Why don’t anxiety meds work for me?
In Sept. 2024 out of nowhere I developed extreme anxiety. Went to primary care doctor and was prescribed Effexor (which I had successfully taken previously). This time it didn’t provide any help. Dr. then prescribed Lexapro (which didn’t help) and then Celexa (which didn’t help). By this time, I lost 45 pounds by not being able to eat and constant diarrhea. Dr. then told me to find another practitioner as there was nothing more she could do for me. Since then I have seen 4 PNP and none of their prescribed meds have helped. What do I do?
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To @rick98
I see the responses from yesterday. I am very dizzy today. I was so desperate to sleep last night so at 2am, while my husband was asleep, I went to the kitchen and took two left over Xanax. I promised myself I wouldn’t use them but I wouldn’t throw them away either. I did sleep but now hate myself for being weak. Claudia
Yes Claudia,
I did send you a lengthy message yesterday after you told me about not being able to go to the therapist and only able to eat very little. What is the condition like for you today?
It's not your fault for having the condition you have just as it isn't my fault I am in my bad condition. I'm just trying to survive each day and some moments are calmer than others but I can't say that I feel good. I would love to get back to feeling good just not sure that's possible at this point so I do what I to survive each day and night also with horrible insomnia.
Claudia, you're not alone in how terrible you feel with the depression anxiety and insomnia. Try to get be minute by minute doing what you can to eat something substantial with protein like a small steak, eggs, hamburger and stay hydrated with some juices mixed with water. No matter how bad we feel we must force ourselves to get some nutrients in our bodies daily even if you eat small amounts through the day. Not eating and drinking makes the terrible condition worse. Please eat and drink daily what you can force in.
Rick, so happy you responded. I had another meltdown this morning after taking the two Xanax. I pleaded with my husband to help me but what can he do? He again had to hold my hands in his as I was thrashing about. I have been keeping a journal and my husband would panic more than he already is if he read what I wrote. He went to a Nature’s Bloom store and purchased some Sleep CBD/CBN gummies for me to try tonight. But even if I sleep, it’s the daytime hours and me hating myself for causing all of this. My heart is still racing and my blood pressure is up. My husband made scrambled eggs for me and toast. I ate it even though I didn’t want to. I am supposed to see the dentist on March 5th and they wanted me to confirm my appointment. I pray I will be able to go. Your messages are helping me to keep going.
Claudia, I myself would not use the CBD/CBN because many people who consume the product report a level of paranoia, frightfulness, anxiety, etc. that is very harmful. Who knows where that type of drug would put you in your distressed condition. I don't have answers or solutions to the things you are experiencing. I do share things that I find slightly helpful. There's sleep frequency music on YouTube and breathing meditations of all sorts. I use them daily to get by. They help some momentarily but I am doubtful about medications though I am using Clonezepam and Gabapentin and Hydroxyzine to get by and these medicines still for now barely help me. Search and Google to find whatever is available on YouTube to bide your time going through what your going through. Naturally , I pray for all of in this world who suffer and I pray over and over and over as I lie in bed unable to sleep and feel anxiety. It's horrible I understand but somehow we must find our ways to survive each moment what we are experiencing.
I think that the Benzodiazepines have a lot to do with the adverse symptoms I have. But after so many years I have no choice but to continue them Clonezepam regularly at the same dose .5mg every 12 hours same time to keep the medication as even as possible in the blood and I would like to do a proper taper slowly over a long period of time in order to do it the safest way. Using that kind of medicine Xanax, Ativan, etc. inconsistently crossing over different doses different times of the day is not recommended and is dangerous so please talk to your prescriber to make a plan of a consistent use of one of them if you're going to use Benzodiazepines. Cutting off abruptly or cutting down and being inconsistent in using them is very dangerous and can keep you in a terribly unmanageable condition. 🙏Hang in there do the best you can each moment whatever that is: taking quick showers, breathing listening to guided breathing meditations the slow ones not the rapid breathing meditations which can cause more anxiety. Sleep frequency music on low to focus on breathing and maintaining some degree of calmness. Eat something nutritious whatever an apple, a celery stick . Try to avoid sugar and sugary foods which can elevate anxiety. 🙏
To @rick98
Dear Rick, my night terrors started. What do I do? I am frightened to try the CBD/CBN.
To @rick98
Rick, My husband is really suffering because of me. First I said I would take the gummy and now I don’t want to. You have no idea how much I appreciate your conversations with me. I just got off the phone with my youngest sister. She is in a lot of pain (she has stage 4 cancer) and I hadn’t heard from her in a while and I thought I had scared her away from talking with me because I have told her I won’t survive this, but it was due to her pain. Unfortunately, I lost it on the phone while talking to her. Then, I kept apologizing for my crazy outburst. She said she understands. I love her so much and she has been through hell with her cancer.
To @rick98
Rick, are these private messages or can anyone read them? I have been sending you some very personal information. Please let me know.
To @rick98
Rick, I feel terrible. It’s 3:30am and I can’t sleep. I am not taking the gummies nor am I taking Ativan or Xanax. I just keep getting out of bed as my heart palpitations are worse if I am lying down so I am sitting in a chair. I hope you are getting some sleep.