Living with Neuropathy - Welcome to the group

Welcome to the Neuropathy group.
This is a welcoming, safe place where you can meet other people who are dealing with neuropathy. Let’s learn from each other and share stories about living well with neuropathy, coping with the challenges and offering tips.

I’m Colleen, and I’m the moderator of this group, and Community Director of Connect. Chances are you’ll to be greeted by volunteer patient Mentor John (@johnbishop) and fellow members when you post to this group. Learn more about Moderators and Mentors on Connect.

We look forward to welcoming you and introducing you to other members. Feel free to browse the topics or start a new one.
Let’s chat. Why not start by introducing yourself? What concerns would you like to talk about?

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Neuropathy Support Group.

I'm sorry to hear that you have neuropathy.
If I were you, I wouldn't fear what may or may not happen in the future. 99% of the things you worry about never happen and the other one percent is going to happen regardless so what's the point in worrying about it.
I developed neuropathy 40 years ago with all the horrible pain & balance issues. Many years later the pain went away replaced by numbness. The numbness went from my feet just past my waist causing ED, bladder & bowel complications. The numbness eventually regressed and is mild now and mostly affects my feet with some in my ankles and lower legs. I do have weakness in my legs. It's difficult to tell how much of my balance problems are related to neuropathy and how much is due to my seizures and seizure medications.
Take care,


I'm sorry to hear that you have neuropathy.
If I were you, I wouldn't fear what may or may not happen in the future. 99% of the things you worry about never happen and the other one percent is going to happen regardless so what's the point in worrying about it.
I developed neuropathy 40 years ago with all the horrible pain & balance issues. Many years later the pain went away replaced by numbness. The numbness went from my feet just past my waist causing ED, bladder & bowel complications. The numbness eventually regressed and is mild now and mostly affects my feet with some in my ankles and lower legs. I do have weakness in my legs. It's difficult to tell how much of my balance problems are related to neuropathy and how much is due to my seizures and seizure medications.
Take care,

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Jake, thank you for your thoughts. I am generally doing well with the Gabapentin (1200 mg 3x daily), but it's the occasional night when all my pains are flaring up, including the prickling that started it all, and I think if this is what the future is ... I am not sure I will be able to bear it. That is my fear.
But you're right. It is not as though worrying will change things. I take long walks every day because it makes me feel better overall and seems to keep THOSE nights away.
Thank you,


Hi Mat,
I hope others who have had neuropathy for decades reply and tell if their neuropathy got better or worse, Not that that will make any difference in your situation, but it would be interesting. Even though my neuropathy is now stage 4 I feel it is much better than it was 40 years ago even with the complications.
At least the Gabapentin helps you. I also took 3600 mg of it and it didn't help my seizures or neuropathy. Nor did the Lyrica. I believe you'll bear what you have to and be grateful the Gabapentin helps.
Your future may be like mine and your neuropathy may improve. Always think positive! I bet it will improve how you feel and your overall health. My neuropathy was believed to be caused by certain seizure medicines. Long after I switched medication my neuropathy got better. since you stopped the antibiotic and hopefully never take that one again maybe your situation will turn out to be like mine.
Take care,


I'm sorry to hear that you have neuropathy.
If I were you, I wouldn't fear what may or may not happen in the future. 99% of the things you worry about never happen and the other one percent is going to happen regardless so what's the point in worrying about it.
I developed neuropathy 40 years ago with all the horrible pain & balance issues. Many years later the pain went away replaced by numbness. The numbness went from my feet just past my waist causing ED, bladder & bowel complications. The numbness eventually regressed and is mild now and mostly affects my feet with some in my ankles and lower legs. I do have weakness in my legs. It's difficult to tell how much of my balance problems are related to neuropathy and how much is due to my seizures and seizure medications.
Take care,

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Will be praying for you! What a journey you have been on . I am 74 and am not able to sleep at night due to cold, burning sensation in my feet.
I found a cream called Mama Bear Oasis that is working to help calm my feet down to fall asleep. Gave it to my 87 yr old best friend and it is working for her too! Praying to be led to the answer to STOP THIS FROM ADVANCING. DID LIKE YOUR COMMENT. Am trying and learning to trust Jesus with
my health. I am a nurses aide for 40 yrs. Seen it ALL. ALZHEIMER'S to inability to walk.
Never thought of neuropathy in my many patients till it struck my friend now me!
God help us all in this group to overcome! Some comfort in knowing I am not alone in this battle. 💕 mother murphy


Jake, thank you for your thoughts. I am generally doing well with the Gabapentin (1200 mg 3x daily), but it's the occasional night when all my pains are flaring up, including the prickling that started it all, and I think if this is what the future is ... I am not sure I will be able to bear it. That is my fear.
But you're right. It is not as though worrying will change things. I take long walks every day because it makes me feel better overall and seems to keep THOSE nights away.
Thank you,

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I took my husband off Gabapentin. He took it for many years. Not good for your kidneys. He is 86 and diabetic.
It did not really help he said. I found a cream called Mama Bear Oasis that is helping myself and my 87 yr old friend to calm down our feet to be able to sleep at night.A God sent. Wish there was an all natural pill to STOP THIS DISEASE IN ALL OFF US.
Praying for u Matt! 💕 Mother Murphy. Am on New Hampshire


Glad to see this group. I have idiopathic sensorimotor axonal polyneuropathy, which means, in my case, that both my legs are weak and sometimes my feet hurt, but there is no known cause of the neuropathy and no known cure.
Sometimes I experience the most foot pain lying in bed. I have been offered gabapentin, but in my experience that drug was not helpful.
I also understand that alcohol may exacerbate neuropathy, so I stoped all alcohol intake; however, I haven't seen any improvement yet.
I had a laminectomy at L4-L5. That had the possibility of easing the neuropathy, but it didn't.
What's next? Don't know.

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God bless and guide you Kevin. I found a cream called Mama Bear Oasis that is helping calm down my feet at night so I can fall asleep.
I gave it to my 87 yr old friend that can hardly walk and she said it was helping her too.
I pray to have more GRACE TO DEAL with all the health challenges as I age!
I had cataract surgery last September that left my eye with NP. WAS so disappointed my eye no longer feels normal Like promised. $1900 for a new lens. Cloudy vision on peripheral left eye.
God Bless!


Thank you foy your prayers. My journey has been nothing compared to so many others. I consider myself very fortunate. Does the Mama Bear Oasis help with numbness?
Thank you


I have some sort of nerve inflammation issue with my Sciatic nerve. This condition has cause partial Paralysis of my left foot. I have undergone several MRI’s, EMG’s and an epidural procedure. My docs have found no sign of a pinched nerve. Along with this paralysis, I also have the numbness, pain and tingling sensations typically described by people who suffer from regular neuropathy. I’m wondering if others have had this Paralysis accompanying their neuropathy. If so, what was your diagnosis? My doctors are still working on mine.


Thank you Colleen and Mayo Connect!

@jimhd @bburleson1 @swiss @hollander @fonda @gratefulone @mikween @aliskahan @grandma41 @rabbit10 @ujeeniack @gailfaith @ridgerunner @joannem @medic7054 @fleure @beckypain66 @philio66 @peggyj4411 @16jody @twinky @martid @grandma41 @pinkmk @crystalgal @gman007 @mari @amkaloha @bobsconnect @salena54 @robertlclark @upnorthnancy @tonyc55 @painwarrior @ladyjane85 @bobe @dbentley @pgjanes @citylady @mfobrien36 @timmckinney @briansr @superwife – Welcome to our new Neuropathy Group!

Our peripheral neuropathy discussion has grown quite large making it a challenge to find the information. We hope our new Neuropathy Group will make it easier for members to find a relevant discussion to ask their questions and share information. If you don’t find a discussion that meets your need then jump right in and create a new one! Be sure to invite other Connect members to join you. Inviting is easy, just tag a member by using their Connect member name which starts with an “@” sign.

The new Neuropathy Group is your community so let’s help each other by sharing your story, asking questions, and learning while we figure out how to deal with our specific type of neuropathy.


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I have always had poor balance because of a congenital defect that left me with one leg 2 cm shorter than the other. Now with the PN, it's even worse. I'm 81 years old and my biggest fear is falling. I worked in a long-term hospital and I have seen what a simple fall can lead to. I'm especially fearful of turning or changing direction. Like so many with PN, I have diabetes. However it is well controlled. I'd like to hear what others are doing about footwear and socks, also exercises to maintain blood flow because I sit alot.


I have always had poor balance because of a congenital defect that left me with one leg 2 cm shorter than the other. Now with the PN, it's even worse. I'm 81 years old and my biggest fear is falling. I worked in a long-term hospital and I have seen what a simple fall can lead to. I'm especially fearful of turning or changing direction. Like so many with PN, I have diabetes. However it is well controlled. I'd like to hear what others are doing about footwear and socks, also exercises to maintain blood flow because I sit alot.

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Welcome @cariloo, It's great to hear that your diabetes is well controlled as I'm sure that is one of key things to keep the neuropathy from getting worse when you have diabetes. I've been in the pre-diabetes category most of my adult life and pretty much ignored the warnings until my neuropathy started progressing some and I knew I had to make some changes. I shared my neuropathy journey along with other members in another discussion here -

Since you mentioned footwear and exercises to help with your neuropathy, you might want to scan through these related discussions to learn what others have shared:
-- Socks - What helps with Neuropathy?:
-- Neuropathy: Anyone found comfortable footwear?:
-- Neuropathy & Exercise:
-- FPN Webinar: Physical Exercise and Peripheral Neuropathy -

I think a lot of members also find water exercises helpful when you have neuropathy. Have you tried any water exercises?

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