Living with lung cancer - Introduce yourself & come say hi

Welcome to the Lung Cancer group on Mayo Clinic Connect.
This is a welcoming, safe place where you can meet people living with lung cancer or caring for someone with lung cancer. Let's learn from each other and share stories about living well with cancer, coping with the challenges and offering tips.

I'm Colleen, and I'm the moderator of this group, and Community Director of Connect. Chances are you'll to be greeted by volunteer patient Mentors and fellow members when you post to this group. Learn more about Moderators and Mentors on Connect.

We look forward to welcoming you and introducing you to other members. Feel free to browse the topics or start a new one.
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Thanks for the additional information @burrkay. So grateful your oncologist persisted and found the molecular root cause. I'll be thinking about you and your wife on Monday. Please update us when you can.

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(shortshot Nancy) Hi Colleen, I have been not feeling so sharp for the last couple weeks, nothing with the lung cancer, just don't know what, but am getting somewhat better. I tried to log in and they don't know my email address again. I must have upset the "emil god" any
way here I am. I had a cat scan and saw my doc's and I have to go back in three weeks for another blood test, then wait for six weeks for another cat scan. The last scan showed that my lung cancer had shrunk some and a couple of nodules had disappeared. So that's a good thing. So I have been working some on my book. Hopefully I will get it finished soon. Thanks Colleen for all your help. Nancy Bush
This also to Teresa (hopeful) Nancy


(shortshot Nancy) Hi Colleen, I have been not feeling so sharp for the last couple weeks, nothing with the lung cancer, just don't know what, but am getting somewhat better. I tried to log in and they don't know my email address again. I must have upset the "emil god" any
way here I am. I had a cat scan and saw my doc's and I have to go back in three weeks for another blood test, then wait for six weeks for another cat scan. The last scan showed that my lung cancer had shrunk some and a couple of nodules had disappeared. So that's a good thing. So I have been working some on my book. Hopefully I will get it finished soon. Thanks Colleen for all your help. Nancy Bush
This also to Teresa (hopeful) Nancy

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@shortshot80 Hi Nancy

I'm so glad that you are back with us on Connect! The results of your last scan sound great. I'm excited to learn that you are still working on your book. I hope you begin to get back your energy. You've been through a lot with your broken hip and it does take a while to bounce back.
Wishing you well. Hope to hear from you again soon!


@shortshot80 Hi Nancy

I'm so glad that you are back with us on Connect! The results of your last scan sound great. I'm excited to learn that you are still working on your book. I hope you begin to get back your energy. You've been through a lot with your broken hip and it does take a while to bounce back.
Wishing you well. Hope to hear from you again soon!

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@shortshot80 So good to hear from you Nancy and that you were able to logon to Connect. Sorry that you haven't been feeling well. I hope that the spring weather will help some.


I have been watching since the radiologist visit... Its just one lymph node at the shoulder/neck supraclavical the term used in the ct scan reports.. we shall see what the regular oncologist has to say the radiologist has not been as informative as regular dr. but he & colleagues did notice the weakness in that arm Know it has been painful to him since January but he is not a complainer so i have been trying to take notice more of how he holds it etc. maybe I am overreacting

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No options for other treatments as of now - the genomic testing favorable with the Prembo KEYTRUDA® (pembrolizumab) so will continue on it till it no longer works - scans after 1 or 2 more infusions to see where stand and see if lymph node goes down any ; the neck lymph node still very noticeably swollen - arm bothering me - offer of pain med - but he has opted not to take for now - yesterday was a test of patience - everything was running 1 hour + behind - was there on time for the labs at 12:15 - dr. was to be at 12:45 did not get into to dr. till 1:30 and sat there till after 2 p.m before seen and a resident/intern 1st then reg. dr. checked out at 14:51 by summary sheet (2:51) was scheduled to be infusion at 1:45 p.m. so did not get out of there till 5 came straight home he did n ot want to stop get something to eat so rolled in about 7:30 did stop finally to get something cold to drink within 50 miles of home besides our lukewarm coffee... the wind was up so driving was a strain along with a vibration in the steering wheel means a call to the brother-in-law - labs/dr/infusion on 14th and radiologist on the 17th. Has put him on the list for any studies he might fit into - There is one other drug but he says more wicked side effects and as long as the prembo is working and he has had no side effects to speak of and this one
requires 2 treatments in the 3 week period


No options for other treatments as of now - the genomic testing favorable with the Prembo KEYTRUDA® (pembrolizumab) so will continue on it till it no longer works - scans after 1 or 2 more infusions to see where stand and see if lymph node goes down any ; the neck lymph node still very noticeably swollen - arm bothering me - offer of pain med - but he has opted not to take for now - yesterday was a test of patience - everything was running 1 hour + behind - was there on time for the labs at 12:15 - dr. was to be at 12:45 did not get into to dr. till 1:30 and sat there till after 2 p.m before seen and a resident/intern 1st then reg. dr. checked out at 14:51 by summary sheet (2:51) was scheduled to be infusion at 1:45 p.m. so did not get out of there till 5 came straight home he did n ot want to stop get something to eat so rolled in about 7:30 did stop finally to get something cold to drink within 50 miles of home besides our lukewarm coffee... the wind was up so driving was a strain along with a vibration in the steering wheel means a call to the brother-in-law - labs/dr/infusion on 14th and radiologist on the 17th. Has put him on the list for any studies he might fit into - There is one other drug but he says more wicked side effects and as long as the prembo is working and he has had no side effects to speak of and this one
requires 2 treatments in the 3 week period

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@reibur1951 You certainly had a long day! I appreciate the update. It sounds like he made a good decision to stay with the current med that does not have serious side effects. Keep posting and let me know how he (and you) are doing. It sounds like your vehicle is still holding up, that is good news.


I have been watching since the radiologist visit... Its just one lymph node at the shoulder/neck supraclavical the term used in the ct scan reports.. we shall see what the regular oncologist has to say the radiologist has not been as informative as regular dr. but he & colleagues did notice the weakness in that arm Know it has been painful to him since January but he is not a complainer so i have been trying to take notice more of how he holds it etc. maybe I am overreacting

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I don't think you are overreacting, @reibur1951. You are simply observant as well as caring! Good qualities in a friend.


@reibur1951 You certainly had a long day! I appreciate the update. It sounds like he made a good decision to stay with the current med that does not have serious side effects. Keep posting and let me know how he (and you) are doing. It sounds like your vehicle is still holding up, that is good news.

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I will - Yes thus far vehicle has held up thus far its developed a vibration but with all the potholes (sometimes a solid row) or you jog to miss and still hit because its a whopper in width and 6+ inches deep and now the milling of the roads for re-paving it will be a toss-up... so far safer from all the high winds and Tornadoes in our general area... areas to the north and east and east have been hit really bad... have had the high winds but no tree damage so far but the ground is beyond soggy...


Hi @reibur1951,

Just thinking about you and wondering how you are doing and how your friend is doing with his cancer treatment. Has your friend had any more of the Prembo KEYTRUDA® treatments?


Yes he had one May 24th; Friday - seen radiologist yesterday says it got smaller but did not say by how much. Does not see radiologist for 6 months Dec. 17. Ct-Scans Neck & Chest to catch all on Jul 1st and then on July 5th Labs/Dr/ I assume infusion tho not scheduled as he want to keep him on the Prembo KEYTRUDA® treatments for now the clinical was paying for them but since kicked off of it till another clinical is found if ever.... but he intendes to keep him on it as long as it is working the scans Jul 1st should tells us that if working he only missed one Prembo KEYTRUDA® treatment since Dec. 2017 he got it along with the 2 treatments of chemo Feb. Mar.

Me last week was rough woke up with should bothering me and could not lift move it most of week because was so sore - finally was able to get it above on my head and right palm on left ear lat Friday night after got home... still sore not sure what caused it go t idea i done to much on computer cleaning up files....

Survey went through for dividing off 5a to the sister but had to have variance it passed on Wed. last week; now awaiting to hear back from appraiser as to when he can do that so maybe things are on the right track.... all that will be left there is to have deeds made splitting the property- - and deeding off the 5a

Van still holding out but has vibration in it out of alignment thanks to the wonderful Indiana roads, tires are wearing and trying to hang on till October.... putting feelers out since that date is getting close

Just wish this rain would stop.

Got the Billing from IU the Infusion is $26 thousand plus (it was paid for by the clinical study) does not include the dr. & labs.... the radiation drs. and all so far is $83 thousand plus all pending the insurance. to think that the combined is a cost of a mediocre house! has hit $583 thousand so far for the about 1 1 /2 year that's a shack on Lake Maxinkuckee did not see any billing for the Genomic testing tho it probably is not billed by IU that only have suite in the Simon Cancer center i assuming


Yes he had one May 24th; Friday - seen radiologist yesterday says it got smaller but did not say by how much. Does not see radiologist for 6 months Dec. 17. Ct-Scans Neck & Chest to catch all on Jul 1st and then on July 5th Labs/Dr/ I assume infusion tho not scheduled as he want to keep him on the Prembo KEYTRUDA® treatments for now the clinical was paying for them but since kicked off of it till another clinical is found if ever.... but he intendes to keep him on it as long as it is working the scans Jul 1st should tells us that if working he only missed one Prembo KEYTRUDA® treatment since Dec. 2017 he got it along with the 2 treatments of chemo Feb. Mar.

Me last week was rough woke up with should bothering me and could not lift move it most of week because was so sore - finally was able to get it above on my head and right palm on left ear lat Friday night after got home... still sore not sure what caused it go t idea i done to much on computer cleaning up files....

Survey went through for dividing off 5a to the sister but had to have variance it passed on Wed. last week; now awaiting to hear back from appraiser as to when he can do that so maybe things are on the right track.... all that will be left there is to have deeds made splitting the property- - and deeding off the 5a

Van still holding out but has vibration in it out of alignment thanks to the wonderful Indiana roads, tires are wearing and trying to hang on till October.... putting feelers out since that date is getting close

Just wish this rain would stop.

Got the Billing from IU the Infusion is $26 thousand plus (it was paid for by the clinical study) does not include the dr. & labs.... the radiation drs. and all so far is $83 thousand plus all pending the insurance. to think that the combined is a cost of a mediocre house! has hit $583 thousand so far for the about 1 1 /2 year that's a shack on Lake Maxinkuckee did not see any billing for the Genomic testing tho it probably is not billed by IU that only have suite in the Simon Cancer center i assuming

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I so appreciate the time you took to provide updates for your friend's treatment as well as how you are doing. You are just doing a remarkable job juggling so many activities!

It really is incredible to consider the cost of medical care. The figures you provided were a real eye-opener. Wishing you well with the property division. I hope all goes reasonably well with the family members, etc.

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