Staying Motivated for the Long Haul

Posted by LindaF @fessmom, Jun 29, 2017

My biggest obstacle to maintaining a healthy weight is a seemingly invisible "switch" that goes on and off in my brain. When it's "on" I am in the zone and can avoid the most decadent temptations and will exercise faithfully. But, about a year to 15 months into my healthy lifestyle, the switch turns to "off" and I lose focus and revert to my bad habits of poor food choices (both in what I eat and how much I eat) and I become more sedentary. I am at that point now and I feel a slow panic building as the number on the scale inches upward. I know what I should do, but I am at a loss as to how to get my mojo back. Suggestions, anyone!?

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@rosemarya YES! YES! YES! That would result in a new picture everyday of the year(s).


@rosemarya YES! YES! YES! That would result in a new picture everyday of the year(s).

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@parus, That is one energetic response for this hour of the morning! Just like the name of this discussion - Motivated for the Long Haul:-)


@hopeful33250 I like these videos as I have found them to helpful for someone with the attention span of a gnat. It can motivate me to move-sometimes. Currently nothing is working. Surely it is the weather-please, allow it to be the weather!! -12 here this morn.

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@JustinMcClanahan I don't know where you are Justin, but here in NH and all of New England the thaw is still a ways off and tomorrow they are predicting a blizzard. That's the worst -- if we lose power and temperatures are low. I am not a nice person after a day of sitting in the house FREEZING. We have to make runs to Dunkin Donuts for coffee and to get warm in the car. I had a doctor appointment in Boston tomorrow but they called and cancelled!


@hopeful33250 I like these videos as I have found them to helpful for someone with the attention span of a gnat. It can motivate me to move-sometimes. Currently nothing is working. Surely it is the weather-please, allow it to be the weather!! -12 here this morn.

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I'm in Rochester, Minnesota. We haven't seen a temp above 4 degrees in about 10 days now. But I think this weekend is supposed to get back up to a squelching 20+ degrees! I actually like snow & winter, just not the blistering cold. If winter could be 15-30 degrees and consistent fluffy snow, I'd be OK with it. However, losing power would be no good. Winter gets especially frustrating when it messes with things such as doctor's appointments, even more so when those appointments can be hard to get and months out, I am sorry to hear about this.


@contentandwell Thank you for sharing! I like Don Fiore on youtube. He has an 8 minute Tai Chi and also enjoy the Quigong video. I will rise up from my slump. Cool how you can stream music through your hearing aids. Pool marching is so good for getting the cardio up. I tried the Y for a Tai Chi class and the other folks were there to socialize. I left. Need to do something lest I hit the bottom of the vortex...ain't fun, nor pretty.
I did manage to dig my car out and went to the store. The employees there are so nice. They still bag groceries too! I am known other places for leaving things on the round-a-bouts.
I live in NE IN. Thankful to have a warm home, food, creativity and Mayo Connect to take a break. Need to get my focus back for the things I can do!
Your words are encouraging. Thank you and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

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@michelewithonel I know what you mean, I have been missing my club since I had not been able to go since mid-October. I finally went back on Monday and plan to go today. I really hate the going, but I am happy I did afterwards. I have to force myself but if I don't I regret it afterwards. Thankfully my club is really nice and has a lot of very nice people. I don't have any real friends there but many people that I do speak to, some whose names I don't even know. It's a friendly place.


@hopeful33250 I like these videos as I have found them to helpful for someone with the attention span of a gnat. It can motivate me to move-sometimes. Currently nothing is working. Surely it is the weather-please, allow it to be the weather!! -12 here this morn.

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@JustinMcClanahan I don't really mind snow and temps in the 20s either, when younger I was an avid skier and skied until our son and daughter were in college. My husband and I met at a ski area!
The interference with appointments is a pain, now my appointment is not until January 25.


@contentandwell I heard about the prediction of blizzards in the New England area and I thought about you. I would not be a happy camper if I was without power either. This week I had to cancel an appointment because my car would not move. Take care and be careful - glad that Dunkin Donuts is nearby.



@contentandwell I heard about the prediction of blizzards in the New England area and I thought about you. I would not be a happy camper if I was without power either. This week I had to cancel an appointment because my car would not move. Take care and be careful - glad that Dunkin Donuts is nearby.


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@hopeful33250 I just cannot deal with more than one day without power. Our home is close to the center of town so I don't generally expect to go that long, which is part of why we chose to move here rather than on the outskirts of town. That power was so massive though, statewide, that it was a long one. Here is a picture of my daughter and myself, the third day of no power after Thanksgiving 2014. She was with her fiance's sister in MA but came up to visit and convinced my husband that we had to get out of the house so we did at that point, we went to my sister's in MA. He hates to abandon the house, figures pipes will freeze but even with the fireplace going in the family room no heat reaches the other end of the house or upstairs.


@rosemarya YES! YES! YES! That would result in a new picture everyday of the year(s).

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Mornings are typically my productive time. Things are quiet. By now it sounds as though living above my head have bovine in their gene pool. It is the creaking floor boards that set my teeth on edge. Never creaked until the great grandson grew big and enjoys romping with his grandmother's dog and doing jumping jacks with a video on TV. The daughter moved in with her mother (the great grandmother) and all I can say is I am thankful no one has landed in my living room-yet. The great grandmother is extremely hard of hearing. I am not.
I am thankful I have a roof over my head and do not have another move left in me. I will adapt is now my mantra.


@rosemarya Guess I do so because it is one of the few choices I can make for myself. Doing watercolors has not a thing to do with the change. If this is inappropriate in some way and/or annoying, distracting or any number of other things I will endeavor to come up with something and remain consistent. 🙂

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@hopeful33250 If that is the one that made you smile this makes me rather sad. 🙂

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