Staying Motivated for the Long Haul

Posted by LindaF @fessmom, Jun 29, 2017

My biggest obstacle to maintaining a healthy weight is a seemingly invisible "switch" that goes on and off in my brain. When it's "on" I am in the zone and can avoid the most decadent temptations and will exercise faithfully. But, about a year to 15 months into my healthy lifestyle, the switch turns to "off" and I lose focus and revert to my bad habits of poor food choices (both in what I eat and how much I eat) and I become more sedentary. I am at that point now and I feel a slow panic building as the number on the scale inches upward. I know what I should do, but I am at a loss as to how to get my mojo back. Suggestions, anyone!?

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I've been going walking at a local park with a neighbor in the mornings. I've loved being able to stay my day like this! I'm not looking forward to returning to work after my husband is healed more. I've got my yearly physical today. We will see what my bloodwork head to say.

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From a recent morning walk.


@rosemarya what a great shot... Loved it

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@parus, I do hope that my photo brought you a happy moment. That was my intention.

I must say that your puppy, even in his ho-hum mood, radiates his potential for brightening somebody's day! I look at him and I want to reach out and pick him up and love and be loved by him. You, Parus, are so much like that adorable little guy - you have a deep compassion and love inside of you that it radiates thru, even in the midst of your difficulties.

I absolutely love seeing your drawings! I am impressed with your ability to use your pencil strokes to portray so much detail and feelings. I used to paint and draw, too. I have lost my technique from years of neglect. I am a detail person, and now my medications sometimes cause my hands to tremble and that frustrates me.

My husband gave me a new sketchpad and pencils for Christmas, and I am ashamed that they are unused. I am ashamed to admit this. So, Parus, I need your help. How can I make the first step? How can I get beyond my fear that "It just doesn't look right"?


@rosemarya what a great shot... Loved it

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@rosemarya Your photo did bring me joy. I so love those mountain views.
As to how you can overcome the fear that "It doesn't look right". I say this all of the time. A stickler for detail and also a perfectionist my work never looks the "right" I am after...I lean towards overworking. I have tried and tried to not be so picky...I see only the mistakes...Anything like seeing the glass half empty???
I have issues with numbness and tingling also. Very frustrating!!!
So conquering your fear of not getting it "right" is one I am still waging battles with and always will. When it comes to the creative process slapdash I am not.
Break out the paper and pencils-try a sketch of your hiking boots!!!
Appreciate your input as always a pleasure.
BE BRAVE IN YOUR CREATIVITY as you are in the battle for physical improvement.


I've been going walking at a local park with a neighbor in the mornings. I've loved being able to stay my day like this! I'm not looking forward to returning to work after my husband is healed more. I've got my yearly physical today. We will see what my bloodwork head to say.

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@jodeej A lovely walk indeed.


@rosemarya what a great shot... Loved it

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@parus I love your picture. Beautiful.
I too have stopped buying peanut butter. I am totally hooked on fresh ground honey roasted peanut butter. I used to purchase it at Fresh Market but the one in our town, the only one in NH, has closed so the only other place to get it is Whole Foods and theirs is not as good. In a way, it's a good thing because after eating that no other peanut butter will do. The calories were really not much more than regular peanut butter either, surprisingly.
I do sometimes use a scant teaspoon of honey in tea.


I've been going walking at a local park with a neighbor in the mornings. I've loved being able to stay my day like this! I'm not looking forward to returning to work after my husband is healed more. I've got my yearly physical today. We will see what my bloodwork head to say.

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@jodeej I hope your physical goes well. How long do you anticipate before you can return to work? Are you still up at the Mayo campus?


@contentandwell we've been home for almost 2 weeks now. I'm hoping to be able to stay home with Tim until October, but we will see. My physical went well and my bloodwork came back good. All is well for another year!


@rosemarya what a great shot... Loved it

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@contentandwell Only thing I can figure about peanut butter is that it is called brain food so my brain surely must be starving. As for honey-no such thing as a scant teaspoon!!!
I told the bee in my flowers to leave a scant amount of nectar for me. I think I saw the bee wink. From my secret garden a magical place.
Still in the race for the long haul.


@contentandwell we've been home for almost 2 weeks now. I'm hoping to be able to stay home with Tim until October, but we will see. My physical went well and my bloodwork came back good. All is well for another year!

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@jodeej glad the physical went well. I had an "extended visit" recently and that went well too. My doctor will not do the "wellness visits" that are recommended by Medicare, he wants patients to have full physicals. Frankly, the only reason I can see for that is that if a patient has a physical they are liable for it, whereas if they have a wellness visit Medicare cuts the amount down and they have to accept that, along with whatever your other insurance pays. So he coined a new term (new for me at least) to get me in there -- "extended visit" and did quite a bit, more than a wellness visit but less than a physical. I figure with all the doctors I am seeing I really do not need a full physical.
It sounds as if you were able to return home rather quickly, that's great. How long did you have to stay up at Mayo? You are not too terribly far from there, aren't you? I am sure if you came from a more distant area they would want him to stay around longer. I am really glad that MGH came through for me and I didn't have to go elsewhere, Mayo was at the top of my list.


@rosemarya what a great shot... Loved it

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Funny selfie. Start small, with small successes. When I was recovering from a five week coma from a broken neck, I thought I was doing well by telling the doctor, I am ONE percent better today. A Doctor in the hallway said, no my friend, make that 2 percent you will shoot for. You can develop a daisy-chain of small successes. Ask your medical professionals what are realistic baby steps toward a measurable (small) daily goal. Dr Zinn, suggests being happy you are breathing and then start from there. (Dr Zinn developed Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction. I am certain they would know about it at Mayo). Good luck my friend. Slow progress beats No progress

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