Heart Rhythm Conditions – Welcome to the group
Welcome to the Heart Rhythm Conditions group on Mayo Clinic Connect.
Did you know that the average heart beats 100,000 times a day? Millions of people live with heart rhythm problems (heart arrhythmias) which occur when the electrical impulses that coordinate heartbeats don't work properly. Let's connect with each other; we can share stories and learn about coping with the challenges, and living well with abnormal heart rhythms. I invite you to follow the group. Simply click the +FOLLOW icon on the group landing page.
I'm Kanaaz (@kanaazpereira), and I'm the moderator of this group. When you post to this group, chances are you'll also be greeted by volunteer patient Mentors and fellow members. Learn more about Moderators and Mentors on Connect.
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Hello gloaming!
I had my catheter ablation March 4th. Quite the ordeal but the surgeon says it went well. We’ll see in a few months if it is successful.At my age I don’t want to go through it a second time. However, the nurses and staff were wonderful. This is my third day of recovery and I’m feeling a little better each day. I am allowed to drive tomorrow as well as have a shower. Nice thing is the surgeon has been in contact with my cardiologist so further tests will take place here and not in another city where I had it done. Thanks again for all your advice -it helped me to know what to expect and the good thing is I didn’t die! Take care. xo
Wonderful! I hope you breeze through the blanking period and that your Holter at about 10-12 weeks shows only the normal odd pause, a PAC or two, and nothing else...which would be perfectly normal for healthy people. You sound like you're following instructions, but also listening to your 'energy' level as it might be wavy over the next two weeks. Your heart needs to heal, and it might need some rest for now...but you be the judge.
Did you find that the real pain was in lying flat on your back for three/four hours watching the world go by? 😀
I wasn't thrilled about having to need a second ablation inside of, oh, ten years, but....it was seven months. Fortunately, the kindly gentleman EP started all over again at the first pulmonary vein and began to zap around its mouth. When he got to my third vein, as he was holding the tip to some tissue to form the lesion, my heart lurched back into sinus rhythm, and they all stood back and watched for consistency on the monitor. I was good! He had found the small gap he had left the previous time. He didn't even cardiovert me before letting the orderly whisk my unconscious self out into the hallway and shout, 'NEXT?'
I am very pleased for your report, and pleased that you felt you needed to come back and tell us how it went. May it be your last post for many years.
Hi! Gee you have sure been through a lot! Yes, what a literal pain in the back lying there flat for three hours. The bleeding came back on the right groin so they compressed it again. I stayed in Recovery a little longer to make sure the bleeding stopped and my heart rate was good. Awesome nurses and staff! Today I feel a little better some energy and some tiredness to be expected. Amazing what they can do these days. I’ll let you know the results of the holter later on. Thank you again for your guidance and support. xo
What is the test for Sick Sinus Syndrome?
Does SSS mimic Dementia/ Alzhiemers?
Best of Luck
After many tests, it was finally a holter monitor overnight.
Caught a 28 second pause.
They did every test there is I think.
It was finally a Holter Monitor.
Good Luck
Hi everyone. My name is Emily. I survived 3 cardiac arrests after turning 22 and was diagnosed with Long QT Syndrome. I’m currently enrolled in a study at the University of Rochester studying this problem. I have a Medtronic ICD implant and take Metoprolol to help manage my condition. Anyone else have Long QT?