Bypass surgery

Posted by pthaley @pthaley, Jun 19, 2023

I have a total of 8 stents in my coronary arteries and have been told that I need bypass but it would be nearly impossible to find a surgeon to do it. I do have other health issues, diabetes, high blood pressure, history of PE, multiple spine surgeries. I am overweight but am working on that. My LAD is 90% blocked and have been told that they cannot put anymore stents or balloon it . I'm taking a lot of medications and feel like I'm just sitting around waiting to die. I am 67 years old and have a strong family history. I have also been told that there is not enough artery to attach a bypass to. Any suggestions?

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Heart & Blood Health Support Group.

Mayo in Minnesota sounds like an ideal option.

In the mean time also check out Dr. Dean Ornish and Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn for lifestyle advice.


I have had bypass 2x, and a total of about 20 stents in and around my heart. Most of the work has been done by top cardiac surgeons of Mayo, Las Vegas Sunrise, etc. Probably my best experience was at Sunrise, but many others were very good at what they did. I have dozens of genetic issues, including LGMD r23, many cancers, myeloma, etc, and others. Now for the good part. I am 83 years old, 64 years married to same woman, 4 children, 10 grandchildren, 25 great grandchildren, traveled and worked in all 48 contiguous states, plus half of Canada and Mexico, 50 years in organized football, written a dozen books on athletics, religion, poverty relief, backpacked through US mountain ranges, taught levels from kinder to grad school. Most of this AFTER first struggles with cardiac. So I say, there are great docs out there. You just have to be ambitious to find them. Like the little cardiologist lady at Sunrise. (Phillipino, I think. Very, Very good work). She put in about 14 stents in me. before lunch one day. By the way, Anyone else have a case of LGMD r23 or LAMA2 or Myeloma? Old Karl

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hello after reading your case I am so releive of y anxiety. I have app with my cardiologist on Monday 3/10/27. I had a NSTEMI last week they did 1 catheterism and they recommended the Bypass surgery I am so afraid, depress, sad, etcc. I have 59 years old high cholesterol nothing else. Should I have to be worried so much ? Please let me know thank you


hello after reading your case I am so releive of y anxiety. I have app with my cardiologist on Monday 3/10/27. I had a NSTEMI last week they did 1 catheterism and they recommended the Bypass surgery I am so afraid, depress, sad, etcc. I have 59 years old high cholesterol nothing else. Should I have to be worried so much ? Please let me know thank you

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Hello @lamaya,

You mentioned you had an appointment with your cardiologist this past Monday. I was wondering how that went for you and if it helped ease some of your anxiety and fear of your diagnosis and the treatments you are facing?


A second opinion is always a good idea. The Mayo Clinic is an excellent choice. The Cleveland Clinic is also very highly rated. Hold fast, have faith.

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