Klonopin taper

Posted by dawgbone @dawgbone, Jul 31, 2017

I have been on some kind of benzo for almost 40 yrs. I am trying to taper from 1.5-2 mgs of klonopin daily . Began in mid may 2017 and my last cut was very small on 7-2-17 to get to 1mg. Honestly feels like i am dying. I also take trazodone 75 mgs and 4 drugs for high blood pressure. I have been researching gabapentin and seroquel to help with the withdrawal symptons. Please offer any suggestions or help. I am 69 yrs old and cant even leave my house to visit my kids and grands. Thank you for any help!

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@lorraine59 keep in mind that even in Canada, patients have the right to a second opinion. Naturally this is more easily done in urban areas or areas where doctors are taking patients. Have you considered getting a second opinion?

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Thanks Colleen,here in Nova Scotia we have such a shortage of Drs. that trying to find one is difficult. But I have connected with N.S.dept.of Mental Health. Hopefully they can help me find what kind of help I need to deal with underling issues that cause so much anxiety, and panic attacks that leave me unable to function.



Since I'm not familiar with the Canadian Medical system, I recommend that you follow Colleen Young's advice about getting a second opinion about your situation. I'm happy you have an appointment with the Mental Health section for the 30th. Please let me know how that goes. My first grandson is getting married on December 1, so I probably won't be able to respond to you until the next day. Good luck. I hope the next appointment is a fruitful one.


Thank you for your support, it means a great deal to me! Lorraine


Is it legal in the state of Georgia for a doctor to completely take you off Klonopin that I been on for 4 years?


Is it legal in the state of Georgia for a doctor to completely take you off Klonopin that I been on for 4 years?

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Hi, @hiswifehisqueen, and welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. I've merged your post with this discussion, "Klonopin Taper" so that you could meet others discussing this topic. Please meet @jakedduck1 @lorraine59 @gailb @stressedmesseddepressed @dawna and others. I'm confident they will have some insights for you.

It sounds as though your doctor is wanting to taper off clonazepam (Klonopin). Will you share a bit about what you were talking it for? Is an alternate medication to be prescribed?


I have been on 1mg klonopin for 20 years. I'm in my 60s and no longer work outside the home. I have decided to taper off as I no longer have the stresses and asthma that I once had. My asthma was caused by smoggy city and food allergies. Those have all been resolved. No longer running a business and working additionally as a nurse while being a single parent was super anxiety causing.
I reduced from 1mg to.75 mg and then.50 mg which wasn't too difficult. I did have withdrawal S/S but they leveled out. Luckily I have been able to sleep. I have found that reducing to .25mg is much more difficult. So I am just cutting off about 1/4th of half of a 1mg tab. My psychiatrist got angry with me when I tried to taper off in the past so I haven't asked him for a .5mg tablet. I have read that the last and smaller doses are the most difficult as far as withdrawal symptoms go. I'll try to stay on approximately.365mg for another 2 weeks and then down to .25mg. I really an hoping to hang in there until I am off Klonopin for good.
Has anyone stayed at.25 mg and then jumped off or should I plan to go down to.125 mg and then off? Thanks so much

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I've been taking 1mg for over 10yrs now. I was able to taper down to .125 but withdrawal symptoms were bad and I was starting a new job so I ended back at 1mg. I'm looking for something to help me get through the last few weeks.... does anybody here have experience with CBD? I feel like it would be my best bet as I want no pills in my life


Hi there,
I don’t know anything about Georgia, I’m from California and it is amazing what the medical profession is allowed to get away with. A nurse came to my Mentally Handicaped cousin’s apartment and confiscated all his medication knowing he was coming to my house for Heart surgery.
If your doctor does stop your Klonopin make sure he stops it slowly. That was the most difficult drug I ever came off of. I hope you have better luck getting off of it than I did. If it comes to that.
May I ask why your taking it and what dose?
Is the medication helping you? Why does the doctor want you to stop it?
I’m with you in spirit, wishing you hope, health & happiness.


I've been taking 1mg for over 10yrs now. I was able to taper down to .125 but withdrawal symptoms were bad and I was starting a new job so I ended back at 1mg. I'm looking for something to help me get through the last few weeks.... does anybody here have experience with CBD? I feel like it would be my best bet as I want no pills in my life

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Hi, @freemefrombenzo - welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. That is really rough that the withdrawal symptoms from the clonazepam (Klonopin) were bad, especially with starting a new job.

We do have a large discussion on CBD and anxiety and depression you might check out and post any questions to https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/cbd-oil-and-depression-anxiety/?pg=1#chv4-comment-stream-header


I weaned off of Klonopin 15 years ago when I got sober. I know it stays in your fatty tissue for about a year. I was weaned off slowly, but still experienced muscle twitches and some difficulty sleeping. But they lessened each week. I have a sponsee who’s being tapered off by her medical Dr., with the goal of eventually stopping altogether. He has her take one milligram one night, half a milligram the next night, then one milligram, then half, etc. The days that she takes half, she’s having withdrawal symptoms. That seems like an odd way to detox. Any input?


Hi there,
I don’t know anything about Georgia, I’m from California and it is amazing what the medical profession is allowed to get away with. A nurse came to my Mentally Handicaped cousin’s apartment and confiscated all his medication knowing he was coming to my house for Heart surgery.
If your doctor does stop your Klonopin make sure he stops it slowly. That was the most difficult drug I ever came off of. I hope you have better luck getting off of it than I did. If it comes to that.
May I ask why your taking it and what dose?
Is the medication helping you? Why does the doctor want you to stop it?
I’m with you in spirit, wishing you hope, health & happiness.

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Unfortunately, most Dr.’s don’t receive enough education about addictive medications. Hopefully that’s changing, but I so believe that the more knowledge the patient can get about their medications, the better.

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