What's your experience with Ramelteon?
Can anyone share their experience with Ramelteon, such as dosage, how long taking, did it help with sleep, side effects, etc? I've been taking 75-150mg of Trazodone and 2mg melatonin for a while but it doesn't always work well, so my doctor prescribed 8mg Ramelteon. I afraid to take it because it's one of the hypnotic drugs where you can sleepwalk without knowing it. I've also read it's not very effective helping insomnia. I've had insomnia for 18 months, I think related to fibromyalgia symptoms that started about the same time.
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Please let us know how it goes. I'm going to ask for a trazodone prescription from my PCP on Friday, but if that doesn't work, my next try will be ramelteon. I've found that melatonin helps -- it's not enough, but it helps -- so I'm hopeful that ramelteon, which hits some of the same biology, would work even better.
For what it's worth, I've found some success stacking up low-dose melatonin and low-dose doxepin daily, with zolpedim when I get desperate. If you haven't considered low-dose doxepin as part of a routine, you might want to. It's absurdly expensive as a tablet, so ask for it in liquid form. The liquid is not at all expensive (it's normally used as a pediatric antidepressant, so it's intended to accommodate low and flexible dosing). I have found that the key to this stuff is to combine it with the basics of CBTi -- that is, add it to daily behavioral cues that tell your brain it is time to go to bed, and help you get off that mental treadmill of dread. CBTi is not enough on its own, and the drugs aren't enough on their own -- you kind of need both, if you've got a serious history of this problem.
I can understand your hesitation, my wife took ambien one time. I heard something in the kitchen and she was standing there with the refrigerator door open stuffing what ever she could find to eat into her mouth. I got her back in bed. The next day she could barely remember it. I would research the medication and talk to your Dr. Don’t just go for a follow up, talk to him about the medication and your worries. He should be able to answer all of your questions. If he/she thinks it’s a good choice you and the Dr. will have to decide together. I’ve never taken this medication but I will check into it for my own use. Thanks for bringing it up I know this didn’t help with your situation but take it on yourself to be sure about meds. before taking them. God bless and I hope you get something that works for you.
Well, unfortunately, Ramelteon was not the miracle I was hoping for. I did fall asleep quickly- but it only keeps me asleep for about 1-1/2 hours . Once I wake up- that’s it- I’m awake at least 2-3 hours & then I’m so exhausted I fall back asleep. I’ve found that I truly feel horrible the next day after I take it- I feel like I’m in a fog for hours after. Hoping it works better for you.
I just started taking it a week and a half ago. So far nothing, nada, zip. Thankfully I also take Gabapentin, hydroxyzine and have 1 mg Ativan tablets as a backup. I know the Ativan is bad for me but I’m going through a lot right now. My estranged little sister died, my migraines have been out of control, and I’m trying to leave an emotionally abusive relationship. God help me.