Staying Motivated for the Long Haul

Posted by LindaF @fessmom, Jun 29, 2017

My biggest obstacle to maintaining a healthy weight is a seemingly invisible "switch" that goes on and off in my brain. When it's "on" I am in the zone and can avoid the most decadent temptations and will exercise faithfully. But, about a year to 15 months into my healthy lifestyle, the switch turns to "off" and I lose focus and revert to my bad habits of poor food choices (both in what I eat and how much I eat) and I become more sedentary. I am at that point now and I feel a slow panic building as the number on the scale inches upward. I know what I should do, but I am at a loss as to how to get my mojo back. Suggestions, anyone!?

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My biggest obstacle to maintaining a healthy weight, is that the medications make me want to eat; so it's just a self-fulfilling prophesy! I'm also tired of trying to eat healthily, when i may? have experienced a stroke at age 40, 6 and one-half months after my Mother passed away! I guess I just don't honestly really care anymore!! If "Professional Providers" DIDN'T CARE ABOUT MY LIFE, THEN WHY SHOULD I CARE NOW? I'M TIRED of being LABELED as "THE BAD PATIENT!!!!!" I have decided against TRUSTING ANY PROVIDERS in MASSACHUSETTS PERIOD!! I'll get my information online from now on and forget about PHYSICIANS, PERMANENTLY!!!!!" It's so ENJOYABLE for MYSELF to finally say "NO" to Healthcare, and to just ask for advice online when needed!
Take care!

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@hopeful33250 Thank you for this reminder! I try to be optimistic, but sometimes it is really easy to let doom and gloom takeover.


My biggest obstacle to maintaining a healthy weight, is that the medications make me want to eat; so it's just a self-fulfilling prophesy! I'm also tired of trying to eat healthily, when i may? have experienced a stroke at age 40, 6 and one-half months after my Mother passed away! I guess I just don't honestly really care anymore!! If "Professional Providers" DIDN'T CARE ABOUT MY LIFE, THEN WHY SHOULD I CARE NOW? I'M TIRED of being LABELED as "THE BAD PATIENT!!!!!" I have decided against TRUSTING ANY PROVIDERS in MASSACHUSETTS PERIOD!! I'll get my information online from now on and forget about PHYSICIANS, PERMANENTLY!!!!!" It's so ENJOYABLE for MYSELF to finally say "NO" to Healthcare, and to just ask for advice online when needed!
Take care!

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@hopeful33250 good things to be more conscious of. I am always telling my husband that he sees the glass as being half-empty too much, he tends to be very negative.
At times it is extremely difficult to be positive about something, you may have to really work at it. I am going through some things currently that have gotten me down and this reminder is helpful.
Thanks for that.


My biggest obstacle to maintaining a healthy weight, is that the medications make me want to eat; so it's just a self-fulfilling prophesy! I'm also tired of trying to eat healthily, when i may? have experienced a stroke at age 40, 6 and one-half months after my Mother passed away! I guess I just don't honestly really care anymore!! If "Professional Providers" DIDN'T CARE ABOUT MY LIFE, THEN WHY SHOULD I CARE NOW? I'M TIRED of being LABELED as "THE BAD PATIENT!!!!!" I have decided against TRUSTING ANY PROVIDERS in MASSACHUSETTS PERIOD!! I'll get my information online from now on and forget about PHYSICIANS, PERMANENTLY!!!!!" It's so ENJOYABLE for MYSELF to finally say "NO" to Healthcare, and to just ask for advice online when needed!
Take care!

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Stress makes everything worse. Positive Attitude Conditioning can be a life-saver. “Stinking thinking” is just a really bad habit. Positive thinking uses your more advanced left brain. Plus, “people are contagious”. You can be infected just by being around someone who is negative. I wish you well.


My biggest obstacle to maintaining a healthy weight, is that the medications make me want to eat; so it's just a self-fulfilling prophesy! I'm also tired of trying to eat healthily, when i may? have experienced a stroke at age 40, 6 and one-half months after my Mother passed away! I guess I just don't honestly really care anymore!! If "Professional Providers" DIDN'T CARE ABOUT MY LIFE, THEN WHY SHOULD I CARE NOW? I'M TIRED of being LABELED as "THE BAD PATIENT!!!!!" I have decided against TRUSTING ANY PROVIDERS in MASSACHUSETTS PERIOD!! I'll get my information online from now on and forget about PHYSICIANS, PERMANENTLY!!!!!" It's so ENJOYABLE for MYSELF to finally say "NO" to Healthcare, and to just ask for advice online when needed!
Take care!

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@contentandwell Hi JK,

It was a good reminder to me as well! It is easy to become negative and it takes some effort to look on the positive side of life, but very much worth the effort! Teresa


My biggest obstacle to maintaining a healthy weight, is that the medications make me want to eat; so it's just a self-fulfilling prophesy! I'm also tired of trying to eat healthily, when i may? have experienced a stroke at age 40, 6 and one-half months after my Mother passed away! I guess I just don't honestly really care anymore!! If "Professional Providers" DIDN'T CARE ABOUT MY LIFE, THEN WHY SHOULD I CARE NOW? I'M TIRED of being LABELED as "THE BAD PATIENT!!!!!" I have decided against TRUSTING ANY PROVIDERS in MASSACHUSETTS PERIOD!! I'll get my information online from now on and forget about PHYSICIANS, PERMANENTLY!!!!!" It's so ENJOYABLE for MYSELF to finally say "NO" to Healthcare, and to just ask for advice online when needed!
Take care!

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@user_cha272278 thanks for reminder I needed this I try to be positive but sooo easy to be negative I'm going to start to work on this


Many of you have got to know @rosemarya quite well through this discussion. Get to know her just a little bit better in her member spotlight here on Connect,


I follow diaTribe - Making Sense of Diabetes. Especially Adam Brown. As an example he has recently posted a series of 3 articles titled How To Change Any Diabetes Habit parts 1, 2 and 3. The 3rd one in particular applies to me as advice given to me often is you have to do this now to avoid complications in the future. The future is not here yet so all my ready made excuses come into play often such as: Just this one time won't make a difference! Except when I do those exceptions over a period of years they very likely will make a difference and all my other effort will be wasted. I highly recommend this site and Adam Brown in particular as he has diabetes so much of his stuff is based on his own experience. I do have an increasing concern however as he uses a CGM and I don't and they also spend time on the latest developments which are somewhat interesting but I'm not there yet and may never be!

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@ihatediabetes That's great to go to a class to help you with diabetes. I wish my husband would or go to a reliable website to learn more about diabetes and eat properly and l have been telling him for years. And now l can truly say l thank God for pray. Th his week he went to his doctor sometimes people don't want to listen to someone that might know but has to listen to others in his case his doctor. But she told him everything he needed to do for a hour visit. He has to cut out all the bad foods he use to eat and so yesterday when he told me he knew l would laugh and l did and l said l guess it's time for avacodes and he hates trying new things he don't know. And yesterday was avocado day. You just learn on because we learn something new every day. Great Job!!!!


I follow diaTribe - Making Sense of Diabetes. Especially Adam Brown. As an example he has recently posted a series of 3 articles titled How To Change Any Diabetes Habit parts 1, 2 and 3. The 3rd one in particular applies to me as advice given to me often is you have to do this now to avoid complications in the future. The future is not here yet so all my ready made excuses come into play often such as: Just this one time won't make a difference! Except when I do those exceptions over a period of years they very likely will make a difference and all my other effort will be wasted. I highly recommend this site and Adam Brown in particular as he has diabetes so much of his stuff is based on his own experience. I do have an increasing concern however as he uses a CGM and I don't and they also spend time on the latest developments which are somewhat interesting but I'm not there yet and may never be!

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Hi I signed up at Juniper for diabetes class. That's for Twin Cities area. I might sign up for tai chi class eventually. These are free classes for the community. There is an organization for South East Minnesota that has same classes. I took living with chronic conditions in Red Wing. I think the only thing that you buy is the book. Its like a support class too. Everybody is dealing with something. My chronic condition was diabetes. But I met at least one person with copd. That looked like its an awful thing to deal with. They learned things like how to plan activities so they aren't around smoking or that avoids to much walking. I think its helpful to talk through strategy with people that have similar issues.


I follow diaTribe - Making Sense of Diabetes. Especially Adam Brown. As an example he has recently posted a series of 3 articles titled How To Change Any Diabetes Habit parts 1, 2 and 3. The 3rd one in particular applies to me as advice given to me often is you have to do this now to avoid complications in the future. The future is not here yet so all my ready made excuses come into play often such as: Just this one time won't make a difference! Except when I do those exceptions over a period of years they very likely will make a difference and all my other effort will be wasted. I highly recommend this site and Adam Brown in particular as he has diabetes so much of his stuff is based on his own experience. I do have an increasing concern however as he uses a CGM and I don't and they also spend time on the latest developments which are somewhat interesting but I'm not there yet and may never be!

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@techi I love avocados and try to put them in my salads very frequently. Unfortunately their life is so short, from not ripe enough to too ripe, and around here they are not cheap. I know they are really good for you but is there a particular benefit for people with diabetes?
Oh, and last night I cut one open and it was perfect!


I follow diaTribe - Making Sense of Diabetes. Especially Adam Brown. As an example he has recently posted a series of 3 articles titled How To Change Any Diabetes Habit parts 1, 2 and 3. The 3rd one in particular applies to me as advice given to me often is you have to do this now to avoid complications in the future. The future is not here yet so all my ready made excuses come into play often such as: Just this one time won't make a difference! Except when I do those exceptions over a period of years they very likely will make a difference and all my other effort will be wasted. I highly recommend this site and Adam Brown in particular as he has diabetes so much of his stuff is based on his own experience. I do have an increasing concern however as he uses a CGM and I don't and they also spend time on the latest developments which are somewhat interesting but I'm not there yet and may never be!

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@contentandwell , I am certainly no expert on diabetes. But I love what my Mexican son-in-law can do with avocados. They can be served for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. They are a healthy fat that can be used with all kinds of ingredients. A small serving will go a long way to making you full, if you are trying to lose weight. Diabetic Straight Talk is an online group on Facebook. They believe in using healthy fats and restricting carbohydrates. You might want to see what they have to offer. There is also a site called Lazy Keto, and they are less strict with the number of carbs one is allowed. Both have links to research on the use of healthy fats for diabetics. As always, trust your doctor, and remember to include him or her in all decisions about food intake, medicine, supplements, or exercise
Better to be safe than sorry!

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