Lung nodules & scared!

Posted by pattymac @pattymac, Mar 19, 2017

March 1, 2017 at 7:44 pm
I had a Ct in December 2016,showed 3 nodules 6mm,5mm&4mm in right upper lobe! Last week I had a Ct bc of a different issue and ER Dr told me I had 1 nodule in my right upper lobe that was 8mm and subpleural and a tiny subleural nodule in my left lower lone and small scattered lymph nodes throughout the paratracheal region? What does this mean?Pulmononlogist called finally after a few weeks and finally radiology compared both Cts and was told I need Pet Scan which is next Tuesday. I feel frozen and numb! He said it was triangular in shape and something about right hiler? Gosh I can't even think. Advice please

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Keep your head up, @pattymac. You are moving ahead one step at a time.


Patty mac: Lots of support and lots of silent blessings. You will get through this! Keep the positive side up and going.


I able to pay it forward before I'm called home. I'm not saying I won't have a possible bump in the road ahead but I have to let go of what I can't control too.

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@tdrell Terri I would add for you .. that my husband had to go through 2-3 different masks before he found one he found comfortable enough to keep on all night .. plus had to work with his CPAP person to get the pressure correct .. it kept popping off during the night .. so don't give up .. he now has a mask he likes .. pressure he likes and he keeps it on all night! Katherine


I able to pay it forward before I'm called home. I'm not saying I won't have a possible bump in the road ahead but I have to let go of what I can't control too.

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Terri - thank you for your experience with sleep apnea - it was not too much info! .. the more I know, the better. My GP is now looking into getting me set up for a sleep test- I guess Medicare is tricky with all of this. Once I know for sure whether I have it or not, I will most likely have more questions - many thanks for your time in explaining things, Pamela


So far tests are all good and Dr finally called me.I am however slightly irritated because he asked me what the other Dr said after scope. Shouldn't they be talking to each other since my pulmonologist is the one who referred me to him? He told me I can wait a few months and follow up with a CT in a few months to see how its doing, go to a teaching hospital and try and find out what it is or go to a thoracic surgeon and have him Add to dictionary already tired of being poked at and asked my NP friend for an opinion and she said it could be an infection since they are ruling out by saying no evidence of malignancy so she suggested I see her friend(whom is a thoracic surgeon at Methodist Hospital in Merrillville), and bring everything with me to have him look at bc it needs to be figured out so its not hanging over my head. Any ideas?patty


So far tests are all good and Dr finally called me.I am however slightly irritated because he asked me what the other Dr said after scope. Shouldn't they be talking to each other since my pulmonologist is the one who referred me to him? He told me I can wait a few months and follow up with a CT in a few months to see how its doing, go to a teaching hospital and try and find out what it is or go to a thoracic surgeon and have him Add to dictionary already tired of being poked at and asked my NP friend for an opinion and she said it could be an infection since they are ruling out by saying no evidence of malignancy so she suggested I see her friend(whom is a thoracic surgeon at Methodist Hospital in Merrillville), and bring everything with me to have him look at bc it needs to be figured out so its not hanging over my head. Any ideas?patty

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Hi @pattymac, a second opinion is always a good idea. Going to a teaching hospital is a good step as well. Taking action, i.e., so it's not "hanging over your head" is important for your own well being. Isn't it great that there was no malignancy! That is such good news. Are you in a position to visit Mayo? Whatever action you decide to take, please keep in touch and let us know how you are doing. Teresa


Hi all:) I went to thoracic surgeon like my NO friend suggested so I would know what it is and now he wants to take as much of lymph node out as he can via neck? And biopsy as well as another bronchoscope bc he can just see if Pulmonologist missed anything. He said he's 98% sure he agrees with no cancer but it could possibly be in deeper tissue that couldn't be reached and doesn't think I should have to wonder what it is! So now I'm worried again!


Hi all:) I went to thoracic surgeon like my NO friend suggested so I would know what it is and now he wants to take as much of lymph node out as he can via neck? And biopsy as well as another bronchoscope bc he can just see if Pulmonologist missed anything. He said he's 98% sure he agrees with no cancer but it could possibly be in deeper tissue that couldn't be reached and doesn't think I should have to wonder what it is! So now I'm worried again!

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Hi Patty,
I hate to see you be taken into the vortex of worry again. I know it's easy for me to say "don't worry". I'm not standing in your shoes. However, see if you can re-channel that worry into more positive thoughts. For example, you can be reassured that you thoracic surgeon is being thorough and taking extra steps to be sure of the diagnosis. He's doing this to take your worry away.

When will you have the procedure to remove the lymph node and the bronchoscope?


Hi all:) I went to thoracic surgeon like my NO friend suggested so I would know what it is and now he wants to take as much of lymph node out as he can via neck? And biopsy as well as another bronchoscope bc he can just see if Pulmonologist missed anything. He said he's 98% sure he agrees with no cancer but it could possibly be in deeper tissue that couldn't be reached and doesn't think I should have to wonder what it is! So now I'm worried again!

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Hi @pattymac, I agree with Colleen that it would be difficult for you to go back into the worry syndrome again, even though it must be very tempting! This doctor is just being thorough in doing some more testing. Please take some encouragement from his thoughts that "he's 98% sure he agrees with no cancer." Keep us posted as to how you are doing. We wish you well! Teresa


Dear dear worrier: I have been in your shoes or so to speak...except that, I had lung cancer! It's tough
no if's and's or but's about it!
The journey and statics taught me this : 50% of survival is positive attitude! Have you looked at "The Happy Brain" short video by Dr Amit Sood - Mayo Clinic? It's amazing!!!
Also, please consider paced deep may help...I had reasons to believe I was dying! But I focused on living and I Beat The Odds!!! However,
it all takes focus and practice and determination to living and enjoying each and every day, one day at a time with gratitude! Looking back, STRESS does not help anything. You have all odds in your favor don't you?
big hug,

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