopedic center to see if there are any other options. Also having scoliosis and fibro rather complicates things. I was told at one place that I am too old for surgery to straighten my spine. Not sure I would want surgery for fear of ending up in worse shape. Just discouraged right now. More pain meds may allow me to do more but may do more harm in the long run. Insurance also presents limitations. Will do more thinking and referral requests.

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@parus- Good morning! I have scoliosis too. I am not bent over but of course it changes certain things. If I try and zip up my right boot, it's very difficult. My left one is easy. Certain exercises are easier are one side but I find very difficult on the other, etc. I agree, seek an ortho's opinion.


@brit, I fully agree. I never know how bad the pain might be. I just know it will be there, no matter what I do. I try to find distractions, like a little coffee, music, or tv. Having my dog here helps too. but sometimes she is so demanding that it makes it worse.

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I would love to have a little dog but being my age with no children what would happen if something happened to me. But I do have a husband that is sweet and gentle and always helping me in some way or another. How lucky I am.....God Bless Patti

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