Lung nodules & scared!

Posted by pattymac @pattymac, Mar 19, 2017

March 1, 2017 at 7:44 pm
I had a Ct in December 2016,showed 3 nodules 6mm,5mm&4mm in right upper lobe! Last week I had a Ct bc of a different issue and ER Dr told me I had 1 nodule in my right upper lobe that was 8mm and subpleural and a tiny subleural nodule in my left lower lone and small scattered lymph nodes throughout the paratracheal region? What does this mean?Pulmononlogist called finally after a few weeks and finally radiology compared both Cts and was told I need Pet Scan which is next Tuesday. I feel frozen and numb! He said it was triangular in shape and something about right hiler? Gosh I can't even think. Advice please

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@pattymac Hi, I've been thinking about you - hope you are doing well. Teresa

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Hello, funny I have been thinking about this board but was in Tennessee this time at my sons house over the weekend.Unfortunately my granddaughter had a seizure but is OK.poor sweetie was so scared and me too because she fell into my arms and since I still have no voice to speak of it was hard to yell for my son.Anyway all is OK now.
I am still coughing which makes me nervous because its been awhile now.I had an appt. with the cardiac Dr I went to for my first stress test and he gave me tesslon pearls for my cough.I actually only took it once bc it made me too sleepy and I have to work.(i still drive for uber, at least until I get my voice back so I can move forward) I go back to the thoracic surgeon on Monday though but I really don't know why bc his job is done and he can't fix my voice.I think I'm actually getting angry about it lately.
I was talking to my landlord who actually lives up the drive,(25 acres and horses) and was telling him why i had no voice and was told it was Histoplasmosis(they think) and its from bird droppings and bats as well.He looked at me and looked at the ground and said,"this place is full of it just look down at the ground"! Its a horse farm and I never thought much about it bc its a gravel drive so i cant tell whats bird droppings? Bats are in horses barn im sure but Ive only been in there a couple times.Not sure if I should find another place or what? Im taking that fungus medicine for the next 8 months as it is and not happy about it.Any thoughts?


@pattymac Hi, I've been thinking about you - hope you are doing well. Teresa

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@pattymac That really is interesting Patti, very good detective work on your part! As I recall, you have seen a physician in Infectious Disease, is that correct? If so, I'd call his/her office with this information or contact him via the patient portal and let him know about your living environment. Informing your treating doctors (maybe even pulmonologist) about this would be a good idea as well. I'm not a medical professional - so this is just a guess, but I'm thinking that even if you haven't been inside the barn very much the bacteria from the droppings could be in the air that you are breathing. It is certainly a good idea to contact doctor's office to run this by him/her. Teresa


@pattymac Hi, I've been thinking about you - hope you are doing well. Teresa

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@pattymac, I mentioned a friend 's experience with histoplasmosis a reply on June 23. Coincidentally, I saw him at the grocery right after that and I told him about your situation He kind of shook his head and grimaced and said that he, too, got it once. He said he felt awful and was off work for 4 months. According to his doctor, it is in the soil all thru this region, and most of us residents have built a natural immunity - but for some reason, my friend picked up the infection. He thinks he may have gotten it by disturbing the soil while leveling ground while installing a swimming pool in his backyard.
Patti, keep in mind that this is 'hearsay' but it does give a perspective to think about.
He also said that his dad took the med for quite a while (whatever that is)


@pattymac Hi, I've been thinking about you - hope you are doing well. Teresa

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Yes I have seen an Infectious disease Dr and Im told he is good but I am not that comfortable with him. I maybe should have gone to the thoracic surgeons friend who is an ID Dr but once again I listened to my friend which I haven't heard from since I told her I was upset I lost my voice by the way.Anyway I have an appt which is a followup by the thoracic Dr on Monday and the ID Dr on 20th. I'm tired of Drs already.I will tell him about my area though.


@pattymac Hi, I've been thinking about you - hope you are doing well. Teresa

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I think maybe my immune was down due to orthopedics surgery on my knee last fall? I had a knee scope too. I kept telling my regular Dr I felt like i had chills so maybe a sinus infection at that time and he just called in a Zpack?


@pattymac I can empathize with your weariness of doctor's appointments. We all reach that point at one time or another - hang in there, though. Keep us posted on how you are doing. Teresa


@pattymac Hi, I've been thinking about you - hope you are doing well. Teresa

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@pattymac It is hard to say - just keep repeating your history to each doc you see. Somewhere down the road they might put the pieces of the puzzle together and understand just what is going on. Sometimes some illnesses are just like a large jigsaw puzzle - a lot of pieces laying around and difficult to put together. Teresa


Hi all, So I went to my appt with thoracic surgeon the other day and he was concerned my voice isn't back yet but he thinks it still may come back? I told him about the Infectious Disease Dr(which he knows), and told him of fungus meds he put me on and he thought it wouldn't be necessary yet but thought for a couple months it would be ok.i told him that the other Dr had my refills for 8 months and he was surprised bc he said that med can be worse than chemo?So I told him I wanted a second opinion and he agreed and he would talk to my Dr . Well Infectious Dr had his office call me the next morning and tell me he was referring me to University of Chicago and there was nothing more he could do for me! So he fired me!! WTHeck! I called the surgeon back and he was setting up an appt for me with a different Infectious Dr. I told the Nurse my ins wont cover out of state and she said I could go to IU Medical in Indy but it was up to me.When I asked about this fungus med I didn't get a straight answer on what to do so I'm stopping it bc its making me sick to my stomach.I should know something on my appt with new Dr this week.Stressed!


Hi all, So I went to my appt with thoracic surgeon the other day and he was concerned my voice isn't back yet but he thinks it still may come back? I told him about the Infectious Disease Dr(which he knows), and told him of fungus meds he put me on and he thought it wouldn't be necessary yet but thought for a couple months it would be ok.i told him that the other Dr had my refills for 8 months and he was surprised bc he said that med can be worse than chemo?So I told him I wanted a second opinion and he agreed and he would talk to my Dr . Well Infectious Dr had his office call me the next morning and tell me he was referring me to University of Chicago and there was nothing more he could do for me! So he fired me!! WTHeck! I called the surgeon back and he was setting up an appt for me with a different Infectious Dr. I told the Nurse my ins wont cover out of state and she said I could go to IU Medical in Indy but it was up to me.When I asked about this fungus med I didn't get a straight answer on what to do so I'm stopping it bc its making me sick to my stomach.I should know something on my appt with new Dr this week.Stressed!

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@pattymac I'm sorry that your appointment raised more questions than answers and left you in a quandary. I'm sure you were not expecting that. Please let us know when you get the new appointment scheduled, we will be thinking about you. Teresa


Thank you for the advice.I went to my gynecologist for my annual on Thursday and was told my lungs sounded hoarse and to call my pulmonologist. So I did as soon as I left the office to.I was nervous about what she heard and I couldn't get into pulmonologist until this Tuesday so I called my Internist,(which I hadn't seen since before all this started and he didn't know I had gone thru all this!) I thought these Drs were all sending him results bc I asked them to but apparently not! He knew about the initial pet scan though bc it was at Oncology office associated with his office.Anyway he said my lungs were fine but my throat was red and I had some sinus stuff going on and prescribed amoxicillin.He said its been around forever and I'm not allergic to it and it will get the job done. He also referred me to a local Infectious Diseases Dr that was in next town and said she was very good at her job.I am not sure anymore if trying to find a Dr far away was a good idea now.The Pulmonologist told me last time that he hoped I wouldnt get those scopes and biopsy to begin with bc he did the first bronchoscopy and I was fine.So that's that! I am still going to keep the appt with pulmo though. I worry about this vocal cord bc there is still space that germs can go through. I am calling to find out what specialist the ENT was going to send me to tomorrow bc they never called back. Ive been feeling tired and I don't know why, I still go to gym everyday bc I want my lungs strong,maybe its just the cardio.lots of weight to lose so I'm not stopping.

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