Moods and Parkinson's Disease

Hello @chrisj2491 @denie57 @johnjames @trouble4343 @ggopher @tntredhead @aperob @caryp43 @burgle @macbeth @knightkris @mariemarie @pjsammy

I recently received an email from the National Parkinson's Foundation regarding moods as it relates to Parkinson's. They are offering a free downloadable book regarding this topic, here is the website where you can find the publication You can also order a free paper copy of the book at It contains some very good information regarding why people with Parkinson's have problems with moods like depression, anxiety, irritability etc. and some helpful ideas for dealing with these moods, both with medicine as well as many self-help ideas.

Perhaps many of you have tried one or more of the suggestions in this publication. If so, please share with the group. We all learn from each other when we share our experiences.


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So good to hear from you on Connect again, JJames (@johnjames). How are you doing?

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Colleen- what I found out I was or I am in stage 4- I wasn't sure what to say or do. The side affects are difference and more painful at times- but our hope is still alive and well and I try to focus everything that;s within me on my Lord and His Hope for me. JJAMES


Jjames. I know u r awaiting response from knighthines. I experience tightness in mornings but as long as i bike(stationary) and do BIG exercise each morning at home and attend pedaling for PD 3 times week at health club i feel better...not great but ok. Still trying to put my arms around the diagnosis.

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@johnjames Hi JJames, I appreciate your sharing your kind spirit with us. I'm sure that your faith sustains you during the difficult times! Best wishes for a good day and weekend. Teresa


@johnjames Yes, we do have a lot in common! I also grew up in Detroit and went through the Detroit Public School system, I lived on the east side of Detroit, near the Grosse Pointe Park area. Teresa


Yes it's a small world- the longer I live the more I meet people from somewhere I've been or lived. I lived NE from Detroit, My Step Dad work for GM- near Grand Blank- If you remember where that 's at- it's a ways NE of the City. I pray you have a great and peaceful Sunday.


So good to hear from you on Connect again, JJames (@johnjames). How are you doing?

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Colleen, if you are local ( in the Phoenix Area- I'm looking for new Parkinson's Doctor- if you happen to know one that's good and kind. Most of the ones I have had is unkind and say very little of how their helping you.) Hope that makes some sense. JJAMES


Jjames. I know u r awaiting response from knighthines. I experience tightness in mornings but as long as i bike(stationary) and do BIG exercise each morning at home and attend pedaling for PD 3 times week at health club i feel better...not great but ok. Still trying to put my arms around the diagnosis.

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Your right Teresa- My faith( really is the main force that keeps me going- with is God really, I can't make faith work or think I have because I say so- it is a gift from God - but He never said it was going to be easy, but it was going to be hard at times, other wise we would not need faith in the Lord-right). AS a Soldier my whole life- there is a verse- one of my favorites- if you don't mind me sharing it. `" it is from 2 Timothy CH 2: verses 3-4 " You therefore must endure hardship as a good Soldier of Jesus Christ. No one engaged in warfare entangles himself with the affairs of this life, that he may please Him who enlisted him as a Soldier." Many have seen things on the battle field- that is we didn't see it with are own eyes - people would think we are liars or crazy . All of this is a part that makes up the military family like none other. Sorry didn't mean to preach. JJAMES


Yes it's a small world- the longer I live the more I meet people from somewhere I've been or lived. I lived NE from Detroit, My Step Dad work for GM- near Grand Blank- If you remember where that 's at- it's a ways NE of the City. I pray you have a great and peaceful Sunday.

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God bless you for your kindness and wisdom that you share with all of us. JJames.


Yes it's a small world- the longer I live the more I meet people from somewhere I've been or lived. I lived NE from Detroit, My Step Dad work for GM- near Grand Blank- If you remember where that 's at- it's a ways NE of the City. I pray you have a great and peaceful Sunday.

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@johnjames My dad was a GM employee as well! He worked at a plant in the Hamtramck area. Yes, it is a small world. Best wishes to you this Sunday as well. Teresa


Thank you Tressa.
I will be ordering the hard copy of this book. Will let ypu know how it is anx how it applies to myself. What I can take away from it.

My biggest issue with PD is counseling. I onlyam able to receive a limitex amount of counseling sessions. 4 to br exact, then I need to pay. A same. Well I will ask to see what else is available.

Other than that I am experiencing severe sleep issues. Is this pary of having PD. This is what I have been told. Not sleeping, than too much sleep. Very aggravating

Thanks again

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Hi Kristopher @knightkris

I was thinking about you and wondering if you have received the book you ordered and it it was helpful to you.

Also, have you and your doctor found any help for your sleep problems?


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