Staying Motivated for the Long Haul

Posted by LindaF @fessmom, Jun 29, 2017

My biggest obstacle to maintaining a healthy weight is a seemingly invisible "switch" that goes on and off in my brain. When it's "on" I am in the zone and can avoid the most decadent temptations and will exercise faithfully. But, about a year to 15 months into my healthy lifestyle, the switch turns to "off" and I lose focus and revert to my bad habits of poor food choices (both in what I eat and how much I eat) and I become more sedentary. I am at that point now and I feel a slow panic building as the number on the scale inches upward. I know what I should do, but I am at a loss as to how to get my mojo back. Suggestions, anyone!?

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Dear ALL,
Check out this short informative video: How to Tackle the Toughest Eating Triggers. I think it has some good ideas that can be easily applied.

My downfall is the "before bed ice cream craving"! Recently - grapes, or strawberries, or cherries have proved satisfaction to me!

How about you?
@techi, @jodeej, @parus, @liz223, @contentandwell, @kishanvasekar, @mari, @hopeful33250

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@bulgebattler, Ice cream cones and driving scream at me too! I try to choose the smallest size. Sometimes, I am able to drive on by and fight the temptation. One thing that has helped me is to self-talk before I get in the car, and to congratulate myself if I drive on by.
My husband loves to stop for ice cream anytime - and he is/has always been thin. It is not fair!

I am happy that you have joined our group! I get encouragement by knowing that I am not alone in this.


Dear ALL,
Check out this short informative video: How to Tackle the Toughest Eating Triggers. I think it has some good ideas that can be easily applied.

My downfall is the "before bed ice cream craving"! Recently - grapes, or strawberries, or cherries have proved satisfaction to me!

How about you?
@techi, @jodeej, @parus, @liz223, @contentandwell, @kishanvasekar, @mari, @hopeful33250

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@rosemarya I have never stopped alone for an ice cream, but boy have I been tempted! Of course I was very overweight for a long time I figured people would probably look at the fat lady getting an ice cream and pity me. The real trick for me is when we are away and others are getting cones. When I manage to refrain then, I really pat myself on the back.

I was talking to my son today, he will be here on Friday for five days of vacation on the lake in Maine. He is a very in-shape person but apparently has not been as disciplined as usual recently -- he just bought a house, he's moved from southern CA to Denver, so his life is sort in turmoil, happy turmoil. He asked me to not make any goodies to bring to Maine because he can't resist them -- my goodies really are good, that's why I got so fat. I mentioned that to my husband and my son-in-law who is here tonight with my daughter, and they both said they want goodies! I guess my son and I will really have to muster up our will-power. I laugh that he is concerned, if you saw him, he does not look like he has an ounce of fat on him.
He says I am a role model for how well I handled things when I had cirrhosis, but he is my role model for how well he manages a healthy lifestyle.
As I mentioned, my daughter and her husband are here tonight on their way back from a long weekend in Montreal. Tomorrow is her birthday so we celebrated tonight. It was so nice having her here. I wish I got to see both my son and my daughter more. Unfortunately, since she just started a new job, she won't be able to come to Maine this year. She had already committed to the trip to Montreal so she did ask for the time to do that. 🙁


@rosemarya Yes, Rosemary, ice cream is a fav of mine as well. Any frozen fruit when put in a blender with milk, or powdered protein powders, powdered or liquid breakfast drinks, etc. can make a nice ice cream substitute!

Putting seedless grapes in the freezer makes for a great summer treat as well.


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@hopeful33250 I think I will try that with grapes. I wonder if that would work well with cherries too.


@rosemarya Yes, Rosemary, ice cream is a fav of mine as well. Any frozen fruit when put in a blender with milk, or powdered protein powders, powdered or liquid breakfast drinks, etc. can make a nice ice cream substitute!

Putting seedless grapes in the freezer makes for a great summer treat as well.


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@contentandwell It probably would. I have purchased frozen sweet cherries in the freezer section of grocery stores and use them in a blender to make a smoothie. I've never tried eating them, though.



@rosemarya Yes, Rosemary, ice cream is a fav of mine as well. Any frozen fruit when put in a blender with milk, or powdered protein powders, powdered or liquid breakfast drinks, etc. can make a nice ice cream substitute!

Putting seedless grapes in the freezer makes for a great summer treat as well.


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My husband has thrown out pounds of cherries because after being frozen they get "mushy". I suggested that we could use them in a way other than eating out of hand, but too late.


@rosemarya Yes, Rosemary, ice cream is a fav of mine as well. Any frozen fruit when put in a blender with milk, or powdered protein powders, powdered or liquid breakfast drinks, etc. can make a nice ice cream substitute!

Putting seedless grapes in the freezer makes for a great summer treat as well.


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@hopeful33250 I am definitely going to try freezing some cherries, it would be a good treat on warm nights.

On a similar topic, when we are going for our ride to our place in Maine, or on any other longish drives, I always try to bring along grapes and cubes of cheese for snacks. They make no mess, are healthy, and even hydrating. That's far better than having to stop somewhere for a snack along the way, although I do like to make the stop a couple of times a summer at the Stonewall Kitchen store/cafe. I love picking up some of their products, and they have great luncheon things like lobster salad. I'm thinking that Stonewall Kitchen is sold nationally now, but perhaps some of you have never heard of it if not.


@rosemarya Yes, Rosemary, ice cream is a fav of mine as well. Any frozen fruit when put in a blender with milk, or powdered protein powders, powdered or liquid breakfast drinks, etc. can make a nice ice cream substitute!

Putting seedless grapes in the freezer makes for a great summer treat as well.


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@contentandwell That brand is not familiar to me but it sounds wonderful! Teresa


@rosemarya Yes, Rosemary, ice cream is a fav of mine as well. Any frozen fruit when put in a blender with milk, or powdered protein powders, powdered or liquid breakfast drinks, etc. can make a nice ice cream substitute!

Putting seedless grapes in the freezer makes for a great summer treat as well.


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@2011panc Oh no!!!! They would have been so good in smoothies.


@rosemarya Yes, Rosemary, ice cream is a fav of mine as well. Any frozen fruit when put in a blender with milk, or powdered protein powders, powdered or liquid breakfast drinks, etc. can make a nice ice cream substitute!

Putting seedless grapes in the freezer makes for a great summer treat as well.


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@hopeful33250 I just googled and they are national and international now. They make great jams, jellies, sauces, salad dressings, etc. If you see them in a store near you, they are good. I love their maple chipotle grill sauce, and some of their salad dressings, and their organic strawberry vanilla jam.


@rosemarya Yes, Rosemary, ice cream is a fav of mine as well. Any frozen fruit when put in a blender with milk, or powdered protein powders, powdered or liquid breakfast drinks, etc. can make a nice ice cream substitute!

Putting seedless grapes in the freezer makes for a great summer treat as well.


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@parus I know! I was so upset! He did it twice! He loves jelly, I could have made jelly out of them. They could be used on pancakes like strawberries. They can be used in desserts or over ice cream. So many uses. In his defense, he has no experience thinking outside the box. His profession was scientific and he worked in a cubbyhole.

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