Staying Motivated for the Long Haul

Posted by LindaF @fessmom, Jun 29, 2017

My biggest obstacle to maintaining a healthy weight is a seemingly invisible "switch" that goes on and off in my brain. When it's "on" I am in the zone and can avoid the most decadent temptations and will exercise faithfully. But, about a year to 15 months into my healthy lifestyle, the switch turns to "off" and I lose focus and revert to my bad habits of poor food choices (both in what I eat and how much I eat) and I become more sedentary. I am at that point now and I feel a slow panic building as the number on the scale inches upward. I know what I should do, but I am at a loss as to how to get my mojo back. Suggestions, anyone!?

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@parus @ihatediabetes @rosemarya @2011panc @contentandwell
Found it!

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@jodeej this sounds really delicious. Is almond flour available in stores or do you have to make it yourself by grinding almonds?


My biggest obstacle to maintaining a healthy weight, is that the medications make me want to eat; so it's just a self-fulfilling prophesy! I'm also tired of trying to eat healthily, when i may? have experienced a stroke at age 40, 6 and one-half months after my Mother passed away! I guess I just don't honestly really care anymore!! If "Professional Providers" DIDN'T CARE ABOUT MY LIFE, THEN WHY SHOULD I CARE NOW? I'M TIRED of being LABELED as "THE BAD PATIENT!!!!!" I have decided against TRUSTING ANY PROVIDERS in MASSACHUSETTS PERIOD!! I'll get my information online from now on and forget about PHYSICIANS, PERMANENTLY!!!!!" It's so ENJOYABLE for MYSELF to finally say "NO" to Healthcare, and to just ask for advice online when needed!
Take care!

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@jodeej This is an interesting approach. I can see where it could be helpful, but of course it's just another label for what you should be eating and what you really should not be eating (I just had two pieces of chocolate, and they weren't even dark). This may help some people who do have negative approaches, but for me I know what I should and should not be eating and sometimes I just eat "less optimal" food anyway. I will have a great, healthy lunch, and then have something I should be staying away from. I thought I was back on track but I fell off again. I am hoping that next week I will get back on track. Our son arrives tonight (at around 2:30 A.M.!) and will be with us through Wednesday. He has been so proud of me and how well I have done that I know with him here I will be trying to be good to not disappoint him.
I think the most important thing for weight loss is motivation. I had a great motivation, I wanted to be a weight that would help my recuperation when I had my liver transplant. Now my biggest motivation is to be able to wear the nice clothes I purchased that are too snug on me now. I know I can do it, and I will. Once I get started I can keep the ball rolling -- success breeds success.
Tomorrow is the start of a new me, once again.


Consistency is a problem for me. I also have good times when I can conquer all healthy lifestyle challenges but then I have urges that I can't/don't resist such as ice cream cones or poor menu choices. From my readings it looks like I am a "hedonistic" eater i.e. I eat for pleasure and not for nutrition. It seems this is a growing field of study so I keep researching

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@bulgebattler I have not heard the term "hedonistic" eater but I can understand it. I just figure I am primarily an endomorph. In the simplest terms, endomorphs live to eat, ectomorphs eat to exist (and be cerebral) and mesomorphs eat to be active. Very few people are 100% of any of these, but I figure I am probably at least 60% endomorph with the rest ectomorph. I do not have an ounce of mesomorph in me, which is what makes exercising such a chore for me. Most people would like to be more mesomorphic, it's apparently the most envied type.
There are also body types that go along with these labels. Mesomorphs are naturally more muscular, endomorphs are rounder and softer, and ectomorphs are generally leaner and more angular.


My biggest obstacle to maintaining a healthy weight, is that the medications make me want to eat; so it's just a self-fulfilling prophesy! I'm also tired of trying to eat healthily, when i may? have experienced a stroke at age 40, 6 and one-half months after my Mother passed away! I guess I just don't honestly really care anymore!! If "Professional Providers" DIDN'T CARE ABOUT MY LIFE, THEN WHY SHOULD I CARE NOW? I'M TIRED of being LABELED as "THE BAD PATIENT!!!!!" I have decided against TRUSTING ANY PROVIDERS in MASSACHUSETTS PERIOD!! I'll get my information online from now on and forget about PHYSICIANS, PERMANENTLY!!!!!" It's so ENJOYABLE for MYSELF to finally say "NO" to Healthcare, and to just ask for advice online when needed!
Take care!

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@rachelanne Professional providers are just that -- they professionally care about you, but not on a personal level, except for the few who really do care about their patients. I think I do have some of those, fortunately. You do need to care about yourself more than you expect any professional health care provider to. I sometimes question what a provider has to say but you do need to consider what they think too, they have gone many years to school to learn what is best within their area of expertise, so for that they should be shown some respect.

I live in southern NH but go to Boston for most of my healthcare. I find the doctors I go to there to be excellent. It's a distance, but I consider it worth it because they are knowledgeable and I have found them to show concern. I do try to gain some knowledge about any health situations that are bothering me but once I have gotten some knowledge I turn to one of my doctors.

I hope you can find some health care professionals whom you feel more positive about, it really is an absolute necessity.


My biggest obstacle to maintaining a healthy weight, is that the medications make me want to eat; so it's just a self-fulfilling prophesy! I'm also tired of trying to eat healthily, when i may? have experienced a stroke at age 40, 6 and one-half months after my Mother passed away! I guess I just don't honestly really care anymore!! If "Professional Providers" DIDN'T CARE ABOUT MY LIFE, THEN WHY SHOULD I CARE NOW? I'M TIRED of being LABELED as "THE BAD PATIENT!!!!!" I have decided against TRUSTING ANY PROVIDERS in MASSACHUSETTS PERIOD!! I'll get my information online from now on and forget about PHYSICIANS, PERMANENTLY!!!!!" It's so ENJOYABLE for MYSELF to finally say "NO" to Healthcare, and to just ask for advice online when needed!
Take care!

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I would encourage you, as @contentandwell did, to care for yourself and accept the thoughts of the professionals that you work with as professionals, not as friendships.

You mention that your mother's death was very hard on you and you have had health problems since then. I would like to encourage you to read the discussion on Loss and Grief. Please feel free to post your comments there. You will find support there. Here is the link,

Many people in this discussion have lost a parent, including myself. As you read our posts, I hope you will find some comfort that you are not alone in your grief.



My biggest obstacle to maintaining a healthy weight, is that the medications make me want to eat; so it's just a self-fulfilling prophesy! I'm also tired of trying to eat healthily, when i may? have experienced a stroke at age 40, 6 and one-half months after my Mother passed away! I guess I just don't honestly really care anymore!! If "Professional Providers" DIDN'T CARE ABOUT MY LIFE, THEN WHY SHOULD I CARE NOW? I'M TIRED of being LABELED as "THE BAD PATIENT!!!!!" I have decided against TRUSTING ANY PROVIDERS in MASSACHUSETTS PERIOD!! I'll get my information online from now on and forget about PHYSICIANS, PERMANENTLY!!!!!" It's so ENJOYABLE for MYSELF to finally say "NO" to Healthcare, and to just ask for advice online when needed!
Take care!

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I agree. Doctors are scientists, and all they deal with is sick people. About 20 years ago, I was upset with a permanent health condition. I said to my doctor Why me; he said Why Not You. He helped me be more accepting about medical conditions. He even said medicine is AN ART and science. Hang in there


@parus @ihatediabetes @rosemarya @2011panc @contentandwell
Found it!

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@contentandwell it's in most stores, but I picked mine up at a health food store.


My biggest obstacle to maintaining a healthy weight, is that the medications make me want to eat; so it's just a self-fulfilling prophesy! I'm also tired of trying to eat healthily, when i may? have experienced a stroke at age 40, 6 and one-half months after my Mother passed away! I guess I just don't honestly really care anymore!! If "Professional Providers" DIDN'T CARE ABOUT MY LIFE, THEN WHY SHOULD I CARE NOW? I'M TIRED of being LABELED as "THE BAD PATIENT!!!!!" I have decided against TRUSTING ANY PROVIDERS in MASSACHUSETTS PERIOD!! I'll get my information online from now on and forget about PHYSICIANS, PERMANENTLY!!!!!" It's so ENJOYABLE for MYSELF to finally say "NO" to Healthcare, and to just ask for advice online when needed!
Take care!

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@contentandwell I hear ya! It is a daily struggle. I like the 80/20 approach. Shoot for eating healthy 80% of the time and if you must cheat, etc. only do it 20% of the time. Don't beat yourself up and eat the chocolate. Just make your choice s healthy one!


My biggest obstacle to maintaining a healthy weight, is that the medications make me want to eat; so it's just a self-fulfilling prophesy! I'm also tired of trying to eat healthily, when i may? have experienced a stroke at age 40, 6 and one-half months after my Mother passed away! I guess I just don't honestly really care anymore!! If "Professional Providers" DIDN'T CARE ABOUT MY LIFE, THEN WHY SHOULD I CARE NOW? I'M TIRED of being LABELED as "THE BAD PATIENT!!!!!" I have decided against TRUSTING ANY PROVIDERS in MASSACHUSETTS PERIOD!! I'll get my information online from now on and forget about PHYSICIANS, PERMANENTLY!!!!!" It's so ENJOYABLE for MYSELF to finally say "NO" to Healthcare, and to just ask for advice online when needed!
Take care!

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You are so right about the practice of medicine - it can be an art. Sometimes doctors do not have an artistic nature, but it sounds like you found a good one and more importantly you were receptive to his words and you were able to accept a permanent health condition. Acceptance of what cannot be changed is important with permanent health problems.



My biggest obstacle to maintaining a healthy weight, is that the medications make me want to eat; so it's just a self-fulfilling prophesy! I'm also tired of trying to eat healthily, when i may? have experienced a stroke at age 40, 6 and one-half months after my Mother passed away! I guess I just don't honestly really care anymore!! If "Professional Providers" DIDN'T CARE ABOUT MY LIFE, THEN WHY SHOULD I CARE NOW? I'M TIRED of being LABELED as "THE BAD PATIENT!!!!!" I have decided against TRUSTING ANY PROVIDERS in MASSACHUSETTS PERIOD!! I'll get my information online from now on and forget about PHYSICIANS, PERMANENTLY!!!!!" It's so ENJOYABLE for MYSELF to finally say "NO" to Healthcare, and to just ask for advice online when needed!
Take care!

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I really try to cultivate "Peaceful Acceptance". Finding my "Place of Grace" seems to help. Victor Frankl- a concentration camp survivor,
said something to the effect that "in stimulus-response" WE CONTROL OUR RESPONSE to the STIMULUS. This makes us human. (

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