Has anyone ever been on Duloxetine (Cymbalta) for nerve pain?
Has anyone ever been on Duloxetine (Cymbalta) for nerve pain? I've had 2 doctors push this on me. I know that the side effects can be terrible and getting off of it difficult as it requires titration. One time I remember taking one pill, and not liking the way it made me feel, so not taking any more, and still feeling the "weirdness" from it 2-3 days later. and that was only 30 mg Please pass along any experience or advice from this medication?
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I realize I am very late to the party. Have you heard of CRPS? If your burning is located in one+ limbs and you have had an injury or surgery in the same area before the burning began, check out CRPS, Complex Regional Pain Syndrome. At the very least, you check it off; at the very most, you may have joined us “Zebras.”
Hey there. I’m glad to report that my burning stopped! And, the paresthesia in my feet has greatly reduced. I still encounter some intermittent nighttime awakening with hand numbness, but hope that will eventually stop too. I’m still not clear what caused it. I am glad I didn’t need the meds after all.
I was prescribed Cymbalta for Fibromyalgia. Was reluctant to its side effects and interactions with meds, so did not take it
Hello. I see this is an old post but since there are some recent replies, I noticed it. I’ve been taking Duloxetine for my neuropathy. 1 pill 2x/day (morning and afternoon). I believe it’s helping as I notice more foot discomfort if I take it late.
I don’t have side effects that I’m aware of. I was previously on Sertraline (Zoloft) for many years for neurocardiogenic syncope, it helps block the signal to my brain that makes me feel faint when driving or standing too long. For me, Duloxetine replaced Sertraline in helping with this issue. I’m thankful for these multi purpose drugs.