Women With Abdominal Aneurysm And A Curved Aorta From Scoliosis
Are there any women in their 70's and above, living alone, who have a 5.4cm abdominal aneurysm (Or within this range) with a curved aorta from scoliosis, like mine?
If yes, what decision was made to have a stent, open chest surgery, or to do nothing?
If a stent placement or open chest surgery have been performed:
1) Were there any problems during recuperation and afterwards that decreased one's independence
2) How long ago was the stent placement or open chest surgery?
3) If you have had one of the two procedures above, was it worthwhile?
If the decision was NOT have a stent placement or open chest surgery", were there any type of organizations to support one's body, mind and spirit to keep from being discouraged? Is palliative care an option if one is independent?
1) How long have you had the abdominal aneurysm and how large is it now?
2) Are there any special medications, supplements, diets, liquids taken that have worked to keep the abdominal aneurysm from growing and rupturing?
Thank you so much!
I'm trying to make life changing decisions....
Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Aortic Aneurysms Support Group.
What did you decide to do?
I’m still unsure.
Recent recommendation is for two “custom” surgeries due to the curvature of the aorta. The first surgery is open abdominal, very extensive, and requiring 3 vascular surgeons. There is a risk one kidney could be damaged.
After an estimated 4-6 months of healing (Without infections) a second surgery, not quite as invasive,
would be needed to place a stent.
My AAA is now 5.9. mm and every year that it enlarges, the
risk of rupture is a greater risk. I am trying to keep the aorta stable by being mindful of stress that might cause a rise in blood pressure, taking cholesterol lowering Repatha, Arctic Omega fish oil, red sage liquid, and walking for exercising.
Both options are high risk. However, am grateful for every day surviving, my family/friends, laughter, still being
independent, and the peace of nature.
Thank you for asking about my decision. It is not an easy one as I’m now almost 81 years old.
Sandy Loughman
Jacksonville, FL
I can understand why this is such a difficult decision to make. Your current health sounds quite good though. I can see why you feel positive about maintaining. Best wishes on continued activity and independence.