Staying Motivated for the Long Haul

Posted by LindaF @fessmom, Jun 29, 2017

My biggest obstacle to maintaining a healthy weight is a seemingly invisible "switch" that goes on and off in my brain. When it's "on" I am in the zone and can avoid the most decadent temptations and will exercise faithfully. But, about a year to 15 months into my healthy lifestyle, the switch turns to "off" and I lose focus and revert to my bad habits of poor food choices (both in what I eat and how much I eat) and I become more sedentary. I am at that point now and I feel a slow panic building as the number on the scale inches upward. I know what I should do, but I am at a loss as to how to get my mojo back. Suggestions, anyone!?

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@contentandwell I heard about the prediction of blizzards in the New England area and I thought about you. I would not be a happy camper if I was without power either. This week I had to cancel an appointment because my car would not move. Take care and be careful - glad that Dunkin Donuts is nearby.


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@contentandwell - You look cozy, but cold! Thanks for the pic - Teresa


I am checking in on all of you. It's been too quiet here! I would enjoy hearing from any/all of you.

I slipped off my 'plan' for a great part of the winter (and the extended winter) My motivation, though is my annual post transplant check-up. With the nice weather and with plans for another hiking week with hubby, I have been really hitting the gym recently. I'm a little bit sore in places - but I feel good!

Are you in need of some re-motivation? Lets get motivated together!



@rosemarya I'm trying to get myself in better shape. My cholesterol is high, so I'm trying to exercise and eat better. 3 days in, I'm doing good! Lol


I am checking in on all of you. It's been too quiet here! I would enjoy hearing from any/all of you.

I slipped off my 'plan' for a great part of the winter (and the extended winter) My motivation, though is my annual post transplant check-up. With the nice weather and with plans for another hiking week with hubby, I have been really hitting the gym recently. I'm a little bit sore in places - but I feel good!

Are you in need of some re-motivation? Lets get motivated together!


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@rosemarya I am definitely in need of motivation. I am still getting to my club a lot for my water exercise but I have not done my recumbent bike for a few days due to a sore back. I hate the gym but I do need to work on my upper body strength. Yesterday I bought a set of hand dumbbells, 8 pounds each at Marshall’s.

The biggest area I need motivation in though is eating less indulgently. I've gained a few pounds and need to get rid of them so my newest clothes will fit better again.


@rosemarya I'm trying to get myself in better shape. My cholesterol is high, so I'm trying to exercise and eat better. 3 days in, I'm doing good! Lol

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@jodeej Three days - that is great! Any type of change involves small steps - so keep stepping in the direction you want to go and remember to celebrate your successes!

Look forward to hearing your next report.



@rosemarya I'm trying to get myself in better shape. My cholesterol is high, so I'm trying to exercise and eat better. 3 days in, I'm doing good! Lol

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Hurray! 3 days, 4 days, 5 days...good start to meeting your improved health.
What steps have you considered to take to improve your eating? And what kind of exercise are you doing? I expect that our group will have a lot of support to offer to you. (if you want it)


My Ultimate Motivation ! and Reward!!
This morning my husband said to me, "You look like you are getting more fit".
I think he has finally realized how hard I am working at it:-)


@rosemarya that is great motivation. Great that your husband recognized your efforts.


I feel so good right now. Went to have my sonogram for carotid artery done and then to see my cardiovascular surgeon. Wonderful visit! Weight down, BP down, Carotid artery less blocked. No surgery for now. 🙂 Will see my Primary Care Physician Monday. Hubby and I seriously considering moving to retirement community. I'm so up and motivated. Life is good and I thank God. I'm excited.


@liz223 Yeah!! Congratulations on such a good report! It sounds like all of your determination to stay motivated has paid big dividends for you.


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