Lung nodules & scared!

Posted by pattymac @pattymac, Mar 19, 2017

March 1, 2017 at 7:44 pm
I had a Ct in December 2016,showed 3 nodules 6mm,5mm&4mm in right upper lobe! Last week I had a Ct bc of a different issue and ER Dr told me I had 1 nodule in my right upper lobe that was 8mm and subpleural and a tiny subleural nodule in my left lower lone and small scattered lymph nodes throughout the paratracheal region? What does this mean?Pulmononlogist called finally after a few weeks and finally radiology compared both Cts and was told I need Pet Scan which is next Tuesday. I feel frozen and numb! He said it was triangular in shape and something about right hiler? Gosh I can't even think. Advice please

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@pattymac Thanks for the update. I'm glad that your vocal cords will be looked at. I've had a number of those scopes and they really aren't bad at all. It is the best way to determine how they are working - you certainly have my prayers for Friday as well as Thursday. Best wishes! Teresa

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Thank you.I am a bit nervous because I think it will be painful going up my nose?


I went to an ENT that my Pulmonologist referred me to and he is going to do a CT w/contrast tomorrow and a scope in his office on Friday to see my vocal cords. I don't know how painful that will be but I'll find out.I am really so tired of all these tests.I saw the surgeon yesterday and he was going to refer me to an ENT himself so I guess its OK. Also seeing the Infectious Diseases Dr on 20h to try and find out what I do have so this is all so nerve wracking to say the least. Still have some chest pain once in awhile and coughing goes in spurts. I still feel like I have to take a breath when I'm talking so don't know why.Anyone have this test or my upcoming tests can you please tell me what to expect? Thank you-


I am being referred to a Infectious Disease Dr now and am so stressed I lost my voice and have been having chest wall pain since these two scopes on the 12th?Please advise me on how this should be going, given they took lymph node out in sections to biopsy.

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Sure Teresa, I was sent a test kit at home.So I just had to read and put it on and sleep.It had a finger strip, one that went around under my breast and the most annoying was one that was taped under my nose.I then had to plug it in when I woke up and it transmitted to the company it came from.Funny thing was I coughed half the night away so I don't understand how it was accurate at all? Then a couple days later I received a voicemail stating I was to receive a C-Pap machine?I was not happy because I didn't get a call from the Dr about the findings at all! Still haven't received anything either so I'm OK with that.


Hi Pattymac: I did have a scope and lung cancer. I am so delighted that you do NoT have lung cancer. At the same time, I'm asking if time and rest will help your vocal cords ? and lots of warm tea? It
helped me. My husband jokingly said, It was a little more peaceful, since I'm a jabberbox! ha!
You deserve a big hug.

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I hope so Linda:) I have been drinking tea too.


I went to an ENT that my Pulmonologist referred me to and he is going to do a CT w/contrast tomorrow and a scope in his office on Friday to see my vocal cords. I don't know how painful that will be but I'll find out.I am really so tired of all these tests.I saw the surgeon yesterday and he was going to refer me to an ENT himself so I guess its OK. Also seeing the Infectious Diseases Dr on 20h to try and find out what I do have so this is all so nerve wracking to say the least. Still have some chest pain once in awhile and coughing goes in spurts. I still feel like I have to take a breath when I'm talking so don't know why.Anyone have this test or my upcoming tests can you please tell me what to expect? Thank you-

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Pattymac...I have had 2 scopes by ENT done within past 2 discomfort ...these Drs know what they are doing...use numbing materials....move fast but prep required pain during or after.tdrell


Pattymac....tiny diameter tube....lots of not recall any pain...goes will bebover before you even realize


I am being referred to a Infectious Disease Dr now and am so stressed I lost my voice and have been having chest wall pain since these two scopes on the 12th?Please advise me on how this should be going, given they took lymph node out in sections to biopsy.

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@pattymac I can understand your wanting to discuss this with your doctor. Have you called him about it? If not, that might be a good idea. Teresa


I went to an ENT that my Pulmonologist referred me to and he is going to do a CT w/contrast tomorrow and a scope in his office on Friday to see my vocal cords. I don't know how painful that will be but I'll find out.I am really so tired of all these tests.I saw the surgeon yesterday and he was going to refer me to an ENT himself so I guess its OK. Also seeing the Infectious Diseases Dr on 20h to try and find out what I do have so this is all so nerve wracking to say the least. Still have some chest pain once in awhile and coughing goes in spurts. I still feel like I have to take a breath when I'm talking so don't know why.Anyone have this test or my upcoming tests can you please tell me what to expect? Thank you-

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@pattymac I've had many scopes for a paralyzed vocal cord and they are not bad at all. As @tdrell explained they do numb your throat and the tube that the doctor inserts through the nose is very thin. An experienced doctor can do it quite quickly and generally you can see the results on the computer screen right away (or even as the doctor is doing the procedure). Of all the tests that you can have, this one is pretty easy to go through. (If you have a deviated septum, it's important to use the side of your nose that is not blocked.) Keep in touch with us if you have any other questions. Tersa


I had scope done &!you were right that it didn't hurt 🙂 Everything was fine except left vocal cord is Not moving:((((( right one is working fine! Dr wants me to wait 6 months to see if voice comes back on it's own before any kind of surgery. If he can't perform whatever surgery he needs to then I will be referred to a teaching hospital bc it's something he can't do? Now I'm worried and still coughing? He said talking is fine but I have to wonder if I'm not making it worse by talking? Any ideas?


@pattymac I'm glad that scope went fine and that it wasn't too uncomfortable. I have a left vocal cord that doesn't move as well. I eventually had surgery at Cleveland Clinic (over 300 miles from my home). They put an implant in the non-working cord so that it would close up with the right vocal cord and my voice/swallowing improved greatly. Not all doctors have been trained to do this type of surgery so you should be grateful that he is willing to refer you to someone who is experienced. He might have told you this already, but drinking lots of water (keeping the throat moist) is good, also try not to cough continually or clear your throat (use hard candies or cough drops) to help your throat/vocal cords to heal quicker. The continual coughing and/or throat clearing will keep the area irritated - something that you don't want to do. It will be difficult and will take some restraint on your part - but do your best! Keep in touch and let us know how we can support you over the next few months. Teresa

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