This and That and Talk - My Transplant

Posted by Rosemary, Volunteer Mentor @rosemarya, Apr 9, 2017

As our Mayo Connect community grows, I am constantly meeting organ transplant members on a wide variety of forums with a wide range of issues that are not directly transplant specific. However, because we are all transplant recipients, we have a special connection: a unique journey and best of all - a new life! We don't always need help or advice. Many times we just want to chat with someone like us! That is my purpose in starting This and That and Talk.

Drop in and say 'Hi'. You are welcome anytime.

What do you want t to talk about? What words can you offer to someone who is on the journey? Do you have any questions for another recipient?

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Transplants Support Group.


@rosemarya @contentandwell @jeanne5009 Since my last post I've had the ERCP procedure (scope to insert stent to unblock bile duct) and it failed. They managed to rattle my pancreas which ended up with me having pancreatitis. The symptons being severe nausea, vomiting and pain. I was unable to hold anything down including my immunosuppresents and other meds. I've been back in hospital since last Thursday waiting for this to be resolved. I will be scheduled for another ERCP to try and get the stent in again. 🤞🤞that it works this time and that I don't get pancreatitis again. Hopefully soon I'll be on the right track. I WILL SURVIVE! mantra.

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Thinking of you..your strength and will are being tested. Prayers for a smooth recovery. Be strong!


@contentandwell I will definitely keep you updated. Thanks so much for caring. It meand a lot.

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@gaylea1 We are all cheering you on. How are things going now? I am so sorry you have to go through this but I am confident that in the end, everything will be great. Keep that positive attitude.


@contentandwell I am at home now building up strength for the 2nd attempt at the ERCP procedure. If this goes well then I can be on the road to recovery. 🤞🤞 fingers crossed!


@contentandwell I am at home now building up strength for the 2nd attempt at the ERCP procedure. If this goes well then I can be on the road to recovery. 🤞🤞 fingers crossed!

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@gaylea, I hope you can get some sleep and Sweet Dreams tonight in your own bed.


@contentandwell I am at home now building up strength for the 2nd attempt at the ERCP procedure. If this goes well then I can be on the road to recovery. 🤞🤞 fingers crossed!

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@gaylea1 Time for a celebration for being home! That must feel so good. When will the next ERCP attempt be? Does that have to be an inpatient procedure?


@contentandwell @rosemarya My time back home (3 days) didn't last long. Back in the hospital since last Thurs (today is Sun). My next ERCP is scheduled for tomorrow morning. If the stent can't be inserted internally they will have to place a drain externally or in the worst scenario open me up (again) and surgically correct. That would be 3 surgeries in 2 months. Oh well....whatever it takes to come out on the other side.


@contentandwell @rosemarya My time back home (3 days) didn't last long. Back in the hospital since last Thurs (today is Sun). My next ERCP is scheduled for tomorrow morning. If the stent can't be inserted internally they will have to place a drain externally or in the worst scenario open me up (again) and surgically correct. That would be 3 surgeries in 2 months. Oh well....whatever it takes to come out on the other side.

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@gaylea1 Oh no! I hope things work out well tomorrow, I will say some prayers for you tonight. I know you must be really dreading the possibility of having another surgical procedure, who wouldn't be?
Despite all, you seem to be maintaining a positive attitude. I firmly believe that really helps. I think being confident of your medical team is key to that too.
Keep us up to date when you are able.


@contentandwell @rosemarya My time back home (3 days) didn't last long. Back in the hospital since last Thurs (today is Sun). My next ERCP is scheduled for tomorrow morning. If the stent can't be inserted internally they will have to place a drain externally or in the worst scenario open me up (again) and surgically correct. That would be 3 surgeries in 2 months. Oh well....whatever it takes to come out on the other side.

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Thinking of you and sending wishes for the best outcome.


I had my phone stolen in the ER while acting as an advocate for a friend with a pancreatic emergency after gall bladder surgery. Imagine! So I lost everything and am just now getting to your unhappy news.
My friend Gary has had 2 ERCP procedures this week and finally they transferred him to another hospital 20 miles away to fperform an endoscopy ultrasound to remove a 10mm stone! Now he has pancretItis and may have to stay a few more days.They also found a very enlarged prostate and a cyst on his pancreas which may be cancerous. This is a guy who has never been sick or hospitalized. I am using all of our knowledge and experience that we get here at Connect to bring him out of his frustration and nasty
You seem to be going thru something similar. You must be exhausted and wondering what comes next. Just know I am thinking of you and praying for God to give you strength and the doctors the skills to get you back to your happy life again.


I had my phone stolen in the ER while acting as an advocate for a friend with a pancreatic emergency after gall bladder surgery. Imagine! So I lost everything and am just now getting to your unhappy news.
My friend Gary has had 2 ERCP procedures this week and finally they transferred him to another hospital 20 miles away to fperform an endoscopy ultrasound to remove a 10mm stone! Now he has pancretItis and may have to stay a few more days.They also found a very enlarged prostate and a cyst on his pancreas which may be cancerous. This is a guy who has never been sick or hospitalized. I am using all of our knowledge and experience that we get here at Connect to bring him out of his frustration and nasty
You seem to be going thru something similar. You must be exhausted and wondering what comes next. Just know I am thinking of you and praying for God to give you strength and the doctors the skills to get you back to your happy life again.

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@jeanne5009 I hope your friend is doing well, he is lucky to have you there for him.
That's terrible that your phone was stolen! When I was in the hospital I was sent down for an endoscopy. When I was "under" someone stole my brand new UGG slippers off my feet! I was furious, they were a gift, and they are not inexpensive.

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